
Chapter 151 151- A Father And Mother (Part 4)

Chapter 151- a Father And Mother (Part 4)

Walking through the aisle of old books that could be as old as this place itself or even older. Even though most of these books were hundreds of years old, their condition looked quite impressive. There weren\'t any wrinkles, dust, or fragile conditions. Rin quickly discerned the reason for the amazing preservation of these old books.

\'It\'s magic.\' He thought.

With just a small scan, he sensed traces of mana on every single book so he could safely say that they used magic to keep them in their peak condition even after years and years of them existing.

\'Hmm, now let\'s see. I want to start with the books that talk about the origin of the demon war. I still have no context on the reason for this eternal struggle between the two races.\'

Rin knew that humans and demons could never get along but he wondered whether there was a direct reason for such a thing. Maybe it wasn\'t really something that was inherently engraved into their minds for no absolute reason.

As he searched around a little bit, he found an interesting book that might have some information on what he was looking for.

The book\'s title was \'Divine Sapphire: Origin And End\'. Even the name felt quite edgy in Rin\'s mind, he wasn\'t really that keen on criticizing the naming sense of some old figures and scholars.

Picking out the book, he was about to open it to read it. However, a notification popped in front of him out of nowhere.

[Book detected!]

[Would you like to consume the knowledge inside the book?]

Rin looked at the notification with slight surprise.

\'I can do that?\'

[Yes, host. The system can consume any form of knowledge from scrolls, books, or any form of scripture and transmit it straight to the host\'s brain.]

\'Well, that\'s amazingly convenient. Wait...\' When Rin thought about it, it wasn\'t merely amazing. This was stupidly broken!

If he can easily read a whole book and comprehend it in a few seconds, wasn\'t that stupidly strong? He is able to consume all knowledge written in a few seconds.

\'Now that I recall. You also did the same thing with the skill scroll that Emilia gave me before.\' Rin rubbed his chin as he remembered that occurrence.

\'My memory is really bad. I need to start working on it.\'

Shaking his thoughts with a sigh, he accepted the offer from the system. Instantly, a faint light extended from his arm and engulfed the book. The light was very weak but still visible of anyone looked closely. Shifting his gaze secretly to Sorophi, she didn\'t seem to be looking at the weird occurrence.

\'Fuuh, luckily it\'s only visible to me.\'

A few seconds passed before the light finally retracted from the book and emerged with Rin. A moment later, Rin\'s eyes widened as he felt a weird feeling that was slightly familiar enter his head. From all the fantasy books he read in his previous life, Rin was scared that any form of knowledge absorption similar to this one would be extremely painful but luckily for him, it didn\'t seem to be the case.

Closing his eyes, Rin slowly accepted the stream of information that kept entering his brain. With each passing second, he could understand more and more about everything that was written in the book. It was as if hours and hours of reading were compressed into a few slow seconds.

Such a miraculous thing could only make Rin more and more amazed at the things his system can do. He was breaking the laws of this world and the boundaries of humans with such ease.

Be it as it may, Rin was grateful that he had such an advantage over everyone else. It\'s not only going to accelerate his training but also make him capable of learning every possible thing in existence.

A few seconds passed and Rin finally opened his eyes and exhaled a deep breath. He had understood everything he consumed and all he could say is...

\'No way...\'

From what the book said, the story of this eternal struggle between humans and demons goes back tens of thousands of years ago. Before the existence of humans and demons who were the only sane creatures with rational minds on Divine Sapphire, this world was ruled by mana beasts, the same savage creatures that still roam its forests and uncharted lands to this day.

The whole world was a huge place filled with jungles, mountains, rivers, and deserts. Until, the goddess of creation, Lili, created the first human and the first demon.

Since the human was a man and the demon was a woman, they were both instructed to start the whole of demon-folks and humanity.

Weirdly enough, these two creatures loved each other and quickly ended up having children... four to be exact.

Two were pure humans and two were demons. (Don\'t judge the genetic possibility of such a thing, please :) )

They lived as a happy family for years and years until these children grew up and became adults and expanded the small civilization they started. Each one of them possessed enormous strength so the domain this family controlled quickly became vaster and vaster. The two demons chose to expand toward the north while the two humans decided to expand toward the south.

That way, two different domains were created that were ruled by these siblings.

But, eventually, their two parents grew old and finally died. When that happened the children sat down to discuss where to bury their parents. Each one of them loved their parents a lot and also loved their siblings as much. However, a disagreement occurred. The demons suggested that they bury their parents in their domain while the humans disagreed and suggested they get buried in their domain.

This small disagreement quickly grew into a huge conflict between the siblings. Neither of the two parties accepted to let their parents be buried in opposite domains and they also didn\'t accept separating their parents away from each other. The two loved each other dearly so they respected that love they carried for each other.

The conflict became more and more intense until one day, they fought. The fight was so horrifying that it destroyed lands, decimated mountains, and evaporated seas. That fight was also the reason for the extinction of many mana beasts and the death of billions of creatures.

In the end, the humans were able to kill one demon but sustained great injuries because of it. The other one was able to escape back to its domain. But, not before it swore in front of them.

"From this day, I cut my ties with you. Our blood doesn\'t mix and neither does our ideas. Our parents were meant to rule the demon realm and flourish our race. As for you, you are nothing but lowly creatures that were meant to follow us. Lowly humans! I swear on the death of my wife that I will curse you and your off-springs for eternity."

That was, from what Rin read, the first time demons and humans became enemies. It was all because of this fight.

\'To think that the reason for this is hatred is this disagreement between siblings.\' He thought with a sigh.

These two races were born to love each other and rule the whole world yet they ended up becoming eternal enemies. For love as pure as that of brothers and sisters to turn into a deep hatred, ruled by revenge and guided by anger, it was sadly ironic.

\'I guess even a bond as strong as that of a family can be broken easily and the consequences of that are huge.\'

But, Rin had one single question, why did Lili not stop such a war from occurring if her desire was to make the demons and humans live in peace?

Was she unable to do so? No, Rin was sure that she could\'ve easily done that as she was the one who created this whole world in the first place. So, what was her reason?

Rubbing the back of his head, Rin couldn\'t find an answer to this question. He could only accept this information as it is and work with it. Maybe if he met Lili again in the future, he would be able to ask her directly.

After that, Rin closed the book and put it back in its place before he turned around to walk deeper into the place, searching for another book.

However, that was when he noticed it.

\'Where is Sorophi?\' He asked as he looked around quickly, searching for the little girl.

\'Dammit! I forgot about her for a moment and now she\'s already gone!\' Clicking his tongue, he quickly tried to sense her presence.

\'Oh, she\'s isn\'t that far.\'

In fact, the moment Rin took a turn to the right, he found her standing quietly in the corner, holding a book in her hand tightly. The odd thing was that her own teddy bear that she always kept in her hand, was thrown to the side as she cradled the book instead.


Thanks for reading. Any support you give me is always appreciated no matter how small it was. Let\'s all keep it up :)

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