
Chapter 378


The young man fell, eventually, the older man approach him fast and aim his claws at the man’s neck, ready to use them on him if he dare to move.

“Don’t move, just give it up young man, you’re not my opponent”

The young man falls to the ground so hard cause he hurt his internal energy, he throws his hand on the dusty ground in anger, he missed it, just because some little man’s voice distracted him.

Some of the city officers finally come over, but the older man took out an order plaque from under his clothes, which make the officers get back and leave him.

Luo Xiang is curious, who is this man, who has an officials plaque to able to make those officers leave him alone. He looks like one of those great fighters from the Martial arts world, which he don’t quite familiar with, and from his appearance, he doesn’t look like a typical citizen of Yue Yang or Wah Ye, he must come from a neighbouring country around this city, as Gao.

The older man pulled the young man from the ground.

“Get up! I’ll take you back to Gao, brash young man, you really make people annoyed for chasing you around” the older man grumbled as he pulled the young man up.


Hearing that, Crown Prince glance at his guard, Bei, they do have the same destination, to the border of Gao, It just happens they meet some of their man there.

The man pulled the young man and tied the young man’s wrist behind his back, avoiding him from running from him. The older man stopped at Crown Prince and others, lowered his head to greet him politely. Luo Xiang who stands firmly in his place does have a very strong aura from his appearance, even nobody knows him as The Crown Prince but he does have does look in his eyes that make him more than officials everywhere he goes, people who meat he will reluctant to see him.

“Thanks, Young Master, to help Servant to catch this snake, it’s been days trying to catch it with no result, I chased him up and down around this city”

Luo Xiang doesn’t care about the man, it’s not even his business, they just happen to be there, in fact, they have not helped anyone.

Bei Yau steps in to answer the older man.

“I think it has nothing with us, Master, we didn’t do anything”

The old man looks confused, so what makes the young man fall easily from his attack? If it is not them help him earlier.

He looks at the young man beside him, who is still with his eyes sharp on Crown Prince and others.

But the older man smiles. He looks at Bai Ying, who standing beside the Crown Prince, his face glowing, impossible for them to miss that very pretty face in chance, even the young man who tied beside the older man widened his eyes when he realize the young man in front of him, stare at him with his big eyes unbelievably, swallow hard, that the prettiest creature he has ever seen, unable to contain his amazement to cause him subconsciously his mouth is wide open.


“Hehehe it must be because of this young good looking man here, does, Servant have the privilege to know where this Young Master’s come from and where to go?” asked the older man who still not off his gaze from Bai Ying, look at him thoroughly.

Chen Ming pulled his lips, seems like, this old man speak so sweet like that as he teased his brother, really scary.

The Crown Prince also disturbed by that, pulled Bai Ying to his back.

“That’s none of your business, come on Ying, we get back to our room”

The Crown Prince pulled Bai Ying’s hand back to the road behind them.

“Yes, Your- eh Brother Xiang Xiang”

Bai Ying almost forgets that they’re commoners now, he cants call the Crown Prince by His Majesty for this time now.

The entourage was about to get back to the inn when suddenly the big wind come from nowhere.

“Ahh, typhoon!” shout the people around running to save themself.

The big cyclone comes from nowhere, even the Crown Prince has to cover his eyes from the dust flying around them.

“Damn where this come from?” shouted the older man.

The Crown prince and others were on high alert, but his grip on Bai Ying was suddenly off his hand.

“Ying Ying!”

Their vision is limited, Crown Prince can see nothing around him, even his Bai Ying, he loses him.

“Ying Ying!”

There is no answer from Bai Ying, just Bei Yau and others.

“Your Majesty, be careful, this is artificial cyclones!”

Of course, it is, Luo Xiang think about nothing but looking for his Bai Ying, this strong wind blinds all eyes, he has a really bad feeling. The man opened his palms, casting his spiritual energy out, which instantly dispersed the cyclones around them, his eyes widened as he can’t find his Bai Ying elsewhere there.

“No, Ying Ying!”

Their vision back to normal when the wind was gone, all around them looked messed, the wind scattered everything around them, crushing the merchant’s carriage, with all of its contents on the streets, wrecked charts.

“Xiao Ying!” shouted Chen Ming getting worried.

Bei Yau and Ge Lu were off guarded, they look around them and can’t find Bai Ying, the young man is gone.

“Your Majesty!” shout Su Lang.

The older man who claims to be Hei Hu looks surprised too, he lost the young man in his custody.

“Oh no, damn it, where did the brat go?”

Crown Prince hold his anger, Bai Ying is no way to leave him without saying anything, and the young man beside Hei Hu is also gone., how can this happen before his eyes and do nothing about it?


His loud angry voice make Bei Yau, Ge Lu and Su Lang turn and lowered their head deeply.

“Please spare us Your Majesty for being careless!”

Hei Hu is just about to turn his head after hearing the Crown Prince’s voice, and fund the sharp tip of longs spear belonging to Su Lang pointed in his neck vein, he is just about to open his hand to charge the attack when he feels a very strong spiritual energy from the young man in front of him, from The Crown Prince who looks so furious.

“Where my Ying Ying!”

“Gleuk” the older man can’t move, just swallow hard.


Very cool air, birds chirping coquettishly on tree branches, the sound of water flowing down the creek, that’s, the first thing that caught up his ear when Bai Ying opened his eyes, trying to adapt to what was just happened to him, was it just a dream? And it’s morning already.

The Young man will about to raise his hand to cover the sunlight that hit directly into his eyes, but he can’t, he lies down on some kind of bed with both hands and feet tied up so tight.

Where is he? Where are the Crown Prince and others? Does he been unconscious? But how come it possibly happen? The last thing he remembers was the wind suddenly blowing so hard, and someone seems to tap his shoulder from behind, just when he was about to turn his face someone pokes his nerve and make him lose his consciousness.

And what happened with his clothes? Why the front is partly open, as someone just purposely opened it? This is just a rope tied on his wrist, it’s so easy for him to burn it down, he has to go, his guts tell him he is in danger now, of course, he is, who want to tie someone like this if they have no bad intention.

But, when he was just about to cast his flame, the door in that very simple room in the hut opened from outside.


Bai Ying will see who is that person who so great to be able to poke his never and cause him to fall unconscious,

“Hey, you wake up already, my beautiful fairy”

He is, that young man, the young man who get caught last night, what is he doing?

The young man approached the bed, taking a tray in his hand, a tray with something smells good in its bowl.

“Who are you? What are you doing?”

The young man smiled, he put the tray on the table not far from the bed, lower his head at Bai Ying, so near to look at a pair of Bai Ying;’s beautiful eyes at a very close distance,

“Wow, I did hear about the peoples from Wah Ye indeed so beautiful, but, I’m not expecting them to be so beautiful as this, even..” the man touched his lips, smiling mischievously.

“Your lips taste so sweet”


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