
Chapter 571 - Right Here Waiting

Chapter 571 - Right Here Waiting

New Chapter for the Highest Tier (June 2021)


Archdemon Empress Luna


Scowling, Apollyon waited for his wife as he stood near the entrance of the royal infirmary with his back against the wall, one foot tapped on the floor with agitation while his arms were crossed over his chest.

It wasn\'t like he was impatient to see his wife, and he couldn\'t bear another hour to be apart from his mate.

He might as well be one of the Faerie Sentinels who were positioned at each side of the door to watch over the patients in case the culprits decided to come back and hurt their victims for the second time… or worse, silence them.

While his wife requested a discussion with Princess Ourania to the women\'s parlour, Apollyon took the chance to talk to Queen Titania and King Oberon.

The small crowd of Summer Faeries in the royal infirmary slowly diffused when they figured out that they couldn\'t get any more information from Princess Sapphire and her sleeping werewolf.

\'The Fairfolk and their love for gossip! It was a persistent illness to the rise of the Faerie civilization.\' He shook his head slowly as he rubbed a? palm over his face. \'It will do no good.\'

\'The very same creatures who were eager to acquire details of another creature\'s life to gain power for blackmailing, spreading malicious rumours that can ruin others were also capable of not caring whether a child was hurt and humiliated in front of them.\' Apollyon scowled at the wall in front of him as he stood by the hallway with the Faerie Sentinels.

He recalled how these Fae could watch Princess Ourania grab his half-sister\'s forearm and pull her towards her like a rag doll.

The obvious boredom in their mildly pleasant countenance appeared cruel in Apollyon\'s eyes—especially those gentlewomen who averted their gaze and examined their cuticles, pretending they never saw it.

Maybe, they thought the daughter deserved it because she talked so rudely with Princess Ourania before she jostled his sister around in her anger.

Apollyon thought otherwise. Princess Ourania was ludicrous, and his sister acted in the offence.

It became her defence mechanism towards their mother. Apollyon knew better because he acted similarly as well.

Princess Ourania\'s children weren\'t the problem.

It was even better that no one from the Summer Monarchs had an inkling about what happened in the Hedge Maze Gardens.

That would be a secret he, Princess Sapphire, Xerxes and Luna to keep.

Four of them witnessed the accident.

At least, they could use Princess Ourania\' secret as the God of Fire\' lover to gain the upper hand.

If his mother would blame them for anything just because she felt like it (he wouldn\'t be surprised if Princess Ourania did this if insanity would keep on eating away her brain), then Apollyon can accuse her of scheming with Hephaestus at the engagement party to kill the Summer Aristocrats on the Great Hall.

Including all the poor Faerie Sentinels who died from their secret investigation of the eternal fire\'s appearance.

If Apollyon\'s mother would attempt to bring Luna and Apollyon down with her nonsense, then he wouldn\'t hesitate to hold and sink his claws on her leg so that he could bring her down with them.

He had already warned his mother about doing them dirty because he wouldn\'t let his biological mother hurt the one he loved.

After all the Summer Faeries in the infirmary made themselves scarce, Apollyon asked his grandparents to remain in the room with him and Princess Sapphire.

He could, at least, take the initiative to discuss his mother\'s behaviour towards his half-sister with his grandparents.

Just how his wife decided to set his own mother straight when it comes to the young spymaster.

Princess Sapphire had so much potential as a Faerie, only to be treated like an invisible crap—like a creature with no feelings at all.

Princess Ourania had hurt her own child and humiliated her in front of everyone with no interference from the King and Queen.

It was strange how they let his mother do whatever she wanted.

He squinted at them in confusion as they talked, seated on the infirmary beds.

His grandparents explained that they allowed their daughter to behave like this because of what they had done to her, forcing her into a loveless marriage with King Gwythyr.

As her parents, King Oberon and Queen Titania, blamed themselves for taking control of her life. Taking her power to choose and find her freedom.

Now, they made it their mission not to meddle in their daughter\'s affairs, and that included how she raised Princess Sapphire.

They weren\'t allowed to have any input with her methods.

Apollyon\'s mother claimed that his grandparents have no right since they did such a poor job at parenting her, which ruined her life.

King Oberon also told Apollyon that this argument was a never-ending cycle of victim mentality, making excuses and blaming others for faults.

So, they decided to keep their mouth shut with Princess Ourania\'s dealings to end it.

They will not dare rock the boat and open their daughter\'s unhealed scars with her previous relationship with King Gwythyr and Apollyon in the past millennium.

It appeared like his mother hadn\'t moved on from it yet when Apollyon was already healed from his mother\'s negligence.

Apollyon swore that he wouldn\'t be like her mother when dealing with her future heirs and heiresses.

Queen Titania informed him that the Summer Faeries had several cases that were mostly related to crimes of passion, revenge, jealousy and resentment because of the Summer Fair Folk\'s too intense and bold nature.

Seeing an explosive exchanger between a mother and a daughter wasn\'t new.

Apollyon heard that their kind was prone to strong, overwhelming emotions which needed a hell of a lot of discipline to control—especially when it came to love and hatred.

There was a fine line between the two.

It can swing from one to another like a pendulum.

It was in their blood.

When his mind began to hush, Apollyon could hear his wife screaming his name..

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