
Chapter 473 - Calculative Shi Luo

Shi Luo smiled mockingly, \'\'A silver spoon? Exactly how much do you know about me for you to conclude that?"

\'\'Am I wrong though? You are a world-renowned doctor in your field, you have wealth, beauty, friends who are equally or more influential than you, they protect you, you have people who will back you up and whom you call family. Is there anything you lack? How is that not a silver spoon?\'\' Han Jingyi looked angry by the end.

\'\'And what do I have? A family who abandoned me as soon as I made a small mistake? But do you know to get acknowledged as a daughter of that family, I worked really hard. My real parents…. I don\'t know which bastard and bitch gave birth to me but they seemed to have hated me for real. They abandoned me as soon as I was born. I grew up in the streets and a few beggars decided to take me in. Growing up, I was taught the skill of pickpocketing. I was taken into an orphanage but do you know how disgusting were those men who touched me all over my body just because I was pretty?\'\' she grew quiet for some time as if she was thinking of those days.

Han Jingyi smiled, it was a maniacal smile that made its way to her lips, \'\'But I stabbed those men along the way. I did not spare any of them. Han Family chose another girl for adoption but I took her out to play with me and I knocked her out before burying her under the bog behind the orphanage. Nobody found her and finally I was chosen. Shi Luo, I was never born with a silver spoon in my mouth so I learned to lick it off the knives.\'\'

Initially, Shi Luo did not want to provoke this crazy woman. But at this point, she couldn\'t care less, \'\'You know what Han Jingyi? People like you live a life of delusions where you paint yourself as a victim in your mind and the mind of others around you.\'\'

\'\'What do you mean? Didn\'t I suffer enough? What the heck do you mean?\'\' she yelled like a madwoman. Tears filled her eyes as her anger took over, \'\'After all these years, I laid my eyes on Jun Zixuan and she was stolen by that bitch. That bitch even stole my family from me, she became the real heiress, and what was I? A fake princess who was unnecessary as soon as the real princess came into the picture? See how easily they discarded me…\'\'

\'\'In fact, I don\'t want to waste my breath talking to you but still, I will tell you. A silver spoon? My biological father was making love with another woman, he was pampering her with my mother\'s money and her assets when I was born. At that time, my mother could have killed both of them and buried them somewhere as you did. But she didn\'t. She persisted through the period even in depression. She fed me even though she was struggling,\'\' Shi Luo looked at the woman with bloodshot eyes. She had never once discussed these things with anyone, not even Yu Mei or Jun Boyan.

Yu Mei knew about it but she heard it from Shi Xia because Shi Luo was uncomfortable discussing these things, \'\'Han Jingyi, people like you who play victim card every time sometimes does not works your way are just downright pathetic.\'\'

\'\'Shut up!" Han Jingyi yelled at her.

\'\'All your life, you keep victimizing yourself to the point that you end up becoming like this…\'\' Shi Luo pointed her chin at the woman, \'\'Unrecognizable, someone beyond repair, a person with a broken soul and a bleak heart. Insane.\'\'

Han Jingyi\'s breathing grew heavier as she gasped for air.

But Shi Luo did not seem to be intending to stop, \'\'A small mistake? You murdered Mei and you call it a small mistake? You feel like what the Han Family did to you was very unfair?"

\'\'She survived… didn\'t she?" Han Jingyi spoke as she panted.

\'\'She survived. Well, she did. But how did she survive? Do you know it? Do you have an idea of what she went through to get this survival that you spoke of?" If Mia was not there, then Yu Mei would have died that same day in that assassination, \'\'Even if she survived, she didn\'t come to bother you, did she? You went after her again, you kidnapped her, you made a mess out of all our lives. After all this, do you think Jun Zixuan would have let go of you?"

Han Jingyi glanced at the Shi Luo. Her eyes turned red and her fingers curled around the gun, clenching the metal till her knuckles turned red.

\'\'Do you know why you are breathing till this day?" Shi Luo smiled mockingly, \'\'It was because of those parents who are heartless in your eyes. Because they could not bear it if anything happened to you so Mei asked Zixuan to spare you. You lived your life for sympathy and pity of others, didn\'t you? Then I must congratulate you, this life of yours was an act of charity by my friend…\'\'

\'\'Shut up, you bitch!" Han Jingyi yelled. She glanced at the man beside her, \'\'Grab that bitch from hair and bring her to her knees at my feet.\'\'

Yang Shiyi was so scared by the scene that she kept cowering back in the corner as she placed her palm on her mouth. Their conversations were shocking enough but now that Han Jingyi looked like she had gone crazy, it scared her.

\'\'Ahh…\'\' The man grabbed Shi Luo by her hair and pulled her up to her feet.

Shi Luo closed her eyes to endure the pain but tears rolled down the corner of her eyes.

The man dragged Shi Luo till she was standing in front of Han Jingyi.

Shi Luo opened her eyes only to be greeted by the sight of Han Jingyi\'s victorious smirk.

\'\'Why won\'t you believe me?\'\' Han Jingyi said with a pitiful look on her face, \'\'I have really suffered a lot. The world has been unfair to me. Since you didn\'t believe, it is only right for you to kneel at my feet and apologize, am I right….ahhhhhhh…\'\'

Shi Luo pressed her heels harder on the woman\'s toes till she could hear the cracking sounds. Perhaps she should thank the heavens that she was wearing the stilettos and Han Jingyi was wearing those peep-toe heels on this particular day.

She had this in mind since the moment Han Jingyi stepped inside the cell but she was just waiting for the right moment. She was unable to move properly because of the handcuffs around her wrist and the gunshot wound on her shoulder was a pain in the ass too so she waited for the right opportunity.

True enough, Han Family was a sore spot in Han Jingyi\'s heart. No matter how calm she looked initially but it was easy to ruffle her with the mention of her family.

Shi Luo won\'t deny that she got riled up along the conversation but in the end she composed herself.

Just like she wanted, Han Jingyi called her closer to herself.

The pain of getting her hair grabbed so harshly was very intense but she endured it.

The man behind Han Jingyi moved the moment Han Jingyi screamed but Shi Luo kicked the chair ruthlessly.


Han Jingyi, who was in extreme pain because of the heel stomp landed on the floor was completely caught off guard.

And sure enough, the man rushed to help Han Jingyi instead of coming to her.

Shi Luo smirked. It was a part of her calculation too because even after getting reduced to this state, Han Jingyi had this man with her which meant two things. He cared for her a lot more than his own life. Second, he wanted something from her.

But what would he want from a person who had lost everything? So, she concluded it was the former.

\'\'Be fast,\'\' Shi Luo glanced at Yang Shiyi who was already on her feet by this point. She had winked at her before asking her to be ready for the run when the time comes.. And luckily the woman understood it.

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