
Chapter 236 - Underserving People.

Hey lovelies, sorry for the repeated chapter. Sorry it took such a long time to replace it. It had been replaced and you can go read it before reading this chapter. If you can\'t access it, kindly clear out your cache. My sincerest apology for the inconveniences. Thanks.



Shocked, astonished, perplexed, confused were some of the feelings Eun-sun was feeling at the moment. She looked at the document and photographs with incredulity. Her hand which held the photographs was quavering.

This couldn\'t be right. She shook her in denial, this wasn\'t real.

She gazed at Dan-Han who was keenly staring at her.

"This isn\'t true." She said not sure if she was asking him or telling him.

Dan-Han sighed as he didn\'t know what to say. He just stared at her, he knew she needed time to process what was she had seen.

"Dan-Han this isn\'t real right?" This time she asked in a firm tone.

Despite not wanting to see her the way she was or making her feel worse, Dan-Han still told her what she didn\'t want to hear, "It\'s the truth." He confirmed with a firm voice which was hinted with worry and concern for her. He didn\'t want to see her broken down, but he had to do this. She was a tough girl but her family was her weakness and he didn\'t like it, because he believed they were not deserving of her. They had brought her so much pain and sadness that he didn\'t want her to think about them anymore, if it was possible.

"That\'s..not true." She said in a small voice almost as if she was whispering.

She looked at the photographs again, and her eyes welled. She read the lines on the documents and she felt like dying.

Human and drug trafficking, Kidnapping, robbery, Murder were a few of the crimes her father had been associated with? He even owned a mafia clan, and above all he had another family? Was this really her father?

Eun-sun couldn\'t believe. She couldn\'t accept this.

Closing the file she slammed it on the sofa before staring at Dan-Han.

"That\'s not my father!" She declared in a cold and harsh tone.

"My father isn\'t a criminal. He can never be. He can\'t even hurt an ant. He might have behaved irresponsibly by leaving us but he is no criminal!" She declared, fiercely staring at Dan-Han.

Dan-Han signed when she behaved like that. He didn\'t know what to say to her but all he could say was, "I believe you know the truth, but if you need more then here." He said as he opened her phone and gave it to her but Eun-sun shook her head, refusing to accept it.

"No." She shook her head.

"Park Eun-sun." He called sternly but Eun-sun still shook her head still adamant on not seeing whatever he was going to show her. She wasn\'t going to believe anything.

Dan-Han sighed as he played the video and placed it in front of her. He was sure she was going to look at it anyway.

Eun-sun shut her eyes to prevent herself from looking at the phone but after a while she opened her eyes and looked at the phone. And there it was, confirmation that she had indeed seen her father. If the file Dan-Han had given to her had left in shock this video did far worst.

So this was real?

She couldn\'t believe this was her father. She picked up the phone and paid rapt attention to the way he had stared at her and smiled. There was something about it the way he had looked at her. It seemed like it was void of any emotions at all, and the smile on his face sufficed for an eery one. He was looking more burly than usual.

He looked fine and well. For years she had worried about him, searched for him and prayed for his return and well being but all these while he had been leading a terrible life, he had changed into someone she didn\'t know. He could have been able to reach her and assure her she was fine but he did none of that. He must have known how her mother had taken his departure badly, how she had struggled with the debts, worked hard and taken care of the family he left behind. She had starved, never worn a new clothe till she went to the university and all were given to her by Hei-Ran. She had struggled, suffered humiliation but all these while he knew but he never came to help her. Why?

What was the reason for all this? She had worked hard day and night so he could return to a debtless life but she had worked in vain? He actually rejected like her and her mother? Why then had she worked hard and prayed and hoped for something that wasn\'t going to come true.

This life was unfair. She must have been owing a debt in her previous life or she must have been a great offender hence the reason why she was going through all this hell. It wasn\'t just the physical pain she had endured that broke her, it was more of the emotional one that made her choke.

The feeling of not being wanted most especially the ones she had loved hurts more than anything she could ever imagine.

She looked at Dan-Han with welled eyes, she tried to say something but nothing came out of her mouth, it was almost as if she was begging him to help her.

Dan-Han felt a pang on his chest, he sat down on the sofa and hugged her again, this time it was tighter than before. He wished he could take away her pain but he couldn\'t. He could only be there for her.

He pulled her close and placed his chin on her head. He could tell she was trying not to cry maybe because she has been crying alot lately, he had wanted to tell her not hold it in when Eun-sun suddenly burst out in tears. Her shoulders shook vehemently which made Dan-Han to tighten his hand around more. He had seen her cry before but never like this.

"They\'re all wicked to me." She cried. "They don\'t deserve me, I hate them all. I hate everyone of them." She said as she cried even more. Dan-Han felt sad and sorry for her, it could imagine what she was feeling. Loving and slaving for the worst people was demoralizing and heart breaking enough, but when those people are the ones you love you can\'t help but want to hate. He knew she regretted the efforts, the time, the care and love she had invested in a failed relationship.

And he really didn\'t expect her to act cool after this discovery, because it was too painful.

Eun-sun didn\'t want to cry but she couldn\'t stop herself. She had come to fully under the words that, \'It is those you love that hurt you the most.\'

She hated herself for being so stupid, for not being smart enough to know when she wasn"t wanted. Even after her mother had drugged her and had given her to Marcus she had still tried to take care of her by sending her part of what she had earned. Though she still hasn\'t been able to bring herself to talk to her or see, she still played her role as a child. Why was she this stupid?

"I must have been cursed to be treated this way."

"That\'s not true. You\'re not cursed, you\'re a blessing to everyone around you. Shame on them if they can\'t see it. Stop saying those depressing things Eun-sun." Dan-Han could feel his emotions slowly rise as he held her like that and heard her self-depreciating words.

She shook her head not believing the word he had said. She had to be cursed for her own family to despise her this way. She must be ill-fated or something.

"You should leave me too before I plague your life with my ill-luck." Dan-Han was surprised to hear her. He wasn\'t expecting her to say that but then he understood she was feeling low at the moment and it made him feel hatred and anger for her parents.

"I won\'t leave you, and you know I can\'t." He bluntly told her making Eun-sun try to pull away from him but he held her firmly.

"Don\'t bother thinking about it." He told her as she struggled to break away from his grip.

"Lee Dan-Han."

"That\'s my name, but no matter how you call it I\'m not letting go." At least not in this life.

"Dan-Han please." Eun-sun didn\'t even know why she was pleading for him to let her go. He was the only one who truly loved her apart from Hei-Ran, so she does she want him to leave her?

"Dan-Han I\'m not good enough for you or anyone. Just let me go."

"Eun-sun please stop doing this. Haven\'t you cried enough for all these underserving people? If you think you\'re underserving, then none of us are worthy to live. You\'re more than good enough so please stop." He pleaded with her. He didn\'t know what to do anymore. She was suffering too much and it pained him.


Happy new week lovelies,

Hope you have a pleasant week ahead. Author loves you.

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