
Chapter 96 95 - Implementing The New Strategy

Reading the name of the weapon that Avery recommended he check out, Milo had no idea what it could be. The name of the weapon alone contained the name of 3 other weapons. Chain was self explanatory and it was something he already used. A whip was something Milo knew of, but what it had to do with a chain and a sword he had no idea. Seeing the word sword in the name led Milo to the same question, how did it work like a chain, a sword and a whip all at once?

He decided to look up what the heck the weapon looked like and wanted to see if any videos existed of one in action. When looking at the images of the weapon, Milo became intrigued. It had the overall look of a sword. The main difference came when looking at what was attached to the hilt and pommel. The blade of the weapon appeared to be split up into linking blades that were attached at the center. Some photos showed the blade loose, stretching and bending like a whip, but others showed it rigid like a normal sword.

He then made his way over to the videos of the weapon and he could now see what Avery was talking about when recommending he check out this weapon, if he liked the way the kusarigama felt while in combat. The video he found showed a man using the weapon on a dummy and like a sword he could slash and hack at it while the blade was rigid, but then he shifted his style and all the links disconnected making the weapon more like a bladed chain, the man in the video whipped the weapon around leaving lacerations across the torso of the dummy every time he swung it out like a whip would, but the blades caused deeper cuts that a normal whip probably would. The range wasn\'t as large as the chain he currently used but it was still close to triple the range had the man in the video kept the blade links connected and rigid. Not only did the man use the sword like a whip but he also threw it out causing it to wrap around the dummy, similar to some of the techniques Milo used with his chain. On a normal enemy without armor, this would also allow the blades to dig into whatever it wrapped around which would cause extreme pain. Milo then saw an attack that he knew would hurt big time. The man yanked on the hilt like a rip cord which shredded the section of the dummy he had the chain wrapped around like paper.

Milo became entranced seeing the weapon as it was exactly the change to his current weapon that he needed. With his Ice ability he already had a wide range of long distance attacks he could use which mitigated the loss of range if he did change his weapon. The pros definitely outweighed the cons which led Milo to ask if Avery would be able to make one. Avery responded confidently that as long as he gave her some time to research it and find out the materials she\'d need she could get it done. This was perfect as Milo would need to gather some funds anyways, which would hopefully be soon if his raid team did a good job in their next simulated gate, and the simulations that followed.

The next day, Milo and his squad were set to once again go into a simulated gate and Milo saw a screen he hadn\'t seen in a long time.

[New Quest]

[Status: Incomplete] Prevent any deaths while training in the simulation

Reward: 300 gold, 10 free stat points


Not only did he get a new mission, but it also fell in line with exactly what he\'d be doing as a group leader anyways. The group was set to do another simulated gate using the things they\'d talked about the day before, and when Milo arrived, David said that just like last time it\'d be a randomly generated gate at the C rank.

The group logged in and attacked the new gate with much more success using what they learned the day before. Using the new formation that they had been shown in their strategy meeting proved to make it a much smoother time during combat. The group successfully closed the gate without any difficulty and Milo cleared the new quest as well. Overall the team looked much better and with the improved communications, and because of this they had 0 casualties. They still lacked a bit of chemistry but with more raids it would improve and their were no mishaps like their first gate.

David was waiting for them after they cleared the gate and told them they did a great job. He didn\'t notice any mistakes they made the day before when they were closing the gate and because of this, he told them that the next day they\'d be closing a B rank gate, and once he felt they were ready, he\'d find them a real gate to close.

After the training had ended Milo went home and checked his status screen. After completing the quest he had free stat points to distribute, and also had earned a bit more gold as well.

[Stats] [Tutorials] [Plunder]

Name: Milo Fenix

Title: [Squad Leader]

Level: 26

Gold: 1,625

Abilities[4 / 6]:

1 - Reinforce: can reinforce the body to make it stronger (lvl. 5)

2 - Ice - Can freeze water nearby and control it, the higher the ability the better the ice can be shaped (lvl. 6)

3 - Beast Tamer - Able to read the thoughts and feelings of friendly beasts, also allows the user to imprint on and tame young beasts(lvl. 1)

4 - Hunter\'s Eye - Allows the user to overlay their vision that highlights the weak points of lifeforms(lvl. 5)

5 - empty -

6 - empty -


Free Stat Points: [0]

Strength: [45]

Agility: [40]

Intelligence: [45]

Stamina: [53]

Constitution: [40]

Magic Power: [30]


Milo chose to add one point to Constitution to make it 30 even and added the rest to his Stamina, due to his past few times using two abilities at once. He found that when doing so he would get tired much faster and wanted to counteract this. In order to do this he knew he needed to raise his stamina, so he dumped all the other free stat points into stamina to focus on helping him be able to fight for longer while using Extortion which arguably was his most overpowered skill at the moment.

After sorting out his new stat points, Milo also decided it was about time he used his gold that he had saved up. He wanted to check to see if there was any useful equipment in the store that could raise his stamina. He thought that the most useful armor for him at the moment would be a piece of leg armor, rather than boots. With his 1,600 gold he found that the highest tier equipment he could purchase was Unique ranked just like his chest piece, which was good as too high a tier of equipment would draw unwanted attention.

He was considering purchasing a weapon, as his current weapon was a basic weapon that didn\'t have any stat boosts, but wasn\'t able to find one with a Stamina boost. Which led him to decide on a piece of armor instead. He also thought it would be better if he waited to have Avery forge him a weapon as it could get attached skills with it. Thinking of this, he\'d have to find a way to explain to Avery about the equipment he was purchasing as they had made a deal to have her be his exclusive smith. He eventually found a piece of equipment that seemed like a good choice.

[Mythril Scaled Leg Armor(Unique)]

Durability: 500

Armor Rating: 650

Sta +12

Agi +6

Con +3

Description: Mythril leg armor that appears to have a scale pattern similar to a snake. The light weight Mythril allows for superb movements and allows for the wearer to have superb protection while promoting energy conservation.


The armor had a stat boost close to the level that Avery\'s armor boasted, but unfortunately had no attached skill. It was made of Mythril which was one of a few different magical alloys that had been created following the discovery of essence cores. Melting the essence cores and mixing them with certain metals allowed some alloys to form but if mixed with a noncompatible metal, it would result in a violent reaction of magical energy. Because of this only a few different alloys had been successfully found.

The most common magical alloy was Mythril which was formed from combining an essence core with steel, Orichalum was also pretty common which was made by adding an essence core with silver, and the most well known was Zeurichium which was made by adding an essence core to platinum. As its name implies, Zeurichium was the first alloy discovered, and it was found by Dr. Francis Zeurich. He was also the one who discovered the undesirable reaction that came from mixing incompatible metals with essence cores, when experimenting with more metals. It was unknown why not all metals worked, but scientists had their theories.

After selecting the equipment he wanted to purchase, a system screen came up informing him that his new equipment could be found in his inventory. So he opened his inventory and pulled it out. Milo was amazed at the system, he wasn\'t sure how but it had made a piece of equipment appear out of this air. The leg armor had cost him most of his gold balance at 1,450 but he considered it a worthy investment for the stamina boost, and it wouldn\'t be long before he\'d be able to test it, as his team was set to take on a B rank simulated gate the next day.

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