
Chapter 472 - Storytelling

In fact, this was something that she was curious about for a long time.

From what she heard about Jun Boyan from Mu Shen\'s mouth, he was not the kind of person who is very friendly. He is somewhat aloof like his elder brother.

She never found him to be a cold person after all the time they spent together but she could not ignore Mu Shen\'s words.

As it turned out, he was interested in her so it explains the reason why he treated her so well all this time but what about Yang Shiyi?

Yang Shiyi was not his direct sibling and even as a cousin, she was a distant cousin. She was directly related to Jun Zihao, the man who was Jun Zixuan\'s and Jun Boyan\'s half brother, and the relationship between Jun Zihao and the Jun brothers was not very pleasant.

So, what was the reason he treated Yang Shiyi so well?

Shi Luo could not understand it but as curious as she was, she did not show it on her face.

Her expressions were indifferent as she glanced at Han Jingyi.

Han Jingyi looked disappointed, \'\'Aren\'t you the least bit curious about it? Don\'t you want to know?"

\'\'I don\'t care,\'\' Shi Luo did not want to give this crazy woman anything that she could take advantage of, \'\'We are individuals. I also have people whom I prioritize in my life but I don\'t go around explaining it to him and the same goes with him as well. Boyan does not need to explain to me why he prioritizes anyone,\'\' Curiosity apart, she believed in what she said.

They were adults after all. It was pretty apparent that Jun Boyan was easily affected when the matter of his family came up so she did not think it was right for her to poke his old wounds again and again.

Although she misunderstood him earlier when she saw him with Yang Shiyi in front of his university but that was it. That was a matter of the past now.

And after they started dating, she never had any kind of misunderstanding regarding him. That was because she knew that both Jun Zixuan and Jun Boyan are men of principles.

And secondly, she trusted him because she loved him.

As the thought crossed her mind, Shi Luo leaned back on the wall. It was funny. Whenever they discussed their feelings, she never mentioned love. And now that she was sitting here, without knowing when she would end up dying at the hands of this madwoman, she was realizing that her feelings for him were not just limited to a short-term infatuation.

She loved him.

Shi Luo closed her eyes. \'If I make it out of here safely, I will make sure to tell you about my feelings,\' she thought.

A flicker of annoyance flashed in Han Jingyi\'s eyes when she noticed how calm and unruffled Shi Luo looked. She masked her expressions and glanced at Yang Shiyi who was trembling in fear, curled up in a corner, \'\'Hey, you..\'\' she pointed her gun at the woman.

\'\'Ahh…\'\' Yang Shiyi stiffened, \'\'W-What? I did not do anything,\'\' she cried.

\'\'Haish… Did we pick up a child?" Han Jingyi glanced at the man beside her in frustration, \'\'How annoying!"

Shi Luo opened her eyes and glanced at Yang Shiyi who was sobbing loudly, \'\'Will you stop being so loud?" she whispered.

Yang Shiyi wiped her tears with her sleeves, \'\'Why are you reprimanding me? I have never been kidnapped before,\'\' she incoherently said in between her sobs.

Shi Luo rolled her eyes, \'\'It\'s not my daily habit either, to be kidnapped like this. This is a first-time experience for me too,\'\' she sighed, \'\'Look, this woman here is crazy. Let\'s not annoy her lest she ends up shooting you as well.\'\'

Shi Luo slowly moved her shoulder, flashing her wound towards Yang Shiyi, \'\'You don\'t want to end up like me, do you? At least, be grateful that she hasn\'t put some handcuffs on you,\'\' she mumbled looking at the woman\'s bare hands.

Yang Shiyi stopped crying as she glanced at Shi Luo\'s bleeding shoulder and the handcuffs around her wrist.

\'\'Much better,\'\' Han Jingyi smiled, \'\'I don\'t like kids. They annoy me and I feel the urge to strangle them. Luckily, I have you, Shi Luo. Or else, I might have killed her…\'\'

Yang Shiyi\'s lips wobbled.

Shi Luo sighed but she refused to speak to Han Jingyi.

She quietly turned her face to the side and closed her eyes again.

\'\'Now, you…\'\' Han Jingyi glanced at Yang Shiyi, \'\'What was the incident that brought you and Jun Boyan closer? Why does he spoil you? Come on, be quick, tell us!"


\'\'Stutter once again and see if I don\'t shoot you,\'\' Han Jingyi glanced at the bulky man standing beside her, \'\'Get me a chair. Time for some storytelling.\'\'

The man quietly retreated and came back with a chair in his hand. He opened the lock of the cell under Han Jingyi\'s command and placed the chair in front of Yang Shiyi and Shi Luo.

Han Jingyi took a seat on the chair and the man stood behind her like a mountain.

\'\'Now, start,\'\' Han Jingyi glanced at Yang Shiyi.

\'\'I…. It started when we were very young,\'\' Yang Shiyi lowered her head as she avoided looking at Han Jingyi\'s scary face. Not literally scary. She was a pretty woman but her aura was scary, \'\'When we were young, me and my brother used to visit our cousin, Jun Zihao in the Jun Manor. That\'s where I met Boyan. By that time, his mother and the Master of Jun Family were separated and they lived in different places. The Jun Family detested their elder grandson but they kept demanding to see the younger one. They could not start any custody case because of Master Jun\'s persistence.\'\'

Shi Luo kept her eyes closed, pretending to not hear anything but her mind was fully attentive.

\'\'...So, a few times, Boyan came over to Jun Manor. Coincidentally, I was there because of my summer vacation. I didn\'t know my cousin had a brother so I was very curious because he seemed special. He didn\'t talk to anyone, he was all by himself all the time. I used to follow him around and he ignored me. It went on until one day, in winters, we all were playing with snow. There was a frozen lake nearby and Boyan accidentally slipped inside it. He ended up falling inside the lake.\'\'

\'Sigh… he should have been a bit more careful, no? Weren\'t the adults around? How could they let him fall there?\' Shi Luo chastised the Jun family elders in her heart. Her heart ached at the thought of little Boyan\'s fair cheeks turning red because of cold. \'But how did he come out of the lake? Was he okay? Or did he get sick?\'

\'\'What happened then?\'\' Unaware of Shi Luo\'s thoughts Han Jingyi glanced at her expressionless face before she turned to look at Yang Shiyi, looking like she was waiting for the movie to continue after the interval.

Yang Shiyi paused. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she thought back to that day. It was as if it happened just yesterday, \'\'I jumped in the lake to save him even though I didn\'t know how to swim. Then, my cousin saw us. He held my hand and pulled me out of the lake while I continued holding Boyan\'s hand. So, in the end, all of us were saved. We had a fever for days and I was beside Boyan all that time. And when he woke up, he treated me differently. He was not as cold as before, he told me to take my medicines and he would even give me candies. He did not ignore me anymore. So, during his short stay there, we played together. But…\'\'

\'\'Hmm? There is a but?" Han Jingyi raised an eyebrow.

\'\'Once he went back to Beijing, I did not see him again for years. His brother strictly denied letting him come over to the Jun Family. The elders in the Jun Family wanted to file for a custody case. But Master Jun was clearly against it. He… told his parents that he did not want to see his kids as they reminded him of his messy past…\'\'

Shi Luo was impressed. She could easily guess that Jun Zishen did this to protect his family. He was a good father and a good husband though he failed to handle matters properly. But mistakes happen by everyone when they are young.

She could now understand why Yu Mei supported her father-in-law even though Jun Zixuan and her ended up arguing because of that.

Even she had a soft corner for that man now. He also suffered because of all this.

\'\'Later, we met when he came to Amaranthine for studies and he treated me well like he used to do back in the past. And all my childhood, I ended up hating Boyan\'s brother. We became good friends but he had to be stubborn…\'\' Yang Shiyi mumbled in displeasure.

Shi Luo frowned, \'\'What gives you the right to judge Zixuan when you don\'t know him?"

\'\'I… I just…\'\'

\'\'Enough! We\'ve concluded already,\'\' Han Jingyi smiled at Shi Luo, \'\'So, now you know, this person beside you is your boyfriend\'s savior. No wonder he treats her well, right?"

Shi Luo glanced at Han Jingyi, \'\'What do you want?\'\' She could not understand what was the point in saying all this.

\'\'It\'s pretty simple actually,\'\' Han Jingyi winked, \'\'Should I tell you about my thoughts or not? Hmm, I wonder!\'\'

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