
Chapter 434 - Lets Go To The Village

Chapter 434 - Let\'s Go To The Village


Archdemon Empress Luna


When Apollyon jumped out of their mountain cabin to the portal, Luna released her hold on the opening above the pool when he emerged from his shoes up to his neck.

Her eyes widened in panic when she thought that her judgment to close the portal was too premature.

Luna just expressed her concern that she didn\'t want to leave her husband behind—and when she said \'husband\', that meant all parts of him.

She caught her breath when she stood at the edge of the pool with Apollyon\'s sister, the chonky cat who shook the water out of her midnight fur along with the large wolf.

She bit her fingernails in that split second,? thinking that Apollyon wouldn\'t make it out—that his head would be stuck at the other side of the Realm--but it was fortunate that the opening only snatched a few hairs in his head.

Her tense muscles relaxed, and Luna sighed with relief.

Like all of them, Apollyon didn\'t expect that he would drop into a waterfall, like a stone, so he didn\'t prepare at all.

Huge waves lapped the shoreline from Apollyon\'s drop, and its impact sent a big splash on their forms as he hit the pool.

Luna wasn\'t able to run or turn her heads sideways.

Rainbow shimmered from the edge of her vision when the waves made her wet again.

She just finished drying herself off from nature\'s elements.

Now she had to do it again!

It\'s hot in the Summer Courts, so maybe, she will dry faster if she stayed under the sun for too long.

As Apollyon broke from the surface, he rubbed the water out f his eyes and glanced up to see birds flying overhead and the clear blue sky, checking if the portal was shut with success.

He turned his head to look at her and smirked, showing the charming dimple on his left cheek.

Luna giggled as she stood on her tiptoes.

She beckoned a finger, and her smile remained. "Come here, beloved. I don\'t like to make you wet, but I think it couldn\'t be helped."

From the corner of her eye, Luna could feel Apollyon\'sister watching them back and forth with a curious gaze of wonder, suspicion, and awkwardness.

Apollyon swam towards them in graceful strokes and climbed out of the blue-green waters of the pool by holding the rocks.

Deers in the woods began to wander close to the pool for a drink.

Squirrels were running around the trees, and the grasses and Luna could feel their fur brushing against her feet.

Her husband took a few steps towards her,? raised her chin with a finger, and ate her lips.

Beads of water dripped down their chins.

When Luna settled her hands on his broad shoulders, she was reminded of the fact that his young sister was watching them.

Luna withdrew and pushed him back, averting her gaze.

Apollyon wasn\'t stubborn, and he let her, content on observing her with a mischievous twinkle in his gaze.

"You are amazing." Apollyon gave her a knowing stare as he caressed her face with the back of his hand. "This is why I want to be like you."

Luna winced, knowing what her husband had implied.

Apollyon wouldn\'t let go of his desire to be an Archdemon like her now that both of them knew she had the ability to open portals all over the Realm, which might also include the Spiritual Realms of Heaven, Hell, and the Underworld.

At least, Luna figured that she had dominion over the Material Realm using blood magic, so it would be easy for her to escape if an Archdemon like Ravin or Luxen materialized in front of her.

Now, she just had to find a way to get rid of Lilith before her child was born.

She narrowed her eyes at him and playfully punched his chest. "You are a naughty husband."

"Only naughty for you, beloved," Apollyon whispered in her breath before planting one surprised kiss in her mouth.

Moisture seeped in their clothes, and the tiny hairs on her nape tingled when a humid breeze blew her silver strands.

Clearing her throat, Luna could feel her face flushing with warmth in chagrin—but she could blame the sun\'s heat if someone asked--as she locked her fingers together when Apollyon\'s sister stared at her with wide innocent eyes.

She must have been shocked at watching her brother kiss his wife without reason as if they were still newlyweds.

"You are too cold and wet. We should get you out of those clothes." Stepping backwards,? Apollyon frowned as he held her forearms, surveying her from head to toe. "That might be bad for Leo."

Apollyon\'s sister prompted, confused. "Leo?\'

He glanced at his sister, who was standing beside them, observing their exchange with her hands on her back, as still as a statue. "Summer Faerie."

Flinching as if Apollyon\'s low growl snapped her back to the real world, her blank stare turned sharp as he regarded her husband. "Yes, Your Highness?"

She didn\'t ask her husband why he couldn\'t acknowledge his sister because there was still a part of him that didn\'t believe what she had shared—that his mother was alive—without seeing her with his own two eyes.

It could also be that this was how Apollyon renounced any family ties which connected him to his mother and the rest of the Summer Courts Royal family after his mother abandoned him like he was nothing—like he wasn\'t a son who craved the loving bond of a parent.

Luna unconsciously flexed her fingers as she bit her lip in anger.

She was fuming just by imagining how Apollyon was feeling right now behind his smile.

How can Empress Ourania do that to her own son when he needed her the most—when he needed someone familiar to bring him back to himself and not turn into a monster?

If his mother had stayed with him while the Blood Beast possessed him, would it make a difference?

Apollyon said as his masculine musk and the scent of his blood drifted through her nostrils. "I need a new set of clothes for the Empress."

Luna swallowed hard.

Why was she hungry all of a sudden?

"We all need them. You\'re Highness." The young girl replied, "We must go to the Village so that we can borrow clothes."

He gave her a penetrating glance. "We should hurry up, then. My wife might become sick."

"Do vampires even get sick?"

"No." He said bluntly. "We are expecting a baby, and I don\'t want to risk any complications."

Apollyon\'s sister gasped at how casual he just told her that she would be an aunt at a young age.

"I also don\'t like to go to the Summer Palace to meet them right away. I need to familiarize the area first so that it would be easier to teleport." Apollyon explained. "I couldn\'t teleport to locations if I don\'t have the same memory to get me there."


They left the waterfalls in the woods and passed through a jungle that didn\'t seem to end, and they continued to walk, following his sister\'s lead while the summer faerie rode the wolf.

Luna sighed with relief when the trees in the thick forest lessened, giving them a wide birth.

The woodlands became more deserted, and the trees were now replaced by tall grass, plants levelled at their waist, and bright summer flowers.

No green canopies shade them from the scorching heat of the sun that all of their clothes were now dry even if they haven\'t arrived at the village.

The Summer Court might as well be a desert if there wasn\'t nature surrounding them.

The air was humid, and the verdant land was flooded with yellow sunflowers.

It was so bright that it hurt the eyes. "It\'s getting hot in here, husband."

His husky voice was low, "You should know that it isn\'t me this time."

"Apollyon." Luna finds him so ridiculous that she was about to cackle, but then her calves felt numb from walking that she couldn\'t feel the lower half of her body anymore.

"I——" She hesitated to tell him and stomped her foot on the ground with every step to regain the sensation, but she made out pinpricks on her skin. "I\'m losing strength."

"Why didn\'t you tell me sooner?" Apollyon grabbed her forearm. "You must tell me if you are exhausted."

"Don\'t hold it in." He urged. "I will carry you there to the village."

"No. I\'m alright."

He tutted. "You are stubborn again. We are almost there anyway."

"You told me your head was aching with the spirit you drank last night."

"I didn\'t remember telling you that," Apollyon replied as they continued to walk at a slower pace.

"I could see it on your face. You aren\'t well either."? Luna reasoned out. "You grimace with every step as if every stride is cracking your head open."

As they descended from the greenwood, Luna could finally see the village from below, but she ignored her path.

Her foot slipped on a jagged rock, and she fell, rolling downhill like a tumbleweed in the desert and her knees scraping against jagged rocks.

"Luna!" Luna heard her husband shouted from above, and in an instant, he was right there beside her, his hand supporting her back.

His voice rumbled, sounding pissed off. "I told you I would carry you, didn\'t I?"

"I\'m sorry. I will heal." Luna heard in her own ears how tired she was. "Please don\'t be angry."

"I\'m not angry." Apollyon\'s clenched jaw remained even if he got rid of his scowl. "Don\'t worry about it anymore, and you don\'t have to apologize."

"Just help me get up, and we shall continue walking."

Apollyon snorted. "See? You can\'t even get up."

She didn\'t respond for a minute as she licked her lips to keep them moist in this hot weather. "I can. As you said, we\'re almost there."

"I think you aren\'t used to the weather in the Summer Courts. You\'re Highness." The Summer Faerie spoke, cutting in through the conversation."Even the Spring Fairfolk who visited our Realm find it hard to adjust even if they are indoors. How much more if we are out in the open?"

He glowered at his sister. "You should have shown my wife a memory of your village instead of these waterfalls in the woods too far from civilization."

"Husband." Luna closed her eyes and caressed her parched throat. "Don\'t be angry with your sister anymore."

Her husband\'s strong and competent hands held the back of her thighs as he carried her in his arms without effort.

"I\'m not angry." Apollyon said as his fingers tightened on her side." Just stating a fact."

"I\'ll walk or fly for the meantime since my faerie wings are already dry, your Highness." The Spring Faerie offered. "I will let Xerxes carry the Empress in his back."

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