
Chapter 150 150- A Father And Mother (Part 3)

Chapter 150- a Father And Mother (Part 3)

"I don\'t think there would be anything useful in the library. if no one knows anything about this, they would\'ve already read it in a book before." Elise shook her head in disagreement with Rin.

From a certain perspective, she has a point. There is simply something oddly bizarre with this situation. Not only was this thing supposedly forgotten or not even known in the first place, but something was still hidden from everyone, including Rin and Elise.

The academy, the one that supposedly arranged this expedition is most likely the reason behind this hidden information.

"I still want to check the library anyway. Maybe I can find some bits and pieces of information that I can link together."

Rin wasn\'t certain that he will find anything remotely useful but there was nothing to lose if he searched around for a little bit. However, if in the end, he found nothing, he will have to resort to asking Emilia. As much as he didn\'t want to pry into this matter from her side, he has no other choice. This matter concerned greatly and concerned everyone that is related to the matter of the cult.

Their goal, in the end, was to open the gate and let demons into the world, and start another war between the two races. The danger of such a thing happening was unimaginable. It can even lead to the complete erase of a whole race.

If the first war ended up sealing the demons in their own land, this one can be their end or the end of humanity. No one knows what the demons are up to or what changed about them in the years they were sealed there. Not to mention the huge number of demons that are enslaved by humans and bred by humans. Their numbers could be in the thousands for all he cares.

So, for Rin to be able to know where he could go with his future plans, this matter must be uncovered.

Rubbing the back of his head, he looked down at Sorophi again with a complicated gaze.

\'What did she experience to look in such pain?\' He wondered as he examined her facial expression.

He always thought Sorophi looked expressionless like a doll because she was just an oddball. However, this could not be any further from the truth. Her past seems so horrible even without having a clear idea about what she saw or felt.

\'This only makes her even weirder than before.\'

Sighing, he didn\'t look at her anymore and merely shifted his gaze to the window where he could see the outside world. The sun was shining brightly and the weather was warm. He could also hear the sound of birds whistling and flying freely.

The world looked so peaceful and happy that he could only wonder if all of this would one day vanish in a second and despair will take over, coating the whole world in a shade of grey. Rin was certain that this peace won\'t last long. Peace never lasts long even for those who seek it let alone those who chose to temporarily hide it, thinking that future generations would be able to deal with it.

That\'s what exactly happened, the older generations had fought demons, and won but couldn\'t finish what they started so they merely temporarily hid that mistake just so that they can taste a free, untroubled life, not even caring whether their sons, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren would be able to face off against the lurking dangers in the shadows.

\'I hope by that time, we will be ready.\' Rin wished in his head as he stilled his will. There was no time for fear. Cowering now would only mean a certain death.

Time passed quietly, Rin and Elise didn\'t say a word to each other during the whole lunch break. Even though many would assume that it was an awkward silence but in truth, the two of them enjoyed this quiet atmosphere and the presence of one another.

When the two hours were over, Sorophi woke up and the three went back to finish the rest of the classes. By the time Rin finished everything, the sun was already near its dusk. The yellow, reddish color of its rays coated the whole world and announced the end of the day.

However, instead of going back, Rin took Sorophi and went to the library. Most students would either go back home or go out to have fun with their friends in one of the many entertainment facilities that the lower floor provides. But, since the end of the month was close and the rankings were about to be assessed, most students were focusing on their studies and training.

No one wanted to see themselves going back home after a single month. The humiliation was too unbearable for them.

Rin also took time to hunt monsters and to somehow study magic to an extent. The other subjects were stupidly easy so he didn\'t give them much thought. He was sure that he can perfect scores in them.

Reaching a huge building right near the study area. It was quite noticeable as it was quite huge even when compared to the buildings around it. This place was the library... the biggest one in the whole world. This place had inside its walls the biggest number of books in all of Divine Sapphire.

Since magic was the most dominant thing in the human world, most people didn\'t focus on science in general. They were all more interested in magic and its secrets rather than other things. That\'s why most technologies in Divine Sapphire were quite primal compared to the modern world Rin was living in.

Things like books, research, scholars, and the such were quite rare compared to magic scholars and the studies done on this miraculous thing.

That\'s why, even when this place has thousands of books inside of it, outside, books were a rarity that could only be found in the possession of nobility, rich merchants, and libraries.

Entering inside, the place was eerily quiet with no one walking in or out. There were huge rows and rows of books distributed across the whole area with two other floors on top also filled with books. The place was akin to the wet dream of a bookworm.


Shifting his gaze, Rin looked at a particular desk that was near the door with a man sitting behind it. The man was short, slightly old, and with a few wrinkles on his face.

"Oh? If it isn\'t a young man and a... little girl?" The man said as he scanned the two of them briefly.

"Good afternoon, sir. I\'m here to look for a book to read, is that fine?"

"Yes, sure! Not many people come here at this time so feel free to look around. If you can\'t find something, do ask me. I know this place better than my house, hahahaha!" He chuckled lightly.

"Mmm, so can you lead me to the historic area of the library... Particularly anything concerning the demon realm."

The moment the old man heard such words, the man\'s face turned serious for a moment before he nodded his head and stood up.

"May I know why are you looking for these particular types of books?"

"I\'m a history enthusiast so I want to learn more about the history of this world and what better place to start other than the most iconic historical moments?" Rin said without showing any reaction.

He expected the librarian to ask such questions since everything related to demons is taboo, especially with all the events occurring lately. He could only feel suspicious about Rin\'s request.

"I see... It\'s indeed a rich and amazing part of our long history. I am happy young men like you can appreciate our great ancestors and their heroic deeds in saving our beautiful world." The old man said as he smiled again, not seeming suspicious anymore.

After that, Rin was led to the third floor where the oldest books and the rarest ones are stored. This section was very important so it was prohibited for students to take any books from this section back home with them. They were all precious possessions of the academy after all.

Inside this floor, in one of the deeper wings of place, was a section with a sign hanging from the ceiling in front of it saying \'history\'.

"Here is it. This is the place. You can take any book and read it but please be careful not to damage or tear them. You will have to pay for the cost of repairing it.

"Understood. Thanks for the help."

"I\'m always happy to help people thirsty for knowledge.

After that, the old man left Rin alone and walked back to his desk.

"Ok, let\'s see. Don\'t let go of my hand, Sorophi. I don\'t want you to get lost or wander somewhere, ok?"

The little girl nodded absentmindedly.

\'I should\'ve not come here with her but if I left her with Elise, she will cause trouble.\'


Thanks for reading. Any support you give me is always appreciated no matter how small it was. Let\'s all keep it up :)

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