
Chapter 194 - A Lifetime To Study You

He pulled her closer and hugged her tightly, as if they weren\'t close enough already. He had been dying to do this for a while now, but she was so far away from him. He placed his head on the crook of her neck.

"I missed you Park Eun-sun, you should never stay away from me again" He told her in a gentle voice. His actions made Eun-sun stiffen. He was hugging her so tightly and she could feel his warm breath on her neck, it was like a scourging yet pleasurous heat was crawling through her body making her giddy. And what were those words he had just uttered?


Eun-sun didn\'t know what to respond to him.

But she was certain she also didn\'t want to stay away from him either. Though the space between them these past few days had helped her realize just how much Dan-Han meant to her, and how deeply she was into him.

And now that she knew she didn\'t have the heart to ever leave him. He had made a place for himself in her heart and she didn\'t want to lose that. 

Being overwhelmed by her own brooding emotions, Eun-sun couldn\'t help but hug him back, placing her face on his chest, "I don\'t have the heart to stay away from you either" She muttered so softly. Her actions surprised herself and Dan-Han.

Dan-Han pulled away from the hug so he could look at her face. Did she just say that? He wanted to look at her eyes and hear her say those words again. He looked at her but Eun-sun shyly lowered her eyes. She couldn\'t bring herself to look at him. Her confession had surprised her, and her heart was hammering wildly behind her chest. She didn\'t think she\'d say such things to him, and to think so soon.

Dan-Han\'s lips curved upward when she shyed away like that. \'This girl\' He whispered amusedly in his head.

He used his finger to lift her chin up, so she could look at him, but Eun-sun\'s eyes kept darting back and forth as she tried to aviod his gaze. She felt embarrassed for making such a bold confession, but it was all his fault. He had made her miss him, and he was hugging her, breathing warmly on her neck and saying those words to her....in a nutshell he was doing so many things to her without doing anything at all.

"Look at me" Dan-Han said in a firm yet gentle voice prompting Eun-sun to slowly lift her head and look at him. His eyes again!

"Say those words again" He requested ever so gently, almost as if he was pleading. It felt like he had imagined her saying those things, he needed to hear her again, but Eun-sun shook her head as she shyly bit her lips and looked away.

"Park Eun-sun" He called her name softly but almost in a domineering tone. Eun-sun was used to this tone, she shyly shook her head again before leaping into his arms, burying her face on his chest, his heart was beating just as fast as his. She wrapped her hand around his waist as she said,

"Don\'t threaten me like that. You made me this way Mr Lee so take responsibility for it."

Dan-Han\'s lips curved upward when he head her. He couldn\'t believe this was happening right now. What good did he do to have luck shine on him this way? He wasn\'t expecting this at all, his heart was doing a happy dance as she hugged him like that.

He wrapped his hand around her and drew in her intoxicating scent. He hugged her so tightly that he squeezed her petite body. She felt so small in his arms, but just perfect enough for him.

"Mr Lee" She called softly.


"I can\'t.... breathe" She said with ragged breath. Her words snapped him back to reality and he quickly let go of her.

"I\'m sorry" He apologized with an apologetic smile. Eun-sun couldn\'t help but smile back at him, he was looking so cute with the apologectic smile on his face.

Dan-Han felt his heart skipped when she smiled at him. He snaked his hand around her waist and pulled her close. He was already missing the absence of her body. He lifted her chin with his other hand so she could look at him, his eyes were deeply studying her eyes.

"Eun-sun does this mean you like me now?" He desperately asked. He felt like he already knew the answer to that question but he couldn\'t help but ask. He wanted to hear her say it.

"What do you think?" She asked back, her gaze not leaving his.

Dan-Han hesistated for a while, he didn\'t want to be too forward with her, he didn\'t want her to runaway from him again because of his forwardness. 

Staring at her for a little while longer, he finally spoke up, "I don\'t know. You\'re one hell of a woman. It would probably take me a lifetime to study you Park Eun-sun, so just tell me. I\'m dying to hear you say it and....I want to kiss you" There he was doing it again. He didn\'t want to be too forward with her but here he was talking about kissing her. 

It wasn\'t his fault, staring her like this with her lips staring right back at him was igniting a lot of emotions in him. The memories of how soft, sweet and delicious her lips tasted were flooding his head. He craving to have a taste of it again.

Eun-sun felt shy when he said that. She didn\'t know what to do or say, but when she looked at him and she saw his gaze fixed on her lips only one thing came to her mind, kissing him.

Looking at him with glistening eyes, Eun-sun said,

"Then kiss me" The tone at which she spoke those words was soft, yearning and sultry. As if that was all Dan-Han needed, he crashed his lips on her and kissed her.

Eun-sun felt weak on her knees when she felt his lips on hers. There was the feeling she felt when he had kissed her that day. It was like a electricity was zapping all over her body, blood was rushing to her head and a thousand butterflies buzzing in her stomach. It was strange but yet it was wonderful.

The kiss was soft, gentle, filled with love and care. There was no much nibbling and tongue tangling, Dan-Han didn\'t want to push it, and given the way she was sloppily responding to the kiss he could tell she was inexperienced. The kiss was simple and innocent, only filled with care and sweetness. 

Dan-Han slowly pulled away from the kiss, his eyes staring at her bright hazel ones which were staring at him with so many emotions, as he was equally staring at her. 

"What are you doing to me Park Eun-sun?" He asked with a husky voice, his thumb caressing her cheek.

"I should be asking you that Mr Lee"


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