
Chapter 137 135 - The Interview

"Welcome to the show, for those of you watching today we have a special guest joining me for today\'s episode," Marcus started while looking into the camera. "As I\'m sure you\'ve heard following the attack on New York City, a teen was discovered to have reawakened. We are joined by that student here today. His name is Milo Fenix and he is in his final year at the Awakened Academy. He is currently the top ranked student in the X ranked class. Based on this, he is obviously an extremely powerful awakened, even moreso following his reawakening. Could this be the birth of a new super rookie?" When he said this last bit, Marcus looked into the camera with one eyebrow raised as if trying to raise a bit of suspense. Milo was impressed by Marcus\'s showmanship. The camera then panned back so that both Milo and Marcus could be seen in the shot.

"So how are you Milo?" Marcus asked.

"I\'m doing well Marcus, nothing to complain about," Milo responded.

The interview continued on from there, Milo answered all of Marcus\'s questions. Most of them were about Milo\'s school life and his life in New York before the attack. Eventually the topic turned to Milo\'s experiences closing gates. Milo talked about his in field experience during his first year, as well as his experiences while gatecrashing for the Incubus Guild over the summer.

​ "I figured you had some experience with closing gates, but I never thought it\'d be this much. Although considering it was none other than David Black the vice guild master of the Incubus Guild who reached out about getting you on this show, I suppose I shouldn\'t be surprised you have some connections to them. So I take it you are interested in pursuing gatecrashing as a career, correct?" Milo nodded his head in affirmation. Marcus then continued, "Have you received any offers from guilds yet?"

"The Incubus Guild has expressed some interest in me, however I haven\'t received any offers from other guilds, I also have to admit I haven\'t thought that far ahead as well, with the world finding out about my reawakening, I\'ve been too busy with reporters as well as school to think about my future plans, but I do know gatecrashing is what I want to do," Milo said.

"Understandable," Marcus said in response, "the life of a student is definitely a busy one, what about forming your own guild?"

Milo paused for a second, this was a question that wasn\'t on their list of questions they had given him, "Like I said, I haven\'t thought that far ahead, but what I will say, is I will do whatever I can to push myself to be the best I can be."

Marcus nodded along with Milo\'s answer, "That\'s an admirable ambition to have. I\'ve also heard you have an interesting friend, is there any way that we could see him?" Milo knew this was coming, they expressed that they would like to see his tamed beast when hearing he had successfully tamed one, without the tamer ability(according to the information Milo had given them).

"Sure thing," Milo said before releasing Alucard from the pocket dimension ring on his finger, a lot of the members of the show\'s crew gasped in awe seeing the red glow coming from Milo\'s finger and the beast that came out following the glow. "This is Alucard, my tamed beast."

Alucard stretched his wings and took in his surroundings, Milo spoke into his head before releasing him from the ring so that he wouldn\'t panic with all the lights and cameras. When seeing the snake beast appear Marcus\'s eyes glittered, things like this guaranteed high ratings for the show. "So tell us about him Milo," Marcus said. Milo told the story of him obtaining the beast egg, leaving out the part about the Underground and instead saying he won it in a bet while working as an intern. He chose to add some extra bits about having to tame him down and train him out of his usual beast instincts to help cover up the fact that he had an ability that allowed him to easily tame beasts and even talk to them.

After the story, Marcus picked up where Milo ended, "As some of you may not know, Milo does not have the Beast Tamer ability, meaning this was a bond forged from scratch without any magical influence. Can you tell us a bit more about Alucard himself?"

Milo then told them that he was a Crimson Winged Spiny Viper, "When I first tamed him I didn\'t realize how big of a deal it was because I thought it was like any other pet. When I did some more research I realized how wrong I actually was, as Crimson Winged Spiny Vipers are Legendary Tier beasts. Most of his abilities involve draining the Magic Power of his opponents which has been extremely helpful in combat."

"Well you definitely have a strong ally by your side," Marcus said. "Okay let\'s get into the juicy stuff, I\'m sure many people want to know a bit more about how reawakening has affected you as it seems to be different depending on what someone\'s original ability was. So can you tell me what your original ability was before reawakening?"

"It was Frost," Milo responded.

"So your original ability was the Frost ability, as many of you know Frost is considered one of the strongest elemental attributes. Could you demonstrate the level that you could use it at before reawakening? No need to worry about hurting anyone, there\'s a reason we chose to have the interview here," Marcus said. The camera then panned over to a training dummy that had sprung up from the floor. Milo stood from his chair and walked over near where the dummy was. He then did as Marcus asked and attacked the dummy how he would have if he still had the Ice ability, he summoned some ice spears behind him and threw them forward causing them to pierce the dummy, this also caused the ground to shake a bit as the spears made contact.

"That was an impressive show of power, so you had even honed your Frost ability to be able to freeze atmospheric water, correct?" Marcus asked Milo who was returning to his seat.

"Yes, that\'s correct, before reawakening I could summon around 20 of the those spears of ice you just saw," Milo responded, in truth, Milo used an evolved version of the Frost ability after using it in Fusion, he could also summon a lot more spears, but he didn\'t want reveal that as it wasn\'t normal for someone to use that many spears unless they were of a much higher gatecrashing rank.

Marcus nodded hearing Milo\'s answer, "Well there\'s a good reason you were in the X rated class your first year at the Academy. If you don\'t mind me asking, can you tell me what you believe caused the reawakening to occur?"

Milo nodded and told the story about the Fellowship\'s attack on the refugee camp, he didn\'t mention the appearance of a cardinal but said that he felt a surge of Magical Power while fighting off the evil organization. He described it as if every cell in his body was brimming with power. When the feeling subsided he found that there were some changes to his ability and he could use his old ability at a much higher level as well. Milo kept it vague enough that people watching wouldn\'t question the reawakening and described it just how every other person who had talked about reawakening described it.

Hearing the story, the crew of the show were visibly shocked, they had no idea a student so young could do all the things Milo could do, if they were in his position, they would shrink back in fear if an attack like that happened. Marcus could tell that there was a somber atmosphere hearing Milo retell his tale of fighting against the Fellowship and what he witnessed during the attack of his home. Wanting to steer the show back to a more upbeat tone he began to speak, "As everyone knows with a reawakening, one\'s abilities also undergo a sort of evolution, these can vary in how they evolve. Milo could we see what changes occurred with the Frost ability following your reawakening?"

"Uh sure," Milo said. He then stood up and made his way over to a new dummy that had been set up, he then turned to the camera and began to talk. "When my ability reawakened I found that I had access to more than just Frost." Milo then threw a fireball at the dummy causing another gasp from the show\'s crewmembers.

"So you are now a dual attribute elemental ability user?" Marcus said.

"There\'s more," Milo then calmly said as he threw a blade of wind at a new dummy slicing it in half, it continued like this with Milo obliterating a new dummy with each of the 6 elemental attributes. After giving a dummy a baptism of lightning, reducing it to ashes and ending his demonstration, he then went over and took a seat at his chair.

Jaws were on the floor following the demonstration, Milo nonchalantly returned to his seat. When he took his seat, Marcus stuttered a bit, "S-so you c-can control all 6 elements?" He asked, still in shock from Milo\'s performance. Milo simply nodded to confirm what they had just watched him do. "Well," Marcus paused for a second as if to recollect himself, "if that\'s the case, then you are going to have quite the decision following your graduation with the amount of guild offers you\'re sure to get. I have no doubt you\'ll be getting hundreds of offers once this is done airing. Well folks, you saw it here first, Milo Fenix the up and coming super rookie with 6 abilities in one, where will he end up once he graduates? Only time will tell, but he is sure to make it big in this world. Thanks for watching and we\'ll see you next time. This is Marcus Davis signing off."

"Aaaand Cut! Good job everyone," the director shouted. With that the interview was over, and Milo was officially known to the world.

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