
Chapter 95

“Seriously, why did you say it like that,” I said, annoyed, huffing before looking away from her.

“Haha, what were you expecting? Me confessing or something.” Kayda said, laughing.

“... No, I was expecting you to at least tell me the good parts about myself. if there is any,” I answered, not looking at her.

“But I did. You are a fox. Foxes are playful. They can also be profoundly serious. They are loyal to their partners.” Kayda explains with a smile.

“That’s a lie. Female foxes will go and look for new mates if their partners die.” I said, looking at Kayda, who looked deflated.

“So, what you mean is when I die, you will go look for a new mate?” Kayda said, annoyed.

“...probably not. I am a demon fox, not a normal one, and I am personally very loyal to my partner,” I said, shrugging.


“Sigh, good to know. Anyway, foxes are evil.” Kayda said bluntly.

“Wow, couldn’t you say that in a better way?” I said, getting more annoyed.

“No, they are cunning and love playing tricks on people,” Kayda said, giving me a look saying exactly what she meant.

“Tch, there is nothing wrong with playing with people’s feelings,” I said, looking away from her, annoyed.

“Like you did with Mil? Playing with her heart, knowing she doesn’t like demons. You know that might kill her heart, right.” Kayda said as if it should bother me.

“I don’t really care. That’s her problem. Don’t get me wrong, she is cute, and if I knew her, then I would give some shit, but she is a stranger, weak and frail. Falling in love with a person you know nothing about and have only met once is just plain dumb.” I said seriously.

“What will you do if someone plays with your feelings,” Kayda asked, not expecting a good answer.

“Haha, it’s like you said I am a fox. Knowing how to do it means that I know how to distinguish between a lie and a truth.” I said, brimming with confidence.

“Now you accept being called a fox,” Kayda said with a sigh.

“I never rejected it, though,” I said with a raised eyebrow.

“What will you do if I reject our soulmate bond?” Kayda said with a raised eyebrow.

“Nothing. I haven’t fallen in love with you yet. So, it doesn’t really matter if you do.” I said, just giving her another shrug.

‘I will be pretty sad, though.’ I thought to myself.

“That kind of stung, you know. But at least you said ‘yet.\'” Kayda said with a complicated expression.

“That’s why I might actually fall for you. You don’t easily get hurt by my words and see the deeper meaning in them.” I said, smiling up at her putting one of my hands on her cheek.

‘Might? That’s another lie. The last month I have been quite jealous knowing you have a soulmate, and I don’t even have a chance to get you.’ I thought while keeping my relaxed expression.

“Ooh is the cute little foxy falling for me already,” Kayda said teasingly, grabbing my hand.


“We have arrived, lady...ies,” Warlurd said, opening the door seemingly interrupting a romantic scene that was now in view of a lot of soldiers who started muttering to each other, seeing me on Kaydas’ lap.

“Ahem, sorry for interrupting you two, but we have arrived at the city safely,” Warlurd said, averting his gaze from both Kayda and my glare.

“don’t look away like that! Don’t you fucken know to knock before opening doors!” I shouted, standing up with an evident blush.

“Woah, miss calms down,” Warlurd said defensively.

“No, I was doing so well. Hold my embarrassment back but fuck, your ass just had to ruin it,” I said, getting redder and redder.

“You really are embarrassed,” Kayda said, shocked.

“Who won’t be, fucken lizard,” I said before creating a fireball in my hands and adding lightning as well.

“You can’t, seriously. Everyone hit the ground now!” Kayda yells, seeing my actions.


Making the carriage explode, I jumped out of the smoke towards the closes building. Landing on the roof, I start running towards the middle of the city.

“Shit, I am not going to get that 100 gold coins anymore. Tch, no matter. I will also need to find Kayda later.” I said, jumping from building to build.

‘To actually think I will be her soulmate. It kind of makes me happy, but why does it feel like we are forced to be together.’ I thought, coming to a stop close to the market while having a smile on.

“Mil said the church in Armillian was destroyed a couple of days ago. Maybe I can go and check out that black pillar she was talking about,” I said, jumping down into the closes always.

“Who the hell are you!” A gruff guy yelled while glaring at me.

‘Huh? I didn’t even notice them.’ I thought, looking at the group of 5 guys standing next to each other, looking at me ready to fight.

“Hey, don’t ignore me! Tell me who you are and what do you want with us.” The man yelled again while pulling out an odd-looking knife.

“I wasn’t really interested in you guys, but that knife your holding. Where did you get it?” I said, turning towards them while pointing at the black knife in the gruff guys’ hands.

“This? I bought it on the black market, of course.” The man said smiled while inspecting the knife. Looking back at me, he continued. “It was only 3 gold coins, and they said it was indestructible. We even test it with Jimmys’ magic, and it didn’t have a scratch on it. Oh, Jimmy is a mage if you were wondering.” The man explains with a smile while pointing at the guy to his right.

“I already know what’s your guys’ classes are, so you don’t have to explain. What you do need to explain is what sort of material that knife is made of and where can I find the black market in Armillian.” I asked, tilting my head at them.

“Oh, that’s easy. The black market is on the west side slums.” The guy explains, gesturing to the west.

“Jeff! Shut up, we don’t know this woman, and giving information out like that will get us killed!” Jimmy shouted, grabbing Jeff around his collar.

“Shut it, Jimmy. Did you forget who the leader is?” Jeff yelled back, punching jimmy through the face.

“Boss, calm down. He is just look out for us.” One of the others said, tapping Jeff on the shoulder.

“Yes, I know, and it’s true. We can’t tell you anymore, lady.” Jeff said, looking back at me.

“Well, if you sell it, it will be fine, right?” I said, taking out a small bag of coins. Throwing it on the ground in front of their feet.

“That... that can work. This is at least 20 gold coins.” Jeff said, opening the bag seeing only gold coins.

“Good, include that knife of yours as well,” I said, gesturing towards the knife in his hand.

“I have a better idea.” Jeff smiled through the knife at me. “Why don’t you leave all your money here.”

“Idiots,” I mumbled before catching the knife with ease and impaling them with ice spikes that came out of the ground.

“Ugh, when did you,” Jimmy said, looking down at the ice spike that was stabbing him in the chest. The spikes weren’t big enough for them to die immediately, but it was enough to immobilize them.

“It doesn’t really matter before you go to the afterlife or whatever. Which direction is the church that got destroyed a couple of days ago?” I asked, walking closer to take back my bag of coins.

“Like I will tell my killer anything,” Jeff said, spitting toward me while glaring at me.

“Killer? You don’t have the right to say that, seeing as you just tried to kill me with this knife.” I said, looking at him like he was dumb.

“Bitch.” Jeff said before I started to expand the ice spike in his chest.

“Augh! It hurts! No!” They all started yelling in pain.

“Now, where do I find the church?” I asked again, stopping the expansion of the spikes.

“It’s across from the guild in the market area. Please don’t kill me. I have a family.” Jimmy pleaded from the ground.

“The main market area? Okay, thank you for the info.” I said, dispelling the spikes. Rubbing Jimmys head I nodded at him before walking past them before adding. “Sorry, but you guys did see my face.”

“No!” Jimmy and jeff yelled before half of their bodies exploded.



“So that is the result if I make the bombs I made in my team explode. That’s quite gruesome even for me.” I said, looking at the body parts and blood all over the place while feeling my heart beating faster in excitement.

“Sigh, now that I know about my personality changing. I see and feel all the changes my body goes through.” I said while walking out of the alleyway before heading east.

While walking down the road, I took out the knife Jeff had and started inspecting it.

“It really is an odd knife. Not very long or useful at all, but I am pretty certain a knife shouldn’t have killing intent.” I said while looking at the 12cm black blade and handle knife in my hands that were giving of enough killing intent to scare away goblins or weaker monsters.

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