
Chapter 117

LuoXiang didn’t seem to want to pay much attention to the healer, BeiYau who realized what the Crown Prince was thinking at this moment immediately let the old healer out of the room.

The Crown Prince stroked BaiYing’s hair, he smiled.

“Bad boy, open your eyes, this is no time for jokes, you, remember what your decree number ten says? BaiYing, must accompany the Crown Prince until his hair is gray and old, his face is ugly, wrinkled, fussy, you must not violate it, the punishment will be very big”

LuoXiang held BaiYing’s hand, lowered his head to rest his forehead on BaiYing’s cold forehead, and his two big palms held his hand. BaiYing’s cheeks look so small in his palm.

“Your Majesty!” BaiYing exclaimed,

The Crown Prince raised his head, he kept hearing the boy’s voice in his head, while in reality, BaiYing still didn’t move in front of him, he missed him so much that every corner and room had his voice everywhere.

“What if, I’ll have to die, will, Your Majesty be sad?” asked BaiYing, one beautiful evening in front of the terrace of the Plum Pavilion where BaiYing sat leaning against the Crown Prince’s massive body.

LuoXiang looked at BaiYing sharply, he pinched BaiYing’s nose in annoyance.


“Awww its hurts, Your Majesty” BaiYing groaned.

“Say that again? It’s really that easy to want to die, there is no way, did YingYing forget the contents of your last decree, which was written in big letters, that BaiYing and LuoXiang would accompany each other until gray hair, wrinkled skin, ugly face, and become old geeks, YingYing wanted to break your promise? The punishment will be very heavy though.”

BaiYing pursed his lips.

“Em no, who wants to deny, y-yeah who knows, anything can happen right, who knows if I met the snake, and it ate me alive, it’s very scary who wants to be eaten alive, ichh”

The Crown Prince exasperated scrambles forward Baiying hair.

“You, don’t ever think like that.”

LuoXiang held back the tears that appeared at the corners of his eyes, smiling at the thought of what that kid did that made him unable to stop smiling.

“YingYing! Stop there!” cried the Crown Prince after BaiYing who had just drawn his face in watercolor and was now laughing at him.

“Hahahaha Your Majesty, your face is so funny”

After a short sleep due to fatigue waiting for BaiYing to finish painting, the ignorant BaiYing then drew the Crown Prince’s face with watercolors, the face now resembled a grumpy giant rabbit, the young man ran around the room avoiding the angry LuoXiang.

“You, come here, brat!”

BaiYing’s laughter echoed in the Crown Prince’s head.


While the Crown Prince still couldn’t shake the image of BaiYing in his head, the bedroom door was opened from the outside, BeiYau had already entered.

“Your Majesty, there is a report from the guide.”

Not long after, a middle-aged man who was the guide to the next town lowered his body to his knees in front of the Crown Prince who was already sitting in his chair.

“What do you mean by a landslide? Then is there no other way? We have to get to LiuYang city before tomorrow afternoon, it’s non-negotiable.”

The man trembled slightly at the Crown Prince’s firm voice, his two fists clenched in front of his chest sweating coldly.

“That, Your Majesty, we can still get through, but the chariot may not be able to pass, only horses and people can.”

Hearing that LuoXiang took a deep breath.

“Heh, how can we not take the chariot with us?”


The morning.

The Crown Prince’s entourage continued their journey by horse, forced to leave the Crown Prince’s chariot at the villa and take BaiYing in his arms on the horse with him.

After making sure the ties around BaiYing’s waist were secure enough, LuoXiang stomped his horse following the path indicated by the guide, BeiYau was in the front, while his trained guards were in the back along with concubine Fu and BaiYing’s maids, since neither of them had any riding skills they had to ride with the others.

“Hiaaa! Hiaa!!”

Drap Drap Drap.

The big horses moved one by one through the narrow road which was mostly covered with mud from the cliff’s landslide, although the road conditions were not safe and another landslide could occur at any time, the Crown Prince did not want to delay the time to find another road, BaiYing’s condition kept fading away from him.

“YingYing, hold on, we will arrive at LiuYang soon, you will be fine, please don’t give up” LuoXiang whispered to BaiYing who was leaning at him with his head fell limply on his chest.

“Hiaa! Hiaa!!”


It was near midnight in the depths of the LiuYang forest.

“Ready!” loud screams, loud voices of youths dressed as YueYang official soldiers who surrounded a cave entrance, arrows, and long spears were prepared after smoking the cave by burning wet grass, right in front of the entrance to urging the inhabitants believed to be inside to react, and sure enough, there was a sound.

The sound of moaning so loudly echoed in the small cave hole above the water, the water was swaying due to the movement of the creature inside.


Eunuch Sheng’s horse had just stopped, a head guard ran up to him.

“Report KungKung, according to the observation there is indeed a movement of living creature inside.”

The stocky Eunuch raised his hand.

“Don’t hurt it, you guys just guard the cave entrance so that the creature can’t escape.”

The head guard nodded.

“Yes KungKung!”

The groans of a creature whose size might be very large from its sound, after spreading the guards in every forest near the Kili border, they finally found ErWang, a giant serpent that had pieces of the Blood Stone, and now, it was only a matter of baiting the serpent to find the remaining pieces of the BloodStone in order to complete the transformation process, eunuch Sheng pulled his lips.

“He, this is so perfect”


“Your Majesty” BaiYing’s soft voice, several times called out trying to wake up LuoXiang who was tired and asleep under the tree, he opened his eyes, seeing the young man bowing his head looking at him very closely, the Crown Prince quickly tried to stand up holding the young man’s hand, but the young man it was getting away from him.

“YingYing where are you going?” he asked, BaiYing smiled, his face very beautiful in the moonlight and waving at him, a very large snake was standing coiled behind him, red shining eyes with a large mouth that occasionally let out its forked tongue.


“Your Majesty, I will go with him, Your Majesty takes care.” LuoXiang tried to get closer, but his body couldn’t move, just standing with two legs that seemed to be planted so deeply on the ground, can’t move, it pulled him down.

“No, YingYing, don’t go with him, what about me? YingYing you promised to stay with me until we get old and ugly, YingYing don’t go!”

BaiYing smiled, he sat on the coiled body of the serpent which slowly lifted his body leaving the Crown Prince keep drowning to the ground.

“Your Majesty, I will go with him, he will take care of me, Your Majesty, take it easy, from now on BaiYing will not disturb Your Majesty anymore, goodbye Your Majesty.”

LuoXiang’s hand was still raised as his body was pulled in deeper.

“No, not YingYing, don’t leave me, YingYing!”

LuoXiang open his eyes wide, shocked from his nightmare, a very real nightmare, he woke up and checked BaiYing who was still lying in front of him, on the bed motionless, his face white, very pale, his cold cheeks, his whole body was so cold, he couldn’t even hear his breath anymore.

“YingYing, don’t go, BaiYingYing I order you not to leave me! You heard that, BeiYau!” He cried, that afternoon his bodyguards have been looking for the antidote, but they haven’t appeared even when the sky is getting dark. BaiYing’s hands and feet are starting to stiffen, is he really going to lose him, why can’t he hear his heartbeat again? LuoXiang lifted BaiYing’s body and hugged him tightly.



LiuYang’s dry land.

Although the air was quite cold that morning, the sun was shining very brightly in the sky which seemed to be very close to the barren land of LiuYang city, several people passing by on the street just looking for food or after doing their morning work all pulled up thick clothes that still couldn’t hold back the cold air.

After passing through the big deep valley the whole day before, the entourage arrives at the center of the big city, LiuYang, which was a big city.

At one of the big villa that the Crown Prince’s entourage rented to stay, lucky, Yan, Bi, and the other servants were always ready with lots of food ingredients so that everyone would not starve, the smoke rising from the kitchen drifted far to the room, where the Crown Prince sat asleep in BaiYing’s bedside.

Slowly, the young man lying on the bed opened his eyes, a pair of round eyes with a clear light brown color, thick eyelashes that fluttered several times when he tried to clear his vision.

At first glance, it looks like it’s not in his room, the first thing he always remembers is the curtains, the color is very dull, like old cloth, the smell, not as fragrant as usual, where is this? Had he come out of the palace? But, when he turned his head, he still found the Crown Prince beside him, asleep in a seated position, with one hand supporting his chin.

“He’s so cute”

BaiYing would prank him, he would tickle the young man’s waist then he had to use his hands to scratch it, at that time his chin would drop, BaiYing chuckled slyly.


Although it was a bit difficult to lift his body, which was aching everywhere, he managed to tickle the Crown Prince’s waist, until he lowered his hand to scratch it and his head fell.


BaiYing chuckled until the Crown Prince opened his eyes and stared at him for a long time, just silently watching.

“Eh Your Majesty” what was that person thinking? BaiYing thought because his eyes looked so sad, moved, and without thinking the Crown Prince came forward and hugged him tightly.


LuoXiang hugged BaiYing up tightly in his arms, even when the young man was still stuttering and didn’t understand what was happening, the huge body shook as he hugged him.


“Y-Your Majesty”

“Thank goodness, YingYing thank goodness”


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