
Chapter 69 - Coerced By The Master*

Chapter 69 - Coerced By The Master*

"I need your help." Luna\'s eyes gazed at Luxen\'s silver ones as she squeezed the weapon in her clutches then loosened her hold on it before she exchanged the knife with the Scythe of Death.

There was no turning back now.

No regrets.

It wasn\'t just sacrificing the Archdemon\'s blood and hers.

She was putting her life on the line here.

Like the Archdemon of Lust had said, they will never know if she wouldn\'t experiment.

She watched the unconscious Vampire King lying on the ground with morbid curiosity.

The Vampire King had worn a white shirt, and black gloves covered his hands as he laid there on the ground.

Her blood-drenching his body had proven to be effective when the King\'s demon wings slowly disintegrated into dust then faded to smoke, drifting into the ethers.

Now, the vampire could no longer live without the Archdemon, and the Archdemon could no longer function without him.

They were two halves of a whole interwoven together.

Ravin was now as much a part of the Vampire King as his lungs or his heart.

From the very first, the Blood Beast inside him had beckoned the Vampire King to do malicious things, hated things, and he had been compelled to obey.

This would be hard.

Her life was the ultimate sacrifice if she deemed unsuccessful.

"I will if you promise not to revert me to Hell, Domina." He offered her a bemused smile.

It seemed harmless, like there was nothing wrong--except when it hit her.

Luxen showed her an unsolicited vision in her mind, flashing back to the dark days of war and savagery and death when the demons had roamed freely in all realms.

Dark days were hunger for destruction had dictated every Archdemon\'s actions, and piles of bodies had littered everywhere.

The Archdemon of Lust wasn\'t lying when he told her that they had a blood bond as a mate.

How else could he send such terrifying visions as if he suggested that this is what will happen if she tried to disobey him?

Luna shook her head vigorously as she tried to focus on her present reality, aware of her surroundings, aware of her bodily sensations, her heartbeat, her breathing.

She will not be swept by his projected evil massacres.

Luna would stand her ground.

"This is the Devil\'s Trap, and only pure Archdemons can be imprisoned here," Luna said.

Luna willed the Devil\'s Trap to strengthen the barriers just in case Luxen might try something.

The energy field became more intense, more indestructible, as electric blue sparks crackled on the threshold.

Glowing runes floated in the space like visible air particles. "I can\'t promise to isolate you because you are the same kind as Ravin, but I will try."

Destruction and havoc will soon reign, plunging the world into darkness until anyone much more powerful will finally intervene if Ravin and Lux continue to stay in this Vampire Realm.

The High Priestess had unleashed this evil.

Now she would be the one to contain it.

Luxen\'s clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles were about to shatter out of place.

He managed to suppress some of Archdemon\'s most evil compulsions over the years, but it was a constant struggle. He was aware that he could break at any time in front of this Domina he vowed to protect.

A Domina who wouldn\'t hesitate to betray him.

"Then so be it," Luna said, her determination clear as she neared towards the Devil\'s trap but still maintaining a distance, in case Luxen would grab her back inside and tear her to pieces. "I would not wish the Archdemons, crazed as they would surely be, loose upon the Vampire Realm."

The Archdemon of Lust\'s lips curled into a slow, razored smile as he peered, "I will replace the Ravin if the exorcism was successful, then."

Luna sighed. "You can try."

Pale hair cascaded over his shoulders in waves, and it framed a face that women would consider a sensuous delight. Luna, on the other hand, was not like most ladies.

Luxen was a fallen angel glowing with mischief. His silver eyes had an awful glitter in them that said he would laugh in your face while ripping out a heart and giving it to you as a gift. In addition to that, the Archdemon would expect you to be grateful.

Nobody would even think that this man was actually an Archdemon in an angel\'s skin if he arrived at the castle.

"You think you are calling the shots here, Archdemon." Arching an eyebrow, she tilted her head and stared at him coldly. "You know what, Luxen? I changed my mind. Slash your wrists."

"I will not, Domina." The Archdemon of Lust replied, ignoring the request.

If the High Priestess didn\'t allow herself to be asked for a favour, he didn\'t have to feel guilty for turning it down.

Luna raised her chin and smirked, throwing Hecate\'s ceremonial dagger inside the Devil\'s Trap, and it clattered to the ground.

It was unfortunate that Luxen didn\'t catch it as it soared through the air. "Satus sanguine ritu, Luxen."

As if on its own accord, the Archdemon of Lust\'s nails lengthened into large claws as he dug them into his skin.

It was a message for Luna that he would rather use his talons to injure himself for the blood offering than use Hecate\'s dagger.

Luxen lacerated his left arm in a flash, his ichor dripping on Ravin\'s back.

The Archdemon of Lust had no choice but to follow her orders as his blood mate, his servant.

"Let him drink your blood." The High Priestess commanded, and Luxen did what she told him to.

Luxen kicked the Vampire King, overturning him that he laid on his back.

Kneeling, he let his dark red blood dribble in his open mouth.

A cold draft of air swirled around them, thick with moisture and the crisp scents of winter.

The fire raged as lights glowed brightly, pinks, blues, and purples illuminating the murky velvet sky.

The runes glowed, pulsing with light and fire, twining shadow with gold.

The High Priestess began chanting the exorcism spell.

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