
Chapter 66

His strength was already at the third level of the human realm which already placed him at the level of an esteemed human.

To few experts this could mean little but to many this was a terrifying level of growth!

Pushing from the amateur human level to the esteemed human level in just six months was no joke. Especially for someone like Damon who had almost no background what looking into. Surprisingly, on the final days in the academy something unexpected happened! Damone was already planning to submit the letters requesting rhe serve the remaining six months in the military. While this would improve his chances on the path he seeks to follow, it would also give him a good field to gain more strength.

Since the main strength of the death mage comes from his ability to strengthen himself endlessly in chaotic environments. If he wished to grow he needed to do this but there was still a lot on his mind.

While he wanted to get stronger by consuming souls, Damon knew he couldn’t grow to fast so as to avoid raising suspicion but he also wasn’t too sure if he would be able to deal with the backlash of using this method to grow. Right now he could still endure the crazed rantings in his head, adding a lot more voices definitely won’t be good for his mental health.

“Life is just unnecessarily difficult” Damon sighed before taking his bag and leaving his room.

As soon as he opened the door he noticed Lucy who was waiting for him and the rest of the team standing behind her. Lucy quickly leaned forward and kissed Damon on the lips before running to his side and standing with her hand around his.

The two have been good friends for the past two months and only a week ago did they decide to start dating seriously.


Maybe it was because they were going to be separated for a while or so, no one could tell.

“Where are you guys planning to go?” Damon asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Military... Hopefully I will get deployed to the western walls where the fighting is the most. Killing a few orcs for the next six months shouldn’t be too bad” Klien said.

“I plan to join the military but not as a war mage but as an oracle and tend to Klien everyday as he gets his ass kicked by the orcs” Cyrus laughed and others followed.

“I requested to return to my family villa and focus these six months on family business. Since I’m the last of the house of Stoneham... I have responsibilities” Gin said with a bitter smile. He didn’t seem too excited about the internship.

“I decided to serve at the city security force. It’s relatively safe and inconspicuous. It’s the perfect place for a supernatural being to hide” Lucy said as she snuggled up to Damon cutely.

“What about you?” She asked with an open look on her face.

Seeing her like this, Damon couldn’t help but smile. For someone who could transform to a massive venomous snake, if anyone didn’t know about her hidden side, Lucy truly looked like the normal, adorable lady of her age!

“Military, hopefully, I will serve alongside my two brothers!” Damon said as he patted Cyrus and Klien’s shoulders!


“You will not be serving with your two brothers!” Kratos said casually not bothering to look at Damon’s twisted expression. He scanned through a document on his desk for a short while before pushing it towards Damon.

“You see, Practically everyone who requested to join the military for their internship wants to be sent to the western walls in hopes of battling the orcs. Statistics show that at least fifty percent of those students die with another thirty percent crippled for life and the remaining nineteen percent scared. Only one percent comes back normal. While you are strong especially as a lone wolf but you all greatly underestimate the power of the orcs. They are no doubt the most terrifying force on the continent.” Kratos finally looked his way!

While the arch mage talked, Damon went through the letter given to him by the Kratos and his facial expression got uglier for every second he read!

“You see, Duke Hail predicted you would choose the unsafe warfront and put your future as a lone wolf at risk because you want to fight orcs so he took the initiative to request that the lone wolf is sent to the Hail’s family for a six months training program. There he will be well prepared for the task ahead of him with the blood clan!” Kratos calmly explained but his words infuriated Damon even more.

“And you accepted?” Damon asked with a cold look on his face.

“If this was sent to my office, yes I would have approved since it is the best thing to do but I wasn’t given such a privilege since the letter was directly written to the son of heaven and the royal family which they approved. In fact, the son of heaven has ordered that you are to be brought before him, he wants to give you a good look before sending you off” Kratos said without any hesitation.

He sincerely believed that this is the best option for Damon so he didn’t care if the youth liked the idea or not!

“This...” Damon muttered and frowned deeply. His opinion of the king was not a good one and outside that, would he really be able to hide his death magic from the peerless son of heaven?

‘No, if the arch mage can’t see the death magic then the king won’t be able to do the same...’ Damon thought deeply.

He left the arch mage’s office with a deep frown on his face. Everything that happened now was outside his plans, putting a massive wreck on his plans. He pondered on how to fix this but he saw the arch mage outside the castle with a carriage carrying the royal banner on it. His eyes squinted and his fist clenched.

“Like I said earlier, the King wants to see his lone wolf. If the king wishes to see someone I suggest it’s in his best interest not to delay” Kratos said as he climbed into the carriage and beaconed Damon to join.

Without hesitation, Damon climbed into the carriage and they were off. He sat in the carriage and didn’t talk throughout the journey. The windows were covered and since there were no stops or check points the journey was smooth.

“We are here”

After thirty minutes, the carriage stopped and Kratos stepped out while speaking. When Damon stepped out, he could see a guard dressed in red and golden armor with a great sword on his back. He was on one knee with his face bowed. His eyes flashed the moment Damon stepped out and at that moment Damon felt a heavy pair of eyes fall upon him. It felt like his entire secrets at risk and he quickly frowned and returned the cold gaze!

“Hmph! Not bad” The man said muttered on his feet and walked away.

Everything happening was just too confusing for Damon, making it difficult for him to understand.

“Where is this? Where are we?” Damon asked.

Ahead of him was a massive gate golden gate with guards standing atop the walls. He could see a few patrol teams, circling the large castle.

“We had to stop here, going through the safety processes is too tiring. At least I know I don’t have bad intentions for the King and you don’t have the ability to carry out any crazy plan even if you have had intentions” Kratos said calmly as he placed his hand on Damon’s shoulder.


Damon didn’t have the chance to resist or speak before his vision blurred! He saw himself moving what looked like a blue tunnel with countless exits! His body stood beside that of the Arch mage as this lasted less than a second!


Damon soon found himself in a massive hall. By the sides were chairs where people sat debating fiercely m their sudden appearance caught everyone’s attention and brought silence to the hall.


Damon fell to his knees and coughed out a mouthful of blood, his face was terrible pale as he felt a powerful force fall upon him, threatening to crush him!

“That’s enough your Majesty, you may end up killing the lone wolf which you desperately wanted to see...” Kratos seemed calm.

His words was like a trigger and the pressure receded but it did not vanish! Damon struggled to rise to his feet with his lips stained with blood. His could hear bone snapping sounds with each movement he made!

To think there was someone who could crush him and utterly defeat him with just his aura!

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