
Chapter 131

It’s been a few days since the devil attack, and its aftermath was not what I was expecting. Firstly, my spell made went crazy, and I lost control of it. Well, that’s not a real surprise, though. It was my first time using those elements together and that much mana.

The second thing is that it’s snowing right now in the middle of summer. That’s all thanks to my spell going crazy.

Thirdly they decided to move the day of the festival.

Knock knock.

“It’s open,” I said, hearing someone knock on the door.

“Oh, you’re ready?” Kayda said, a bit surprised.

“As embarrassing as it might sound, this isn’t my first time wearing a yukata, rawr,” I said, just looking down at my pink and red flower theme yukata. For shoes, I was wearing ordinary flip-flops with socks.


“You wore one like that,” Kayda said, looking at me baffled, referring to my previous body.

“Yeah, it was when I was touring around Japan,” I said, shrugging,

“Un, men can also wear yukatas?” Kayda said hesitantly.

“Yes, of course, but they won’t wear such a colourful one. They normally-” I said while turning around looking at Kayda. My words got stuck in my throat.

“Hmm, what is wrong? Did I wear it wrong?” Kayda said a bit worried, looking herself over.

“No, no, you look breath-taking. I don’t know what to say.” I said, stuttering flinging my hands in front of me. I knew white looked amazing on Kayda, but a white yukata was just too much for me to handle. She also had light pink and purple lavender flowers on her yukata.

“Oh, so you like what you see,” Kayda said smugly.

“Uh, I can’t deny it after saying all that. Rawr.” I said, looking away, embarrassed.

“So, you ready to go to the festival?” Kayda said, changing the subject.

“Of course, a bet is a bet after all. I am quite surprised it moved up after the incident attack, though.” I said, looking at the window again.

“Well, the attack was stopped, and it is snowing right now. So, it’s like a double celebration this year. Let me remind you it doesn’t snow in the middle of summer.” Kayda explained, ending up giving me a side glance.

“I could guess that was one of the reasons, but how was it set up so fast,” I said, just looking at the white rooftops and white street.

“Oh well, they were already busy getting everything ready all they needed to do was make space.”

“Don’t tell me they are, rawr.”

“You know that giant area you just evaporated or more like cleaned up with your magic. Yes, we are using that.” Kayda explains, shrugging making me curse out.

“Fuck, rawr.”

“Jip, that flower will be on display,” Kayda said, looking at my reaction.

“I hoped they would do that, especially it being in the middle of the slums,” I said, frustrated.

“Well, that sort of spell after effect is not very common. It’s actually super rare.”

“Uhm, I told you I didn’t know that would happen!” I said, frustrated.

After I used my lightning bow to shoot a fox ice arrow with some foxfire in it, it created a giant rose in the middle of the summoning. Effectively stopping it and that was planned so, but something I didn’t see coming was that when I snapped my fingers to make the ice rose burst, everything caught on fire instead of bursting. Well, surprisingly or luckily, just the ice caught on fire, nothing else.

This happened because I lost control over my foxfire, which burned all my ice to nothingness. Except for the rose, it was still burning even now 2 days later. Luckily no one got hurt. Even the entire battle has gone great. The best part was that no one died to my conductor exploding, although a couple did though there were a lot of injuries because of that. The only deaths were to the thralls that escaped my fence at the end.

Well, that wasn’t my problem. That was the guild masters’ problem.

“Thinking about the guild master. What did he say?” I said, referring to the aftermath meeting. I ditch it as I usually do.

“Hmm, I guess the usual complaining about you putting people in danger and so on,” Kayda said, not sounding very interested.

“So complete crap? Rawr.”

“Basically,” Kayda said, shrugging.

“Sigh, he is going to be annoying in the future,” I said in disdain.

“Probably, but enough about someone else, let’s go On, and her daughter should be ready to go.”

“Is that so, roar,” I said, looking at Kayda again before looking away again in embarrassment.

“It really seems you can’t handle it, can you. Well, if it helps. Your little roars are starting to get at me. in a cute way, of course.” Kayda explained, sounding very happy at the moment.


“Hehe, it’s rare to see you so speechless,” Kayda said, wrapping her arms around my neck before blowing slightly on my ear, making them titch.

“Kayda,” I said, turning my head just enough so she could see my one eye glaring at her.

“Oh no,” Kayda mumbled, feeling my tails wrap around her.


“I have told you many times before. I will get a heart attack if you do things like that,” I said, annoyed looking at Kayda on the floor.

“You know I won’t stop right,” Kayda said, standing up from the floor before getting her clothes back in order.


“Well, whatever, let’s go join the other two,” Kayda said, walking out of the room.

‘I hope I can make it through the night.’ I thought in desperation.

“Oh right, are you sure An will be fine? I mean, she was tortured for who knows how long, and her body was so weak when I found it the other day.” I said, glancing at the white city in the window before following behind Kayda.

“That’s something like you shouldn’t really say or be worried about. But that’s true, and there is no way someone can recover so fast. So, I don’t know, but we will find out when we meet up.” Kayda said, walking a bit slower so I could catch up.

“Hmm, okay,” I said, nodding, ignoring the first part.

[2 min later]

“So, you are going like that?” I said, looking down at An in her wheelchair. I don’t know how she got that, also wearing a yukata, but instead of colour full-on, she was wearing a black yukata with some gold flowers on it. Quite dull, in my opinion, her daughter, who was standing behind her, ready to push the wheelchair, was also wearing the same kind of yukata as her mother.

“Yes, is there something wrong with it?”

“Yeah, it’s super boring, roar,” I said, a bit annoyed.

“What my mother looks amazing in her yukata.”

“Yes, yes, it does fit her, but it’s boring,” I said, shrugging.

“Well, we don’t have time to change.” An said, a bit annoyed.

“True, now let’s go to the festival. I think it will start in an hour.” Kayda said, shooing us out of the main entrance of the mansion.

“Are we walking?” I asked, being curious.

“Yes, is there a problem with that?” An asked look at me intrigued.

“No, was just wondering?” I said, shrugging.

“Oh, Katie dear, can you go get the money in the vault for us.”

“Yes, mother,” Katie said, running off.

‘Oh, so her name is Katie.’ I thought, looking at the tomato girl back.

“Now, while we wait for her, start pushing me out of the mansion, Kitsuna.”

“No.” Kayda suddenly interrupted, shaking her head in disapproval.

“What, why not,” An said, surprised.

“Because it will start with just pushing your wheelchair then getting you food, and after a while, it will end up just being you and Kitsu,” Kayda explained, not realizing I decided to ignore her and was pushing An out of the mansion, leaving her behind.

“Hey, hey!! Don’t just leave me.” Kayda yelled angrily.

“And listen to your delusions? no, thank you, roar.” I said, not looking back at her.

“You say that, but you’re blushing.” An teased whispering in front of me.

“I won’t talk if I were you, An,” I said, glaring at her.

“Tch, I was only teasing.” She mumbled.

“What were you teasing about,” Kayda asked, intrigued.

“Oh just-”

“Nothing. Don’t worry about it, rawr.” I said, shooting another glare at An, who just chuckled.

“O-okay,” Kayda said, dropping it.

“Now, for more interesting things, what is this festival even about,” I asked while pushing An.


“... Kayda, didn’t you tell her?”

“Didn’t think it was needed, but it seems I was wrong,” Kayda said, looking at me with dead eyes.

“Hmm, what is it? Is the reason important or something?” I asked nerves.

“It’s the anniversary of the end of the war, Kitsuna.” An said, looking at me like I was supposed to know this.

“You guys celebrate that?”

“Of course, we do! We need to remember all the sacrifices that were made in the war.”

“Sacrifices? If I remember, in the last war, only 137 people died on our side, but on the federation side, it was over 10 000?” I answered, a bit confused.

“Ah, at least you know some things.” An said very sarcastically.

“Oh right, it was also the most deaths in the last 5 wars we had,” Kayda said, not changing in expression.

“Yeah, by one, roar,” I said, looking at her.

“It is still more. Now, something I am curious about is how was the death count so low?” I said, intrigued.

“Because we don’t raise cannon fodder.” An said like it was obvious.

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