
Chapter 113 111 - The New Assignment

After receiving all his prizes for completing the highest level of the cup game, Milo and the twins returned to the exit of the Underground. After arriving back in the storage room of the carousel where it was located, the twins walked over to a small device hidden in the corner and pressed a button. Soon a new gate appeared in the storage room of the carousel. According to the twins, this was a special type of teleporter that would send the person to various locations located around the city. Most of them were alleys but a few of the locations logged would send the person who used it to the roof of a random building. By making it random it made it harder for the GAA to track the location of it when used.

The twins said goodbye as it\'d be sending them all to different locations and stepped through the teleporter one after the other. Milo paused for a second when thinking about what it would look like if a teenager was seen walking around downtown with a massive egg in their arms. When at the academy, the school arranged it so the egg Zach got was delivered to his room after he got it from inside the gate, but Milo was back home for the summer and wouldn\'t have the academy to keep things discreet for him. He then remembered back to the man giving him the ring saying it would help with the egg. Because of this, he used his inspect skill to see what the ring truly was.

[Beast Vessel Ring]

Description: The red crystal that is set in the ring has special properties similar to dimensional storage. Contained within it is a pocket dimension where living things can be contained, organisms placed inside the pocket dimension can only be released from the outside. To pull a living thing inside, the keyword "return" needs to be said and to release the organism contained within the keyword "release" must be said.


Reading the description of the ring, Milo could see why the man said it would be useful someday. For a normal gatecrasher who didn\'t have a beast taming ability, the beast they would attempt to tame wasn\'t forced into loyalty by an ability making it dangerous to keep them outside the ring at times. Those who used a taming ability were able to give commands to the beast making them more docile. Because Milo had a taming ability copied he knew he wouldn\'t need the vessel ring as much but felt that it was good to have just in case. If the beast he tamed was scary looking, people would avoid him which wouldn\'t always be helpful, so it was definitely a useful item to have.

Milo then tried the capture mechanic of the ring and focused on the egg in front of him and said return. As soon as he did, a yellow glow was emitted from the egg before it burst into small floating yellow orbs that were then pulled into the ring. After absorbing the egg into it, the red crystal now had a slight glow to it, this most likely just symbolized that something was inside the pocket dimension contained by the crystal, so Milo then decided to step through the portal.

After stepping through the portal Milo found himself in an alleyway somewhere in the city, he made his way to the main road and waved down a taxi which he then took back to his house. Once arriving he made his way up to his room and set the egg in a small nest of pillows he made. He then got packed up for the trip he was set to leave for the next day. After finishing packing his bag, he crashed on his bed and was soon fast asleep. After falling into a deep slumber, Milo was snoring away, the egg in its nest of pillows made a gentle shake before returning to its motionless state.

Waking up the next morning, Milo said goodbye to Corinna and sent a text to Krista saying he would be leaving the city for a week before heading to the guild headquarters where the team was set to leave from. After arriving at the guild building, Milo made his way to where the team was set to meet and took a seat among the team members where they waited for David to guide them to the GAA headquarters where they\'d be getting teleported to Atlantic City.

Once David entered, the team went outside and climbed into the vehicles that would be taking them to the GAA, and some of the members started to talk to Milo. Apparently the twins told the other members of their team about his success at the cup game in the Underground and the rest of the team wanted to hear his story about the event. He told them the story and Ken, who was their brawler, seemed to brush Milo\'s achievement off. He was very competitive and got annoyed when other team members outshined him. He had attempted the cup game before and lost in the second round, so hearing that Milo completed all 5 levels annoyed him.

Soon the team had arrived at the GAA and David handed Harvey and Milo each a manila folder containing all the info they\'d need while in Atlantic City, and also had the times they were supposed to be meeting to close each of the gates as well as their locations and information gathered by the guild\'s gate scouts. After receiving the info, David wished them luck and the team entered the GAA where they were guided to the teleporter leading to the Atlantic City. Once he stepped through the gate, Milo would officially be a gatecrasher, not a trainee, he would no longer have anyone there to babysit the team. Milo stepped through the teleporter with a grin on his face.

After stepping through the teleporter, Milo eventually felt the usual feeling of teleportation fade and opened his eyes to the GAA branch building in Atlantic City. After stepping through the rest of the team had also arrived. A member of the GAA escorted them outside, when stepping out of the building\'s front door, Milo could pick up the faint smell of the ocean in the air and the sun was seen reflecting off the black paint of the GAA vehicles meant to escort the team to where their lodging was.

After stepping into the vehicles they were off and on their way to where they\'d be staying between their gate closing sessions. Milo sat in one of the window seats staring out at the cityscape rush by. Eventually the vehicles came to a stop outside of a massive hotel. Stepping out, the team all made their way into the lobby and were fascinated at the size of the inside of the hotel. The lobby alone was massive and put the Guild\'s lobby to shame. Crystal chandeliers were floating over their heads being held up by magic technology, a grand piano could be heard, giving off the chorus of a jazz song. It was the makings of a 5 star hotel. The GAA members gave each of the members a room key and gave each of them their room number before informing them that they\'d have vehicles to pick them up at 10 am the next morning to take them to their first gate. He also told them that the association would be covering any costs while staying at the hotel, and thanked them for their assistance in closing the gates. According to him, gates were popping up more frequently and the strongest guild in the area didn\'t have the manpower to close the gates themselves causing them to reach out to other guilds for help.

Harvey and Milo thanked the man for the hospitality and then told the team to rest up for the night, the next day they\'d be busy so they wanted everyone to be at their top condition. The team split up and Milo made his way up to his room. Once he pulled his bag out of his dimensional storage earring and set it on the bed, he went over to the window and opened it to take in the view. His hotel room had a perfect view overlooking the ocean. The waves could be seen crashing into the shore and families that were there on vacation could be seen playing in the water.

Seeing the other people visiting Atlantic City for vacation reminded Milo of why he wanted to begin gatecrashing in the first place. His parents had been trapped within a dungeon, anything he could do to keep the same thing from happening to another kid in the world he would do. Eventually the sun could be seen beginning to set and Milo chose to turn on the TV. After kicking off his shoes, he pulled the beast egg out of his new Beast Vessel Ring and sat it on a chair in the corner of the room. After resting for a while , the sun was almost finished setting and Milo picked up the tablet on the bedside table to put in an order for room service, when suddenly he could see the egg start to shake. He had seen something like this before but for some reason he couldn\'t place his finger on when. He then opened his inspect skill to see just what was going on with the egg.

[Beast Egg]

Species: Unknown

Status: Healthy(hatching)


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