
Chapter 253

“Greetings, Your Majesty.”

LuoXiang waved his hand for the maids to leave the room.

“You guys get some rest.”

The maids nodded.

“Yes Your Majesty”

BaiYing turned around, smiling broadly at the Crown Prince who was approaching after his discussion with healer Ou and others were done, he knew he couldn’t join them because everyone was talking about him, BaiYing could only put on a cheerful face even though he knew everyone was worried and have a difficult time because of him.

“Your Majesty, look at these warm clothes from Her Majesty the Queen, she just ordered them last week before the new year, these are very nice, and the material is thick and warm, the material is also very soft”

LuoXiang smiled, he wrapped his arms around BaiYing’s small waist, hugged him from behind, and rested his head on the young man’s shoulder.


“Erm, does, the Queen gave you all of this?”

Bai Ying nodded.

“Yeah, she said because I need a lot of clothes besides clothes for the concubines, she invited some designer to choose the most beautiful clothes, and in this country only Ying’er who has it, all made especially for Ying’er, it’s so beautiful isn’t it, Your Majesty?”

The Crown Prince smiled, of course, it’s very beautiful, looking at BaiYing’s face from the side, no matter how he sees him the kid looked so beautiful, he held by BaiYing’s small head, turned the young man’s body to face him, couldn’t stop smiling at BaiYing’s face from a very close distance.

“Emh, it’s, very beautiful, no matter how I look at you, any time anywhere.”

The Crown Prince tilted his head to kiss BaiYing’s sweet lips who still didn’t stop talking.

“I mean these clothes.., ummph” BaiYing had to tilt his head to let the tall man kiss him very sweetly, his two big palms gently holding his chin.

“My YingYing”

But the Crown Prince couldn’t be careless, even though he wanted to shower BaiYing with all kinds of kisses and hugs, but he had to restrain himself, according to the Ou healer, any excessive pleasure could make BaiYing excited, and if he was too excited the child might spit out his energy accidentally, and it was extremely dangerous for him.

LuoXiang looked into BaiYing’s shady eyes, holding his waist with one hand and BaiYing’s hand on the other, kissing it gently.

“Chup, do you want me to help brush your back?” LuoXiang whispered,

BaiYing smiled faintly, his cheeks were red with coldness and embarrassment, the Crown Prince’s gaze at that moment made his heartbeat very fast, and he could feel pain when he was about to laugh, so the young man tried to take deep breaths slowly until his heartbeats back to normal.

“Em, that’s a good idea, Your Majesty, I can also rub Your Majesty’s back”

LuoXiang nodded, he lowered his hand holding BaiYing’s small waist with both hands, kissing the young man’s forehead.

“Emh, I want to always smell it, your smell makes me unable to stay away it can’t be helped,”

“Hehehehe Your Majesty, this is the smell of my sweat”

“Well, then this very great Crown Prince is trapped by the smell of his cute concubine’s sweat which is very tempting, owh, it turns out that Prince This crown is so awful”

BaiYing smiled feeling the Crown Prince’s very warm embrace, he lifted his arm around the Crown Prince’s big waist, hugging him very tightly.

“Hey Your Highness”


By the morning.

It didn’t take long for the Crown Prince and BaiYing along with Physician Ou to head to the top of the Medicine valley where the cold stone cave was located, the cave that became a sacred place for the ancestors of the Medicine Valley school and was closed to the public, the name was Cold stone cave because the air inside was very cold beyond any place, but in the same place in the interior of the cave, there is a small pool of hot water that descends from the mountain which contains many minerals and natural medicines from all over the Medicine valley, that pool has been used before for elders to cultivate in the past. Since the Medicine valley now is more to be a healer than warriors, so the pool would be used to treat severe, serious illnesses or injuries.

BaiYing would be soaking in the pool water for half a day for five consecutive days after obtaining the reversal energy from YiXing, which the man thought should be channeled in the condition that the two of them were not clothed at all. And the perfect location for that is on a cold long rock in the middle of a cave not far from the pond.

Yixing had just appeared with both hands and feet chained and led by several skilled bodyguards. The man smirked seeing that he finally got the chance according to his plan from the start, he couldn’t stop smiling with satisfaction.

“Hehe, this is really great, at least I can get what I want”

The Crown Prince glanced at ShinYa who was standing not far in front of him, while everyone was told to come out and there was only LuoXiang, BaiYing lying on the rock, and ShinYa, also the man.

“What are you waiting for, Master Yi, do you need help taking off your clothes?” asked the Crown Prince.

YIXing looked around.

“Hey, you’re joking right, Your Highness the Crown Prince, will all these people still be here watching the energy channeling process? Like I said before, there shouldn’t be anyone else...”

“There shouldn’t be anyone else in very close quarters, but, who knows if you’ll act weird or not, or you might end up doing something indecent towards my concubine, what do you think? I was a fool to leave you alone with him?” said the Crown Prince after cutting off YiXing’s words and glaring at him.

YiXing looked at ShinYa, and the two bodyguards behind him.

“Eh then them? Are you willing to let everyone see your concubine’s flawless body?”

Crown Prince restrained himself, he was used to YiXing’s filthy mouth talking about BaiYing, he would pretend not to hear it now or he could lose control and kill him, the man’s strength was almost gone and left only his core inner energy, even a young guard could disable him.

The Crown Prince waved his hand at the two guards behind YiXing, immediately they released the shackles on the man’s hands and feet, and excused themself out.

YiXing smiled, he started to unbuckle his waist belt. ShinYa was still standing where he was, and the shaman wasn’t there just for fun.

After all of YiXing’s clothes were removed, the man who wasn’t wearing any clothes headed for the stone bed, LuoXiang turned his head, it was disgusting to see anyone else naked without single clothes in front of him, besides BaiYing of course.

The Crown Prince shook his head at ShinYa.

“And this beauty, I will help him take off his clothes.”

YiXing was about to touch BaiYing’s but LuoXiang had already come and slapped his hand away, glaring at the man.

“Don’t dare to touch him with those dirty hands of yours.”

YiXing smiled, he was a naked man that the other two grown men look at him, now, what would he be like now?

“Hehehe this is so ridiculous, how can I not touch him while I have to channel energy into him”

The Crown Prince put BaiYing’s head who was sleeping after taking the medicine from healer Ou onto his shoulder, slowly unbuckled the boy’s belt, and removed the outer layer of his clothes.

“You won’t touch him, it’s impossible to touch, according to healer Ou when channeling the reversal energy you can’t possibly touch his body, just getting close will be difficult let alone touching him, that’s very good news, at least you will never have a chance to do it”

“Hehe, Well, let’s just say I lost a little, but, his body must be very beautiful to look at, you can’t possibly close my eyes with a cloth right? There must be no other foreign objects or the energy distribution process will be disturbed.”

LuoXiang had already removed the last layer of BaiYing’s clothes and just taken it off, he glanced at ShinYa.

The young shaman nodded, the young man cupped his palms together in front of his chest and recited a spell, his eyes briefly lit up when the spell was cast, and something happened. He cast a spell on YiXing.

“No! Why is everything so colorful? What happened? What are you doing?”

YiXing shouted while waving his two hands in front of his eyes, in his eyes, everything he saw did not match reality, the dark cave suddenly became like a garden full of flowers, and the Crown Prince in front of him resembled a human with the head of a tiger, and his own two hands resembled the furry hands of a wolf, everything he saw was like an illusion.


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