
Chapter 42 My Bee-Autiful Bee-Tective!

When the two women finished their assault of me, I was ushered in by the grinning girls, making me roll my eyes but with a smile. The attack was probably one of the cutest things that had ever happened to me, but the ever present grin that let me in was what got my eyes rolling.

I walked over to my chair and let my tail loosen up so I could bend it forward and between my legs. I would just have to get the girls to bring me over things with the help of Queeny, who had just puffed into existence.

"Yes, the girls and I will pick out the different things that I think will give you the best results for Genes. Over here is the first Item I want you to bring over to her," Queeny said, buzzing at something I couldn\'t see, but It also looked like she could get to it either.

I hadn\'t really thought about that, but I guess that Queeny was limited to my line of sight. I turned my head and watched her fly closer to a knife on the nightstand beside the girl\'s bed that they must share.

Miasma picked it up and brought it over to me as Queeny got Messia to come with her. Miasma handed me the dagger, and just from taking it from her, I could tell that it must be of good quality.

I didn\'t know too much about knives or any weapons—nothing besides the stuff I had seen in games and anime. Still, the second I grabbed it, I could feel that the weight was good and it must be suitable for throwing, so I held it up for a scan and saw if my guess was good.

[Queen System] Activated!

[Item Scan] Completed!

[Flash Step Blade]: *Requires [Lightning Magic], Throw Flash Step Blade and move to the location that it lands.

[Flash Step] (Gene) Acquired!

Holy anime world cow, what had I just found?! I had the gene for the Lightning magic!

"What is it supposed to be?" Miasma asked curiously as she took it back from me to put it off to the side.

"A knife that can teleport you to where you throw it or move you really fast, but you need lightning magic to use. Still, it would take someone with a lot of skill to be able to use something like this properly," I explained as Messia brought over another small glass sphere, and Miasma left to help Queeny look for something else.

"This thing is weird, and I don\'t know how I feel about it. Something about this greatly disturbs me, but Queeny says it\'s safe," Messia after handing me something that looked like that freaky glass marble Lord Of The Rings with the eye in it.

"Yeah, I can agree with you. The last time I saw something like this, it was nothing good, but if Queeny says it\'s okay, no point wasting any time, there was a lot more stuff to go and so very little time!" I complained but started to scan the object.

[Item Scan] Completed!

[Windy Eye Over Orb]: *Requires [Wind Magic] and [Telepathic](Gene), Activate Orb by channeling Wind Magic into it until it is full. Last for 2 hours if fully charged. You may keep it on you or another person to track and communicate with them through Telekinesis.

[All Seeing] (Gene) Acquired!

Ha! Now that was an item! Not that the teleporting dagger was anything to scoff at. I was excited because this was something that I could use!

Then, I could still give other people use of the Wind Magic tracking with the All-Seeing Gene. This was another great find, but then Miasma came back empty-handed with Queeny buzzing beside her.

"Nothing left in here is worth scanning; everything will just give you repeats of what you already have. No, you should have a big enough list to choose from without having too much trouble. Have you thought about what you are going to do with the girls?" Queeny asked me as Messia went over to Miku and Xani.

It was time for her to feed them, and it would be the last time before they came out of their honey shells. I really hadn\'t given it too much thought if I was honest with myself, but now I have the time to look at everything I had gathered in the Gene Bank.

I summoned the menu up and was surprised that I had collected nineteen Genes already. Now I need to look through them and find out what would work best for the girls, but I was a bit lost on that point.

"Queeny, Do you have any idea what would be best for the girls?" I asked.

"No, sorry. I am not designed to help make those choices, so I only have the knowledge that I possess on the topic. Unfortunately, I am not really that knowledgeable about these types of things," Queeny explained, and that did make sense, but it didn\'t help me out.

"Can I help you?" Miasma asked from beside me.

I looked over at her and felt like an idiot. Of course, this was a perfect job for the Bee-tective!

"Yes! Please do! Can you see the list?" I asked.

"Yes, just give me a moment. Since the girls need to be in a pair, the best choice would be to have them do something that they could work as a team for. Hmm, The All-Seeing Gene is from that orb, right? And it needs wind magic?" She asked me rhetorically as she looked down the list.

She must have noticed when I was scanning the Windy Eye Over Orb and checked over the description. That observation skill was coming in handy, and now she was putting her deduction skill to work!

"So, If one can monitor, then the other would need to be some kind of infiltrator. Since they have that mind talk thing already, they won\'t need the Telepathic Gene that we don\'t have yet. So, I think that the second one should use the Shadow and Tracking Gene. This way, one is the monitor, and the other is the infiltrator, and they have a way to track the trails," Miasma explained, and I just nodded my head.

It was an excellent plan for them, but I hoped that they would be able to do the job. The girls were cute and kind-hearted, so I make it really hard to picture them as a team of infiltrators.

I could see more uses for their talent in the future, and maybe getting the Genes might change some; I just hope not to me much, they were so cute, and it would be crying shame if they became all serious.

[Miasma](1) 100% Level 2 Achieved!

"Hey, look at you go, my Bee-autiful Bee-tective! Just climbing up the ranks!" I said excitedly.

"Yes! I love that I can actually do things that help you! I just want to say thank you again," Miasma said to me, but I leaned in to kiss her and then pulled back after.

"I am happy that I found you and that I have both of you girls in my life," I said with a warm smile.

Messiah came over, and both girls helped me up and led me over to the beds, but then I realized that we would be short one bed. I looked at the girls, but Messia just smiled at me.

"I think you might have to squeeze over and make some room for Miasma tonight," Messia said with a wink before crawling into her own bed.

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