
Chapter 901 No Kiss

Princess\' Birth Attendant

"Would you care to introduce yourself and the reason why you are here, Archangel?"

Widening her stance, the birth attendant jutted her chin and folded her arms across her chest.

The Angels were surprised at the sudden confidence in her behavior when all she demanded was self-respect.

Archangel Azrael seemed to misunderstand that.

He had raised an eyebrow at her and mirrored her movements, and it made her feel nervous at her own false bravado.

Her lips pressed into a white slash.

Were they mocking her for demanding the truth?

The birth attendant tapped her foot in annoyance, waiting for their response.

She brought it upon herself to step forward while pushing Archangel Azrael again to the side.

"I am Archangel Ariel and this is Archangel Azrael." Archangel Ariel settled a hand over her chest before gesturing at her winged companions. "These three Cherubims are with us. There is no need to be suspicious." She told her gently but it failed to assuage her suspicion.If they keep insisting that one more time, she wasn\'t going to believe them anymore. "We are here to help the woman." Archangel Ariel kept eye contact with her and she could feel her sincerity more than the male Archangel.

When she raised her eyes to look at the smoke twirling silver-blue above their heads, she initially assumed that it came from the fire on the hearth.

Yet, when her gaze followed the source, her mouth fell open when she realized it came from the Vampire King.

She wrinkled her nose at the slight acrid odor of burning flesh from his bandages.

He looked half-dead and it worried her.

"The Vampire King doesn\'t look good." The cherubim had finally voiced out what she wanted to say. Frown lines marred his forehead as he glanced down at his ward. "Smoke is coming out of the bandages I had wrapped around him despite the angel magic I used."

Was it dangerous for everyone in the Emerald Room to inhale this mysterious smoke?

Her fingers touched her parted lips.

What about the Princess and the babies\' safety?

"We must leave the Vampire King outside." Archangel Ariel turned her head to speak to Archangel Azriel in a tone that made her sound like she was asking for permission. "He is still a fledgling Archdemon adjusting to his physical vessel." Her grey eyes almost bulged out of her drooping eyelids. Had the Vampire King turn into an Archdemon? "His spirit is warring with his body right now. The Emerald Room might slow down his transformation."

"No. Just let him stay here. I promised the Vampire King before the tournament that I would bring him to his wife no matter what his condition was." He replied. "Hearing that from his own mouth made me think he was determined to win over Luxen with or without my help." The corner of Archangel Azrael\'s lips curled into a small smile.He does have the right to be here as the Empress\' husband."

The Cherubim who had Apollyon\'s arm around his shoulders nodded in agreement. "I think it is better for the Vampire King if we slowed down his transformation on purpose. That way, he could hold unto himself long before he turned into a full-fledged Archdemon."

Did Archangel Azrael, the Empress and the Vampire King know each other?

He was speaking about them fondly as if he shared some form of camaraderie with them.

What had happened to Archangel Azrael and Apollyon before they arrived here?

Archangel Azrael placed an arm behind the Empress\' back and hoisted her up.

"How is the Empress before she passed out?" He asked the birth attendant as he tried to open her closed lids with his thumb and forefinger.

"She isn\'t herself." The birth attendant faced him and replied bluntly. "The Archdemon controlling her body also promised that she would do everything in her power to stop the childbirth."

"You are talking about Lilith." The Archangel\'s tone was a matter-of-fact as he glanced down at the princess.

She hesitated before speaking as if she weighing down her words.

"Can you do something about her?" The birth attendant clutched the long sleeve of his white robe until her knuckles went white. "She is putting the Princess in danger."

" I will do my best." Archangel Azrael gripped her gnarled hand and squeezed it gently before she released him.

As he carefully adjusted her upper body, Archangel Azrael brought the Empress close to his broad chest which made the birth attendant scowl.

Did he know exactly what she was doing?

She was tempted to protest at his actions but she also wanted to trust him.

The Archangel moved the hand on her back to hold her nape and tilt her head back to part her lips with his free hand.

The birth attendant\'s body had perked up in vigilance.

Her wary gaze had focused on his face and his wandering hands. "What are you trying to do, Archangel?"

Archangel Azrael held out his hand towards Archangel Ariel as if he was asking for something.

The female Archangel provided him what he needed by placing the fruit of the Four Seasons in his open palm.

"This is the fruit from the Gardens of the Four Seasons." Archangel Azrael moved his hand from left to right when he showed it to her. "This will help exorcise the foreign Archdemon inside the physical vessel."

Archangel Azrael took one small bite on the fruit and chewed on it properly but instead of swallowing it, his mouth swooped down to land on the Princess\'s lips.

"That is improper!" The birth attendant\'s voice was shrill as she barreled towards the insolent archangel.

Archangel Ariel pulled her back when she tried to stop Archangel Azrael from defiling the pregnant princess. "We want her alive, Madame."

"I hate to break this to you when you are just trying to help but it\'s getting too crowded in here. Too much blood and grime. You can\'t convince me that kissing the princess is conducive for childbirth!" She fought the urge to throw and kick things at them.

"It is my responsibility to limit the people in here!" She screeched so loud that spittle had build at the corner of her lips." If you wanted the Vampire King to stay then I suggest the rest of the Angels who had no contribution to get out. And, no more feeding through the mouth!"

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