
Chapter 587

“Bei, send people to see what’s really happening”

Bei Yau nodded.

“Ready Your Majesty”

Meanwhile, Bai Ying watched outside from behind the curtain of his horse carriage.

Chen Ming and Xiao Hong rode the horse behind him.

“Your Majesty stays close to me,” said Xiao Hong pulling Chen Ming’s horse bridle closer.

Guard Bu sent some of his soldiers to run to see what was happening in the palace which was not too far from their path. Just passing through the main road that looked deserted after many citizens ran for their lives and the palace soldiers who were on the road still helping with the evacuation process, this was definitely not a good thing. The city of Hei An was known to be so pretty and crowded and looks what happens now.

Luo Xiang turned at the carriage where Bai Ying looked restless, looks like what appeared in his dream come true.


“Your Majesty”

Just as everyone stopped seeing what was happening, suddenly the ground around them shook again.

The horses neighed loudly uncontrollably, even the horses that pulled the carriage where Bai Ying was.

“All on standby!” cried Bei Yau.

Luo Xiang tried to control Xiao Bai, his horse, who was in a state of panic at the time. Something moved from the ground around them.

“Run!” Residents who were still seen on the road ran for safety avoiding the moving ground. The horse pulling the carriage neighs and raised its two front legs.


“Ying Ying!” cried the Crown Prince anxiously.

“Ying Ying, get out of the carriage!” he exclaimed.

Bai Ying was holding on to the carriage that was constantly swaying, he might fall if he didn’t hold on tight. Need to get out of there quickly, but just as Bai Ying got up from his seat, the horses pulling the carriage neighed loudly and knocked down the coachman who couldn’t hold his place. Lifting the carriage until Bai Ying fell so hard on his back.


Heeee!!’ the horses neighed and ran in the carriage with Bai Ying still in it.

Luo Xiang’s eyes went wide.

“Xiao Hong stop the horse!” Luo Xiang exclaimed.

Xiao Hong who was on his horse jumped into the fast-paced carriage. He managed to grab hold of the edge of the carriage but a strong wind suddenly hit his face.


Xiao Hong was a little caught off guard. He let go of his hand on the carriage and resisted the violent wind that was attacking him and the others as if preventing them from chasing the carriage.

“Your Majesty be careful” Xiao Hong approached Chen Ming who was still stunned in his place protecting the Prince by opening the wings from his back. The energy that emerged from the violent wind was not just ordinary, its even so hot.

“Ah, Hong, what is this?” Chen Ming shouts while keep holding onto Xiao Hong’s sleeve tightly.

Luo Xiang drew his sword, splitting the reddish wind that appeared from the direction where the horse carriage went to. His eyes gleamed with gold light. The energy that emerged from his palms flowed into his longsword which easily dispersed the wind that purposely kept them away from the horse carriage, no matter what it was trying to separate Bai Ying from the group.

“God damn it!” The Crown Prince twisted his other hand, catching the whirlwind and blowing his own wind that hit the powerful energy that made quite a loud explosion in the air. Bei Yau and the others shielded their bodies from the violent blows of the wind that ravaged the city centre in an instant. Leaving dust flying high enough around them until their vision was clear again.

Luo Xiang pulled the horse reins go after the carriage which had already disappeared from their sight.


Chen Ming was still gripping Xiao Hong’s sleeve tightly, what just happened? Xiao Hong hugged him holding his head and protecting him with his whole body. He couldn’t see what had just happened so quickly.

“Hong, where is Xiao Ying?” he asked. For a moment he was still looking at the carriage and when everyone stopped the carriage with his brother was gone.

Xiao Hong grasped Chen Ming’s hand.

“Come on, Your Majesty, let’s go after him.”

The sound of horse hooves echoed along the road, commotion was inevitable in every corner of the city that suddenly became like a battlefield. The screams of the victims were heard quite clearly everywhere. Some of the houses along the road leading to the palace were burned by the fire that soared to the top of the highest stake.

The Crown Prince’s horse neighed loudly, Luo Xiang quickly pulled the reins as he passed the building which was on the verge of collapsing from the fire, and couldn’t dodge when the huge wooden stake fell right in front of them blocking the way.



Calm. There was almost no sound around him.

Only the faint sound of water drops falling on the solid surface, which becomes louder as he is back to his senses. Cold and wet, Bai Ying’s hands touched the cold and slightly slimy floor. Slowly opened his eyes, what happened? The young man tried to remember what he had been through and how he got there. Slowly he pulled himself up and sat up, looking around. He’s in a cave, where are the others? The Crown Prince, Chen Ming, Xiao Hong, Bei Yau and others. And how did he get there?

Bai Ying pulled his leg.

“Your Majesty” he called, his voice echoing throughout the cave which was not that large, there was water from a rock sticking out from above and dripping onto the rock surface not far in front of him.

Bai Ying remembered that something had gotten into the carriage while it was running fast, something black resembling the roots of a water plant that was slimy and wet. Something wrapped around his legs rose higher and higher into his body.

The carriage rocked very hard, the horses sounded panicked and ran as fast as they could. Bai Ying’s eyes lit up, whispering something that the two horses pulling the carriage could hear slowly calming down. However, the living roots creep higher and higher up to his chest, even though, it was not a creature that could injure him. Without moving his hand he scorched the living roots with just a glance, there was a loud groan from the living roots like the cry of an animal that was in pain and dying as Bai Ying’s white flames burned them with great ease.

The horse carriage stopped, but it seemed they were quite far from the Crown Prince and the others as he couldn’t hear their voices. Bai Ying got up from his seat and headed to the front of the carriage to get out. Opened the curtain and poked his head out. There was no one else there, the horses that had started to calm down were running very fast earlier, somehow turning in which direction it was clear that there were no other people around. It’s so quiet there.

“Your Highness”

Besides, someone who had already walked over and stopped right in front of him. Bai Ying raised his head to see a familiar person standing in front of him. It’s Lo Yi.

“Brother Lo Yi, big brother, how are you? What happened?” Bai Ying exclaimed clearly couldn’t hide his joy seeing Lo Yi there. But the Crown Prince of Dai Yang couldn’t help but stare at him, his face looking strange.

“Xiao Ying, forgive me, but, big Brother really needs your help”

Bai Ying who was still smiling furrowed his brow at Lo Yi who looked desperate at that time. His eyes looked at Bai Ying with a dispirited look. The Crown Prince’s entire body was covered in wounds as if he had fought a great battle. Bai Ying was about to ask what happened but something quickly grabbed Lo Yi’s leg and he fell to the ground.

“Brother!” Bai Ying approached, the slimy net wrapped around Lo Yi’s legs and hung him up with his head down. Bai Ying run and threw white flames that wrapped around Lo Yi’s feet trying to break him free, in an instant the living roots caught fire and Lo Yi fell back to the ground.


Bai Ying ran over but the living roots just keep getting back from another direction and wrapped around Lo Yi’s neck.

“Ah!” Lo Yi tried to fight back, he pulled the strings around his neck that were getting tighter and tighter.

Bai Ying threw his white flames back to burn the living roots and several times managed to release Lo Yi, but again a creature that came from nowhere was wrapped around Lo Yi’s body all over his body, he could suffocate from the air because of it.

“Brother, hold on!” Bai Ying opened his palms to form a fierce white flame that in one fell swoop would devour all creatures around him mercilessly. He was just about to do it when he heard Lo Yi’s voice.

“Stop it! Xiao Ying, please stop!”


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