
Chapter 490

Everyone looked at him with doubts of not hearing him clearly. He had not just raised a motion for dismissing his father from the company, had he? They pondered doubtfully.

Father Lee also stared at him with mild surprise. He observed the solemn look on his face and he was convinced he had not imagined him saying that.

The boy had once threatened to take his seat, but he never knew he’d get to it as soon as possible. He thought he had said that to spite him, but who knew he meant it?

What was this? Some sort of revenge? Clearly it was. It had to be. He was convinced about it.

He knew his son well, and it was clear this was his way of getting back at him for opposing his relationship with ... Ki-Jun’s child?

That part still felt surreal to him.


How had that happened? How had she turned out to become Ki-Jun’s child? Didn’t the report he had gotten say her father was in jail? So what was going on?

Jun-Sun was lost on that aspect and he still couldn’t believe it.

Dan-Han observed his father’s gaze on him, and despite knowing that he deliberately evaded meeting his eye, and kept a straight gaze far across the table.

Eun-sun peered at him dumbfoundedly as she wondered what was going on in that head of his. Dismissing his father was the least of things she had expected to hear from him.

Why would he do that? It wasn’t because of her was it? She feared it was and she didn’t want that.

Her gaze curiously lingered on him as she tried to ascertain what was going through his head at the moment.

Dan-Han was an unpredictable man with his thoughts and plan perfectly hidden away from everyone else including her, and this nature of his was the only thing that unsettled her about their relationship.

She understood he might be keeping things away from her for her safety, but it wasn’t meant to be so. They were supposed to be a team – a working team.

“President Lee,” Someone called, breaking the shock spell that Dan-Han’s announcement had been placed on them.

Dan-Han swiveled his head towards the source of the voice, a calm look hanging on his face as he listened to the man speak. “President Lee, do you know what you’ve just said? You can’t just dismiss the chairman.” The man told him, and Dan-Han cocked a brow.

“I can’t?” He asked, and the man affirmatively nodded as well as few others.

“Yes, you can’t just dismiss the chairman with no valid reason. There has to be a valid reason for his dismissal and we collectively have to deliberate on it.” Another shareholder affirmed, and the others nodded as they began murmuring amongst themselves.

Dan-Han silently observed them as they murmured to one another. He understood the reason for the upheaval, but that wasn’t going to deter him, or change the fact that his father would be d out of power before the meeting was concluded.

He furtively glanced at his father who still had his gaze fixed on him. Dan-Han darted his gaze away and for a moment he met Eun-sun’s eye assessively staring at him.

Why was she looking at him now? He tried not to scowl at her.

He silently sighed and turned away from her. He was going to get to her later.

“The chairman here has been of great service to us. He had directed this company to great heights and has been of great service towards the board and I believe it is time for us to give back to him. I’m sure we all will agree to a new era of innovations under new leadership, as that as been one of our ways of being at the top of business.”

Everyone keenly listened as he spoke, but Ji-Tae snickered.

What a hypocritical speech! He mused.

He was certain this was Dan-Han’s move of putting his father in his place, completely stripping him of his power and not something done out of filial piety or consideration for the man’s wellbeing as he so cleverly put it.

Dan-Han was a very vengeful and thorough brute.

He showed no mercy when it came to handling people who proved to be threats to him, even if they were his own family. He was always so calculative, and isn’t this one of the reasons he despised him?

He was certain that Dan-Han’s reason for wanting to get rid of his father was so there’d be no more threat to his seat in the company, just like Dan-Han’s father had done now by using him.

The man was always playing God, and that irked him to his core.

His gaze briefly shifted to Eun-sun, and he couldn’t help but stare at her a little longer.

She was the ace card he had up his sleeves, and the reason he was exercising his God-complex by clamoring for his father’s dismissal, because not only would she being Ki-Jun’s daughter influence things in his favour, especially after he had foolishly done Dan-Han a favor by announcing his relationship with Eun-sun -he shouldn’t have done that – but she was currently the highest shareholders on the board and that alone had powers of pulling supporters to whoever she supported, and in this case it wasn’t going to be his uncle.

The men seated on the table were money and power hungry monsters, always seeking for the next best connection and granting unrequested favours just to get them.

They had all seen Jun-Sun go all out in a battle with the little princess thereby provoking her father, Kim Ki-Jun, so there was no way they’d give him their support.

They’d support her and Dan-Han simply to curry Ki-Jun’s favour.

Ji-Tae brows creased when something finally dawned on him.

Dan-Han’s unusual silence during his father’s exchange with Eun-sun had been intentional. He had seen how he gets when the little lady was involved, but he had been quiet.

It was all a ploy.

He had set a trap for his father and the man had fallen into it, same way he had used him to announce their relationship to everyone present.

Ji-Tae rupt out in laughter, gaining everyone’s attention.

“You’re such a monster, Lee Dan-Han.” He cussed out not minding the reaction his words would stir from the people present.

Dan-Han turned to him with cold eyes. “So sad you’re just realizing it now.” He said before returning his attention back to the issue at hand.

And just like Ji-Tae had suspected, the results didn’t go in favor of the old man when it was announced just before the meeting ended.

“In regards to the dismissal of Chairman Lee Jun-Sun of PK Corps, 35.4% opposed the dismissal, 61.6% are in favour of the dismissal and 3% abstained, thus the dismissal of Chairman Lee Jun-Sun had been approved.”

An awkward air of silence coursed through the room as they shareholders guiltily looked away from Father Lee guiltily, who scoffed.

He knew he shouldn’t be surprised as he had personally raised up this sly monster he called a son.

He was convinced Dan-Han had it planned out. From bringing in his lady to instigate him, to showing the power she now wielded. He knew it was a plan.

“You had this all planned out, didn’t you?” He firmly asked Dan-Han, who turned and met his eyes, while the others hurriedly filed out in faux guilt for his father.

“I can’t lie and say I did not, but you made it far too easy. If you had just did as I asked, we’d probably won’t be here in the first place.” And that was the truth.

Father Lee silently looked at him. “This is still my company you know?”

“Only on paper.” Dan-Han told him, and the man scoffed.

“You’ve turned into something else because of a woman.”

“Your daughter in-law, the sooner you accept that the better it’ll be for all of us, and do not ever call her names again, either in public or in private.” He warned and rose to his feet with his father’s eyes still following after him.

“Is she really Ki-Jun’s child?” He doubtfully asked again.

Dan-Han cocked a brow at him. “Why? Is it so hard to believe? You now think she’s good enough to bear the Lee name?” He tauntingly asked.

“You don’t have to be so rude.” Father Lee glared at him.

“You don’t have to be so hypocritical.” He fired back. “And yes, she’s his child.”

“How?” Father Lee asked in shock-surprise. He still couldn’t believe it.

“You should ask him. I hope to see him forgive you after all you’ve said and done. And also get that puppet of yours in line, before I kick him out too. I hope you enjoy your certified retirement, Ex-chairman Lee.” He said and bowed before storming out of the conference room and after the woman who was making him run mad.

Dan-Han met Eun-sun standing beside her father as he introduced her to some members of the board who were showing their delight in seeing him after so many years of isolation.

He stopped in front of them and greeted Ki-Jun. “Can I talk to her for a minute?” He politely requested and Ki-Jun glanced at Eun-sun who shook her head indicating her disinterest in going with him.

Ki-Jun peered at Dan-Han. “Don’t you dare scold her.” He warned, but Dan-Han didn’t give a response.

Eun-sun shot her father a treacherous look, and before she realized it, Dan-Han had gripped her hand and was pulling her towards his office.


“You better shut up.”

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