
Chapter 511 - 511 Done With Him

“You look like you could use some sleep,” Jae-Hyun observed as he placed a bottle of water and a pill before Dan-Han.

Dan-Han angled his brows at the things placed in front of him.

“What’s this?” He asked with his gaze following Jae-Hyun as he returned to his seat behind the desk.

Jae-Hyun plopped down on his chair and tipped his chin toward Dan-Han’s forehead; he had mentally been kneading since he walked into his office. “For the migraine.” He said.

“You’ve been frowning your brows since you walked in, and we both know what that means.” A splitting headache, he added in his head.

Dan-Han lowered his eyes to the pill and water, and he reluctantly reached for it because, indeed, his head was aching. It was throbbing due to being sleep deprived for days.

Being at the precinct had angered him so much he couldn’t close his eyes till he got out, and even when he did, he had been welcomed with news of Eun-sun’s injury.

“Thank you.” He said, and Jae-Hyun nodded responsively.


He’s been Dan-Han’s doctor since he graduated from medical school and his friend way before that, so it was only natural for him to know such detail about his friend. It was his responsibility to ensure Dan-Han’s overall well-being.

Jae-Hyun reclined into his chair and fixed his gaze on Dan-Han. “So what is it you wanted to ask?” He inquired.

Dan-Han set the bottle back on the table and focused his gaze on his friend.

“It’s about Eun-sun and the baby.” He answered.

“What about them?”

“Is she really okay? Is she going to be fine?” He questioned. The gynecologist had assured him of the safety of both mother and child, but he still sorted Jae-Hyun’s opinion.

“I’m sure you spoke to her doctor.”

“I’m asking you.” Dan-Han sharply replied.

Of course, he was. Jae-Hyun muttered in his head.

He pulled up from the chair and sat upright.

“Well, I’ve looked at her file, and so far, she’s good. All she needs it’s bed rest and abstinence from any strenuous activity. With that, she should be fine.” Jae-Hyun informed while Dan-Han kept a silent look on him.

Bed rest and no strenuous activity, he repeated in his head.

But those were things he was worried Eun-sun wouldn’t adhere to. She lacked the understanding of such words. Eun-sun could never keep still. He has seen it with his own eyes. With a broken leg, she had moved about like she was in possession of some magical wings flying her around.

He intently narrowed his gaze on Jae-Hyun. “Is there some way you could make her stay in the hospital, like till the baby is born?” He curiously inquired, and while Jae-Hyun could have laughed, he stopped himself knowing Dan-Han never said anything he wasn’t serious about.

“You want to confine her to a hospital bed for 34 weeks?” Jae-Hyun asked with incredulity, and Dan-Han furrowed his brows.

“Is something wrong with that?” He casually asked, expecting none to be.

“Of course, there isn’t, except that she would hate you for the rest of your life.” He told him.

Dan-Han furrowed his brows. “I’m looking out for her and the baby. She would understand.” He stoically said. “After all, I’ll be here with her.” He said in a way that told Jae-Hyun he had given it a long thought, and all he wanted was for someone with the proper authority to imprison his woman for him because he couldn’t do it.

Jae-Hyun’s lips twitched with amusement. “Seems you truly met your match, President Lee.” He teased, and Dan-Han frowned at him.

Jae-Hyun chuckled at his amusing reaction. He reeled back his smile when he observed how serious Dan-Han was, and he was demanding that same amount of seriousness from him.

He composed his face and seriously gazed at Dan-Han.

“Dan-Han, I know you’re worried about her and the baby, given what happened, but there is no need to keep her here. She has been registered for antenatal care, and she’d be monitored regularly as far as she meets up with her appointments. And aren’t you there to support her and ensure everything goes well?” He asked while Dan-Han silently stared at him, not sure if he should answer that.

That wasn’t the response he expected from him.

Jae-Hyun sighed at Dan-Han’s unwavering countenance. “You shouldn’t imprison her here because that would cause more harm than good. If there’s ever a reason she should be brought here, I’m sure she’d consider it before you do.” Jae-Hyun advised, but Dan-Han still seemed unconvinced.

Dan-Han silently pondered on what he said. He didn’t want to make Eun-sun uncomfortable in any way, he just wanted her to be fine, but if keeping her there would affect her in any way, then... maybe he should listen to Jae-Hyun, for now.

“So when can she go home?” He asked, and Jae-Hyun smiled.

“Tomorrow.” He answered, and Dan-Han puckered his brows.

He thought it was too soon, but maybe it was best if they went home sooner.

He quietly nodded, indicating his approval for her discharge.

“I can’t believe you’re going to be a father,” Jae-Hyun said with a laugh while Dan-Han’s lips imperceptibly twitched, but the proud gleam that flashed through his eyes gave his excitement away.

“What’s so hard to believe?” He calmly questioned as if finding Jae-Hyun’s comment strange, but his voice held some excitement.

“You wouldn’t touch a lady or even smile at one. You just kept believing you were never going to get better.” Jae-Hyun told him.

“I was simply waiting for her. She was all I needed.” He said so casually, but Jae-Hyun knew nothing was casual in his words.

Dan-Han was utterly in love with Eun-sun and could only be in love with her.

“I’m happy for you.” He smilingly said.

“I’m happy for me,” Dan-Han replied, revealing a smile and Jae-Hyun chuckled. It was obvious Dan-Han was happy and even more than happy.

“So about Ji-Tae,” Jae-Hyun suddenly said, and Dan-Han’s countenance changed. His eyes turned dark in a way that revealed his displeasure at the change of topic.

“What about him?” He curtly asked.

“You aren’t going to kill him, are you?”

“And if I want to?” Dan-Han questioned, angling a brow at him.

“You should know I can’t let you do that. I’m a doctor, Dan-Han. I save lives, not take them. I don’t know whoever started this thing with you, but Ji-Tae is here now, so you’ve got to stop. Tell me what you’ve been giving him.” Jae-Hyun demanded.

Dan-Han wryly chuckled. “Tell you? Aren’t you the doctor? You should be able to figure that out, or why else are you working here?” He wry asked.

Jae-Hyun silently peered at him while Dan-Han held back his gaze.

“He’s your cousin, and you’re the head of the family.”

“And he’s why I lost a child and couldn’t protect my family.” Dan-Han countered.

“But he wasn’t—”

“The culprit?” Dan-Han asked, cutting him off.

Jae-Hyun nodded. “Yes.” He answered. “He might have made a few bad decisions, but Dan-Han, Ji-Tae is still family. He’s still a kid—”

“That’s the excuse that turned him into who he is now and the same excuse that had made so many people irresponsible. People like Ji-Tae should learn to take responsibility for their actions and taste the agony they’ve made other people endure. Youthful exuberance is no excuse for immorality.” Dan-Han told him matter-of-factly.

It was no lie that a part of him longed to extinguish Ji-Tae and save the family the misery of having to deal with his excesses continually.

Repeatedly, he had given Ji-Tae opportunities, hoping he’d do what was right, not because he wanted to, but because his uncle and aunt would be heartbroken to lose their child if he laid hands on him. But each time, Ji-Tae only committed crimes less forgiving than his previous ones.

He had moved from stealing company funds to holding his own child captive, causing the child and her mother immeasurable pain. From there, he went into drugs and arms, then went further by working with the enemy, which resulted in Eun-sun being hurt and losing his child.

What do these all say about him? That the boy will never truly repent.

How was he to forgive him for everything? He was done cleaning up after him; that’s a fact.

“He can die for all I care. I’m done with him.” He drawled, but Jae-Hyun didn’t believe him.

If Dan-Han were truly done with Ji-Tae, he’d have long put a bullet through his head and not played this game with him.

Dan-Han was never one to dally or show mercy when he didn’t want to. If he truly wanted to see the end of Lee Ji-Tae, he should have long killed him, especially when he had the opportunity of harming him in such a state.

“If you’re done deceiving yourself, you’ll tell me the truth and tell me how to help him, and stop paying doctors to do your dirty job. They have their lives and license at risk.” Jae-Hyun told him matter-of-factly.

Dan-Han wryly chuckled. “And they also need the money and the job.” He countered.

Jae-Hyun’s lips parted to say something else, but Dan-Han interrupted him before he could get a chance to.

“Be assured he isn’t going to die, at least not till I say so. I still have Yong-Gun and his minions to see to. But for now, stay away from Ji-Tae and, if possible, make him sicker. I can get you that director seat we both know you’ve been working hard to get.” Dan-Han told him.

Jae-Hyun mockingly glared at him. “How generous of you, president Lee. The whole world and I are definitely at your mercy.” He said with sarcasm, while Dan-Han’s lips curved upward with a smile as he rose to his feet.

“I’m only this generous with my friends, Master Mo. Just friends.” He smugly said.

Jae-Hyun scoffed. “Just get out, you cocky bastard.” He said, and Dan-Han smiled even more as he started for the door.

He paused and turned back to him when he remembered something. “Clear your schedule for the 5th of next month.” He said, and Jae-Hyun’s eyes darted toward the calendar on his desk.

“Why?” He asked, returning his gaze to Dan-Han.

“It’s Eun-sun’s birthday, and I’m throwing a party.”

“Really? Is it a surprise?” He asked, already sure it was.

“Yes,” Dan-Han confirmed.

“And you’re going to propose?” Jae-Hyun inquisitively cooked a brow at him, and Dan-Han sent him a mock glare.

“Never knew you’ve swapped roles with In-Ha. Mind your job, and stop being nosy. And if you breathe a word to anyone, consider yourself dead.” He threatened before walking out of the office, leaving Jae-Hyun to watch him leave with incredulity.

Dan-Han was forever going to be a bully; he was certain of it.


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