
Chapter 6 The Fairy's Blood

Blood, the miraculous liquid of life... it\'s like that for Klaus too, but with an even more intense meaning. Since he was turned into what people started calling a vampire, only blood recently taken from living creatures can satisfy his immortal body\'s needs.

That need for fresh blood turned him into a wild beast, a supreme hunter, always on the tracking of new victims, and he has tasted of so many kinds of them.

Perhaps due to his curse or nature, Klaus prefers the blood of beautiful women, which would be enough to make him believe that fairy blood can be the best he has ever tasted.

Well, at least he thought so before. But now, as he watches some of that delicate, bright red liquid run across the floor, he is sure that her blood is much more special than he could have imagined.

That sweet scent of flowers enters his nose and awakens his long-dormant veins. Even before tasting it, Klaus can feel how powerful that winged woman\'s blood is.

[I need that blood!!] All his senses scream that. But only his head seems to be able to move and very limited, so he has no way to drink the blood that flows from the fairy\'s cage onto his.

The necromancers don\'t notice Klaus\' interest in those drops of blood, but the fairy doesn\'t fail to notice his gaze. Since he arrived in that world, his eyes only seemed curious and tired, but now it seems that something has awakened inside him, something evil and powerful.

[So this is really you...] The fairy feels shivers run through her body as Klaus stares at her blood on the floor. Part of her is very scared of him, but another part is curious and even feels some attraction to him, something like an eccentric fascination for the darkness.

"Don\'t worry; he can\'t hurt you." Eli\'s words wake the fairy from her trance. He points to the cage bars. "These walls are reinforced with our Sect\'s best magic, so just stay away from his cage, and you\'ll be fine."

The young necromancer is clearly trying to get the fairy\'s affection, but the disgusted and hostile look she gives him smashes any expectations of that happening.

"Save your nasty words for pigs like you; I don\'t need them!" For such a delicate and pure creature, the fairy\'s mouth can sometimes be surprisingly dirty. "Get close to me, and I\'ll kill you at the first opportunity!!"

"..." Eli almost goes into depression after such a response. He was never popular with women, but that fairy made him want to be.

Elder Abner looks at Eli and shakes his head. "She\'s right, don\'t waste your words on a creature that will end up being food for this... thing."

"Really?" Eli is shocked by those words. "Is the Sect Master really going to allow s him to eat her??"

"Why else would the Sect Master have us put his cage next to hers??" Zadok comments in an upset tone.

"Damn! This thing is going to have all the fun, and we not..." Eli thinks aloud before looking at the fairy with a regretful expression.

The fairy rolls her eyes before turning her attention to Klaus and whispering. "Don\'t listen to those idiots; we\'re in the same boat here. I\'m not your enemy..."

Klaus still doesn\'t understand a word from the fairy, but all of his instincts tell him that she is somehow trustworthy. Maybe it\'s because she\'s the first non-human person he met besides his family, or perhaps it\'s the fact that she\'s a prisoner in that place, but either way, even though he doesn\'t want to, he\'s inclined to like her.

But now is not the time to think about what he is going to do with the fairy, but drink her blood that is right in front of him. That blood is still fresh, but it won\'t keep so for longer, so he can\'t miss that opportunity.

As that blood seems very powerful, just a few drops would be highly beneficial to him, but how will he reach it? Klaus can only move his head a little, so even if he could topple toward the blood, he still couldn\'t reach it without a little push.

[Think, Klaus... think!!] He tries to find a way to reach the blood, and as soon as the idea pops into his mind, he puts it into practice.

Klaus remembers the pretentious Zadok and uses all his strength to turn his head towards the young necromancer and cast his arrogant look.

When it comes to being arrogant and superior, Klaus is a master, and nobody can defeat him. Zadok quickly notices the vampire\'s piercing gaze and again feels like a sheep facing a wolf.

"What the fuck are you looking at?!?" When confronted by a superior gaze, Zadok quickly goes into defensive mode and stops thinking straight.

"Leave him alone, boy." Elder Abner tries to advise his pupil, but it is impossible to put reason in the mind of a man who is having his manhood reduced like that.

"This insect has to learn not to look down on us!" Before Abner can do anything, Zadok reaches the cage and brutally kicks Klaus in the back.

*BAM!* *Thud*

Klaus is thrown toward the fairy\'s cage and falls right in her blood on the floor. As he rolls face down in the blood, he quickly uses whatever energy he has left to catch its drops with his tongue.

The plan works flawlessly, and when Klaus feels the fairy\'s blood in his mouth, an explosion of power occurs within his body. Those few drops run through his veins, making him feel alive after so many years.

[So fucking good!!!] The pleasure Klaus feels in drinking that blood takes his mind far away from there, to a perfect place where there is only him and the fairy, where he can drink her delicious blood forever… nirvana.

"Shit!! What did you do?!?" Abner scolds Zadok as he gets Klaus up and checks his body. The blow was too strong and dislocated Klaus\' shoulder, and the impact against the bars broke his arm.

Zadok leaves the chamber without looking back; even now, he feels an instinctive fear of Klaus. Meanwhile, Abner has him sitting in the corner of the cage and hopes the Sect Master overlooks his new injuries.

"That\'s your fault for being so fragile..." The old necromancer mutters as he finishes lifting the cage walls with Eli.

Both necromancers are so worried about the Sect Master\'s reaction that they don\'t notice Klaus\'s pleased expression, but the fairy does. How could she not see him licking her blood from his lips and making such a delighted look?

Abner and his pupil finish setting up Klaus\'s cage and quickly exit the chamber but not before Eli casts one last worried look at the fairy. "Just stay in your cage\'s corner..."

But she ignores Eli\'s words again; now she is fully focused on Klaus, and her fear grows, as does her curiosity. Many questions come to her mind while her eyes are fixed on him, mostly on his lips.

A few minutes after the necromancers leave the chamber, leaving only the fairy and Klaus there, she tries to talk to him. "What the fuck are you doing?!?!"

"..." He hears the fairy\'s words but doesn\'t want to pay attention to her now; he is still tasting her blood, enjoying that moment as much as possible.

"Hey!! You owe me some answers after drinking my blood!" The fairy seems more upset that he drank her blood without her permission than the fact itself.

"..." No matter how much the fairy yells at him, Klaus remains silently immobile. In fact, her voice is sweet and smooth even in an irritated tone, and as he doesn\'t understand her words, that\'s like exotic music to him.

After complaining a few more times, the fairy sighs in disappointment. "Shit, you came from another world, so I doubt you understand my language... I don\'t even know if you can talk."

"Ahh..." Tired, the fairy sighs and sits down on the cold floor of her cage. She can\'t help but rethink how she ended up in that place. "What the fuck did to up end in this madness… damn, I\'m so unlucky!"

Her gaze roams the walls of the strange chamber until her eyes meet those beautiful and sinister crimson eyes again. Yes, Klaus has awakened and is gazing into her crystalline eyes.

He tried to taste the fairy\'s blood as slowly as he could, but his weak body absorbed those few drops too quickly; now his organs are returning to function as a lot of new information enters his mind.

When Klaus first saw the fairy, he found her the most beautiful woman ever; when he heard her voice, he found it the sweetest voice of all; and when he drank her blood, he found it the tastiest; he loves everything about her.

He still isn\'t sure if that\'s because she\'s the first non-human woman he\'s met or maybe because she\'s really special, but he\'s fascinated with her and can\'t help but smile as he imagines what other surprises she has in store.

"..." The fairy notices Klaus\' strange glance, which makes her very confused. He seems to look at her with a mixture of the expression of a man in love looking at the woman he loves and a hungry beast looking at a piece of meat.

And the worst part is that she is in doubt about which case she prefers.

"W-why are you looking at me like that???" The fairy\'s lovely cheeks turn pink as Klaus\' gaze awakens both fear and new feelings in her heart. Although she finds those sensations strange, she doesn\'t hate them either.

After continuing to gaze at her face for a while, Klaus\' lips finally move, and she hears his seductive voice for the first time.

"Irina..." Klaus speaks in a soft, deep tone and immediately likes how that name sounds though he is not quite sure how to pronounce it correctly yet.

"H-h-how... h-how..." The fairy is shocked and starts stuttering. "How the hell do you know my name???"

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