
Chapter 36 Don’t Rush, Take It Slow

Morning. The Zeitmann\'s Tower chimed seven times.

Xavier and Eulene woke up early, went through their regular routines of dream analysis and cultivating, before exiting their rooms.

Aunt Maisel prepared some exquisite dishes today, which included Eulene\'s favourite lamb.

The small dining table had four chairs. The mother-daughter duo sat at one side and left the other two chairs for the \'lovebirds\'.

As soon as the pair came out, "Good morning!" Sarah and her mother wished.

"Good morning," Xavier returned it with a bow before sitting on his designated chair.

Eulene- on the other hand- stayed silent, moved her chair a couple inches further away from Xavier\'s and sat down.

Sarah and Miss Maisel shared a glance. The ever-lively Eulene not saying \'good morning\' and thanking the matron for the lamb was something they could not digest. Even the ever-present smile on Eulene\'s face was no longer there.

The older woman had lived enough to know what had happened. But Sarah- not so much.

"Sister," Sarah turned to Eulene, "didn\'t you say you don\'t get monthlies? Ouch!"

The matron twisted the teenager\'s ear and gave her an aggressive glare. "Apologise." She mouthed without sounds.

"Sorry." Sarah became downcast and began to eat.

Eulene stayed silent and silent throughout, and spooning the lamb into her mouth. Xavier, on the other hand, did not give the main dishes any glance and straight up began to throw the cookies into his mouth one after the other.

Miss Maisel could not take it anymore after five minutes. Silence and Eulene in the same room did not go hand in hand.

"Eulene, dear, what happened?" she asked.

"Nothing." Eulene voiced out a word, albeit emotionlessly, for the first time on that day.

The matron eyed Xavier for a moment before turning back to Eulene. "Did you two disagree on something?"

"Not me." Eulene put the fork on the table and pointed at Xavier with the knife. "Him. He said \'no\'," she complained.

Xavier munched down a cookie and retorted, "We have barely known each other for a week. How did you even expect me to say \'yes\'?"

"No wonder you are still alone after all these years." Eulene snorted and stretched the knife even closer to Xavier. "Nor do you know how to treat a lady, neither do you know how to have fun."

Xavier\'s lips twitched, but he remained silent.

On the other hand, Miss Maisel\'s thoughts were running wild. Alone? Treat a lady? Have fun? She eyed the ever-lively and impatient Eulene, before turning to the gentlemanly Xavier.

She turned to Sarah. "Go to your room with the breakfast. I have something important to talk with them."

Sarah, who was watching the lovers\' quarrel with utmost intrigue, despondently gathered some food items onto her plate and left- leaving the three at the table.

The matron turned to Eulene. "First of all," her eyes turned serious, "neither comes before nor."

"Oh," Eulene voiced in realisation. She turned to Xavier and scowled, stretching the knife to the furthest. "Neither do you know how to treat a lady, nor do you know how to have fun!" she expressed it even louder than before.

Xavier ignored her and nonchalantly began to gulp down water.

The duo\'s actions reminded Miss Maisel of couples who were already past the phase of newlyweds. She inwardly sighed.

"Listen, Eulene." The matron\'s teacherly vibes were replaced by motherly ones. "You are beautiful. In fact, you are the most beautiful young lady I\'ve ever seen. Hence, it\'s normal to have higher \'expectations\'. You are old enough to have \'wants\'. But you should not be so hasty. Mister Godwin is right. You should take your time, before taking such a step."

Eulene dejectedly nodded. Something did not sound right, but she knew her aunt was right. Her proposal of creating a Secret Society, which was the equivalent of a full-fledged sect, was indeed hasty. "I understand." She sighed.

Aunt Maisel nodded. "Yes. Get married first. Then you can do \'whatever\' you want."

Xavier spew out the water from his mouth yet again.

All the blood in Eulene\'s body rushed to her face. "Auntie!"


Afternoon. The tower had belled a couple of times a few minutes ago.

The carriage wheels rattled as Wilbur taxied Xavier and Eulene.

The duo were inside the carriage, on their usual spots- silent. Neither were they speaking verbally, nor mentally.

Unlike the silence in the morning- which bore from disagreement. This silence was different- made of pure awkwardness.

But Eulene did not have enough patience, nor tolerance, to keep it that way for much longer. She was curious about their destination, and undoubtedly- curiosity defeated awkwardness.

"Are you going to check all the children who temporarily disappeared, even on the nights without a full moon?" she broke the silence.

"Affirmative," Xavier said. "We need evidences to confirm my hypothesis."

Eulene nodded in understanding.

Wilbur had discovered three such cases. The duo visited the three victims\' houses one by one and followed their earlier \'investigation routine\'. First, they staked out the victims\' houses with their super senses. Even though, this was against the laws- these two immortals could not care any lesser. Next, Xavier took the necessary disguise and intruded the houses to investigate.

"How was this?" Eulene asked as Xavier\'s brown hair turned silver.

Xavier shook his head.

"So, none of them matched the conditions?" Eulene sighed. "So, they don\'t target children unless it\'s the full moon? Looks like it\'s the first sce- scenario."

"Maybe," Xavier said. [We can\'t be sure. Don\'t forget. We got this information from Wilbur]

His sudden transmission startled Eulene, but she composed herself in a moment. He was right. Until the true culprit is found, everybody in this town was a suspect. [What\'s the plan then?]

[You read all those detective books. What do you think we should do now?] Xavier asked.

[Go to the ones with the most solid information in the town- official files?]

[Not bad]

Eulene subconsciously raised her chin by a few millimetres. It felt good to be praised. [But don\'t we have to encounter those irritating fellows again?]

[So what?] Xavier opened the small window in the front of the carriage. Breeze invaded the carriage.

"Take us to the Detectivete."

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