
Chapter 63

2 days since I have found out that Apricot and Kayda do not like each other one bit or more, it’s Kayda not liking Apricot and Apricot wanting to find out why Kayda hates her. But that has nothing to do with me. I will be leaving them to figure each other out. No, to be a mediator for them.

Back to more important things seeing as it’s been a week since I have arrived, that means today is the day my ‘vacation’ ends. I had to wake up super early to start my training, and that where I am right now.

However, there is one big problem here while I am ready to start training. All dress up in practice clothes. Stacy, my trainer, master, and mentor in front of me, is standing there with her sleeping wear looking at me like nothing wrong.

“We aren’t going to start training today. You have another arrangement today, but before you go off, we need to talk about someone.”

“What do you mean we aren’t going to train today and what arrangement,” I said, getting annoyed.

“You will see later. For now, sit down,” Mom said, pointing to the side bench on the training ground.

“Tsk, about who do we need to talk,” I ask while sitting down.



“When do I kill him?” I ask without thinking.

“No, you can’t kill him. He is planning something with the banquet.” Mom said, shaking her head at my antics.

“Hmm, what can he plan there? Isn’t it like a birthday party for the queen or something?” I said, confused.

“Yes, it’s the Queen’s birthday party, but it’s your debut as well, in a way. Most noble kids do there when they turn 12 years old. You missed this, obviously. At least I hear is the academy joining debut year I can join for both of you.” Mom said.

“Academy joining debut? What the hell is that name?”

“It’s a name the current King gave it.’

“That makes sense. What is it anyway?” I said nodding.

“It is where the nobles will show off their kids’ status to each other before the academy starts.”

“Lame!” I said, shaking my head.

“It is, but I can’t wait to see the other marquis houses faces when they see your status. That is going to be so funny. Back to why I mention Hugo and him planning something. A little birdy told me Hugo went to the dead forest a few days ago with his bodyguards.”

“What the fuck does that furry want in the dead forest?”

“He never actually told us he was going. He tried to sneak into our territory.” Mom said, holding in her laugh at his stupidity.

“What a buffoon trying to sneak into a marquis territory without them knowing takes a lot of skill, and I am sure he doesn’t have that,” I said again, shaking my head at what he tried to do.

“Correct, he didn’t make it far before a black ops soldier arrived, telling him to turn back. And guess what happened?” Mom said, smirking.

“He tried using his power as a duke to get past him.”

“No, he tried to kill him.”

“Wow, that’s... just how dumb is this guy?” I Said baffled.

“Luckily, the soldier could escape them before anything could happen.”

“That’s good. So, what are you planning to do? I am sure you already figured out why he actually went there. Was it to betray us or levelling?”

“Betray? No, no, he has too much in this kingdom to even think about betraying us.”

“So, he is levelling up. Now, why would he be doing that?”

“It’s probably because he thinks if he beats you, he can get Amari.”

“Ooh, can I castrate him then?” I said with a straight face.

“Yes, on that good note, here is some more good news I have for you.” Mom said with a wry smile.

“It’s not completely good, is it.”

“Un, we found another demon fox.” Mom said, making me happy until I heard the next part. “The demon fox is one of Hugo’s harem slaves or something like that.”

“Don’t tell me a furry actually dare put his paw on someone from my race,” I said calmly.

“Don’t worry about that. For them, it’s a sin on the highest degree to force himself on a woman before he is an adult for their race for some dumb reason. They can, though, make their harem before that. He is just not allowed to touch them too much.” Mom explains with a complicated expression.

“That just sounds dumb and way too far-fetched to be true. I can’t believe you.”

“The first time I was told this, I felt the same.” Mom said, nodding.

“I will believe you for now, but if I hear, he touched her by force. He is dead. I will even use wrath to kill him if need to.”

“That’s fine. You can do that if he has.” Mom said nonchalantly.

“I will need to create some furry torture methods for him. Anyways so what is your plan to get the demon fox out of that bastard’s hand.” I said, thinking to myself.

“Well, it’s easy, really. He went to the dead forest to level and get power. He wants Amari in his harem, and he thinks you who was protective over her after he slapped her is the key. If he can show that he is stronger than you and you can’t protect her, she will run to him.”

“What about Zagan?” I said ignoring the blatant way mom is calling him stupid.

“Well, they already had a duel, and Zagan lost, but it was overruled by the king, making it null and void.”

“What were the prizes of the duel?”

“If Zagan wins, Hugo must give up on Amari and his harem, but if Hugo won, he gets Amari.” Mom said, not seeming happy about this.

“Why was it overruled, though. Did you guys claim some favour?”

“No, it was overruled because we didn’t even know about the duel. They did it with some witnesses, but the Draig family wasn’t even present for this duel.”

“Ha-ha, I bet Zagan knew that, and that’s the reason he actually agreed to the duel.”

“Do you think someone can get my daughter through a duel?” Mom said with a raised eyebrow.

“Ha-ha, true, true. So, you’re saying he will be challenging me at the banquet. Where the Queen, King, and all the nobles will be to witness the duel happening.” I said with a smirk.

“Yes, but there is one thing you need to know about noble duels. The person who challenges the other person can’t make the rules for the duel. Only the person who received the challenge can.”

“That makes sense. But how? Oh, I see he is going to use the demon fox to make me challenge him.”

“Un, but don’t worry. Your mother has a plan.” Mom said, giving a devil smirk.

“I am listening.”

(30 min of planning later)

“He is going to suffer so much,” I said with a smile.

“Well, one other thing. How is the Rachel treatment coming along?”

“it’s going good so far. I got yelled at by Daren a couple of times already. I really felt like killing him so many times, fucken sis con. I should introduce that bimbo to Sirone and Brenda. Those two are way better sis-cons than him. He just yells at you and does nothing to stop you but those two. If you hurt them, the other one actually tries to kill you.” I said with a dark expression.

“What happened?”

“I teased Brenda making her lose her footing. Taking advantage of this, I stabbed her left shoulder. Let’s just say Sirone thought I killed her sister for a second, and she went crazy on me with her bow.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“Her arrows in some or other way were infused with reverse healing. I mean, it should even be possible, but she did it, and I felt one of them. It wasn’t very nice.” I said, hanging my head.

“Oh, that might be bad even for you.” Mom said.

“Right, you asked about Rachel,” I said, shaking my head, ridding myself of a bad dream.

“Un, the reason I asked you was that I have been in contact with the king, and he gave us a time-limited. He wants the church out before the end of the year.”

“What is he giving us 10 months? How?”

“Yeah, it’s a bit short, but I have started working on a plan, and I have bad news for you. You will need to start levelling. We need you to get a class before the under 16 tournament that is in 8 months.”

“No, first I am not ready, yet my base stats aren’t maxed out. Secondly, that’s impossible. I won’t be able to master the rest of the weapons in 8 months on this rate.” I said, baffled.

“I know that’s why we are going to up you’re training even more.”

“Shit, then why aren’t we training today!”

“Because today will be your last free day for the next 8 months.”

“Ugh, you can’t be serious. I might actually die.” I said, getting depressed.

“You won’t, and our time is up.” Mom said, looking at the entrance of the training ground.

“Sorry, I am late.” I heard Kayda say from the entrance.

“Took you long enough.”

Looking towards her, I saw she was dressed up for some sort of outing. Her hair was done in a ponytail. She had a long sleeve white blouse and a pair of jeans on with knee-high boots.

‘White works on her.’ I thought, confusing myself.

“Huh!?” I exclaim in confusion.


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