
Chapter 247 - Its Not The Wielder, Its The Weapon That Is Trash

"Yes, can\'t miss it no?"

"Haha, well, not wih that extravagense"

A castle, not too big, rather somewhat small compared to everything else in this world

But what it lacked in size it made up for in style, with gold and silver painting its walls, jewels affixed to its towers, and fully armored guards keeping watch over every corner, such a grand show of might could not be ignored

"Are its dwellers also humanoid"

"What makes you think so"

"Well, their armor looks like our"

"Well, then I guess you could say they are humanoid"

He smiled a little and ordered Jasper to descend toward the main entrance

"We are entering openly?

"Wouldn\'t make sense to sneak in when we want to form an alliance"

\'Not that I can really sneak in if I wanted to\'

He added in his mind

When they reached the ground Jasper hid in his shadow and the two walked the silver pavement to the gate where two guards stood on its two sides


YuJu said, in human language at that

"I would like to speak with the crown"

Polite as he may be his words seemed to fall on deaf ears

"If you shan\'t make way then Ill go in on my own"

Taking a step forward finally made the guards move, their halberds crossing across the gate to deny entry

"Well, it was worth a shot"

Knowing it just had to come down to violence YuJu readily discarded his upper clothes, leaving him bare from the top, the assumed lean figure exposed to reveal toned muscles packed tightly into the thin stature

"This is gonna dent"

He warned with a smirk, then hurled himself toward the two guards

The second he moved a light seemed to come alive under their helmet, spreading throughout the entire armor as each part seemed to come alive, moving in sync to defend against the incoming assault

Both swung their halberds in a downward motion, one that Yuju decided to outpace rather than dodge, speeding himself to go in between the cleaving ends of the weapons and their holders

"Slow much?"

He mocked, punching into their chest with as much force as he could muster

All that did was push them back a single step, their halberd tips conveniently above his head, all they had to do was bring it down

But they didn\'t, pulling it back and taking a defensive stance instead

"Sturdy and smart"

That was genuine praise, he actually wanted them to make that strike so they would make another opening for him to sneak an attack, not that it would truly make a dent in these tin buckets

"Let us see if you can keep up with my rhythm"

Disappearing from place he appeared at the side of the on on the right, not using stealth but raw speed

Turns out the guard was just as fast, spinning to slice at him horizontally

Before the halberd could hit YuJu casually grasped it with his hand, then, with great strength, he was flung to smash the wall


"Stay there…I\'m fine"

He replied, sliding down the wall which his body didn\'t even crack

"Guess I can\'t beat you with skill if I am too far off the base strength grid"

The two guards took a pouncing stance, seemingly ready to shred him before he could admit defeat

"Lets even the playground then"

Only he didn\'t plan to, the whites of his eyes turned black leaving only the jade swimming inside, a dark mist unlike his smoke wafting out

The two guards seemed to recognize the increase in danger, not that it stopped them from pouncing forward with stabbing movement

YuJu did the same thing as before, grabbed the halberd\'s rod just before the tip hit, only this time he brought both into absolute stillness, like they were toys in his hands

"You know there is a major downside to polearms"

The two struggled to pull it away from his grasp yet I\'ll the spears did not budge an inch

"Only the tip is lethal, meanwhile the grip is so long that even I can get a hold as well"

His hands pushed the halberds forward, smashing them with its butt toward the gate which was smashed open in the process

Throwing the spears away he walked in slow strides, right into the middle of a sword wielding group of more guards

"Swords? How are we going down the ladder of quality weapons rather than up"

In response to the degrading comment the sword wielders lunged at him with slashing strikes, each quicker and sharper than the last

All YuJu did in response was slightly move away from the blade\'s trajectory, shifting his feet in a manner that looked to be sliding across the silver ground

"Swords are better than polearms at close range combat with similarly sized opponents, unless you dual wield them however you could only get into a contest of speed with your opponent, that\'s what swords are all about"

He swung back to avoid two slashes from the front and the back, in doing so kicked the frontal aggressor\'s feet to trip him, tangling with the other one as they tumbled away comically

"Furthermore you need foot techniques to master swordsmanship, it is the number two priority"

The other sword wielders took great offense to his words, yet when they wanted to prove him wrong the doors much further down, leading into the inner fortress, opened on their own, out flowing a bunch of armored guards, each their own weapon

"Daggers, not the best for frontal confrontation, blunt weapons are not for quicker opponents, bows? You\'d have to be max level to ever hit me with one"

Overviewing the broad range of cold arms before him YuJu seemed relaxed, as if he was a teacher readying up to give his students a lesson

Thum. Thum. Thum. Thum…

These guards appeared to have no intention of attacking though, they merely banged their weapons on their plats, following the thumping steps of the hulk walking out the gate

This guard\'s weapon of choice was unlike the others, it was not long, not sharp, and not bulky, merely a pair of…

"Gauntlets? Now that\'s something you can\'t go wrong with"

Finally facing an opponent with no clear disadvantage YuJu cracked his neck and took a pouncing posture

"Show me what skill you have rusted one"


Both shook the ground in their leap at the other, staring the bout off with a simple collision of fist to iron layered fist

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