
Chapter 98 [John] (1)

Ever since the auction, Dina dreamt the same dream everyday.

She saw the image of a boy sitting on her lap, laughing without a care in the world. Dina\'s heart felt heavy while she watched the boy...

After the dream, Dina would wake up drenched in sweat and gasping for breath.



Dina woke up from such a dream that day, she calmed herself and dragged herself off her bed to wash up.

While going to the bathroom, Dina glanced at the drawing she had made of the boy, a sigh involuntarily escapes her lips.

\' Why did I even come here ?\', Dina thought feeling sick.

She had followed Adam to the auction and saved him when he was in danger, she couldn\'t understand why.....her legs moved on their own.

Of course, Dina had her own theories about how Adam and the boy were connected together.

\' I need to check my nebula\', she thought while letting the cold water hit her face.

An angel was an existence that didn\'t die, they were immortal.

Some might think that immortality was a gift but the truth of the matter is that immortality is a curse of the highest degree. Even though the body is immortal the mind isn\'t.

A nebula was a device that all the angels used, it could store the memories that they had accumulated over their infinite lifetime...if an angel or any other being were to not use a nebula then their fragile minds would break under the pressure of an insurmountable amount of memories.

The only reasonable explanation to Dina\'s swirling emotions on Adam was that, he must be related to her in some way.

Adam could have reminded her about someone she missed or he could be an immortal being disguised as a human...it didn\'t matter how...since Dina was sure that Adam was connected to her in some mysterious way.

Today was the day she would find what exactly this \'connection\' was.

Ever since the auction incident, she had been planning on confronting Adam and she had deemed today, the day of the practical test to be her best option.

If Dina still couldn\'t find Adam\'s identity after today.....then there was no reason to stay in this school anymore.


Adam\'s POV


" We need to talk."

Dina\'s voice was cold and precise.

" Yes...we do need to talk.", I say getting up from the ground.

I\'ve been meaning to talk to her either way, even though this wasn\'t how I\'d hoped it would go...but still it\'s better than nothing I suppose.

Considering that she\'s an angel and all, I should probably address her with respect.

" What\'s your deal...angel lady ?"

" How do you know I\'m an angel ?"


I did not think that through....at all.

" Well....I ha-", I start to make up a lie but get interrupted in the middle which I\'m thankful for.

" Spare me your lies...human."

I nod my head and say,

" Okay."

I wait for her to speak...but she seems to be struggling.

After a minute or so she pulls out a piece of paper and shows me a detailed picture of a boy.

She\'s really good at sketching...I mean the boy even looks familiar...wait...no way..

" Do you know this boy ?"

I\'m pretty sure that\'s me.

" Nope.", I say acting nonchalant.


\'he knows.\', Dina thought

The moment she showed the picture, his eyes widened.

Dina could read him like an open book.

\'Ughh\', Dina groaned in her mind from the pain.

Whenever she was near Adam, this migraine would come busting the walls of her brain.

" Well...I have a test to complete so..",

Adam started moving forward in a hurry.

" No...stop.". Dina said catching his hand.

The moment Dina\'s hand touched Adam, a shock went through her putting her in immense pain.


Dina fell to the ground, screaming.

As Dina blacked out, the last thing she saw was Adam\'s face.


Adam\'s POV


Well.....this is awkward.

Before I could confront her, Dina had just collapsed on the ground.

I stared at the Dina, she seemed to be unconscious.

I bend down and pick up the picture my moth-...no Dina had drawn.

Looking at the boy in the picture, that closely resembled the \'me\' of the \'real\' world... I can\'t help but wonder.....Is Dina....no it couldn\'t be.

I look at the picture that was drawn vividly....

\'Nothing will change...\' , I thought dropping the paper on Dina and moving forward.

Whatever happens....there is one thing that I\'m certain of,

I will kill Dina.


Dina opened her eyes to find herself in a waiting room of some kind.

She was all alone, she did try to move but her body refused to listen.

Even though the situation seemed out of her control, Dina didn\'t panic....why would she panic ?

Dina might have been the weakest angel...but she was an angel nonetheless.

Seeing that there wasn\'t anything else that she could do, Dina decided to observe the strange waiting room.

Dina\'s eyes fall on a table that was kept in the center, some toys as well as children\'s books were neatly arranged on it.

To her surprise, Dina found out that her body was moving on it\'s own, her head looked to the left and then to the right as if the owner of the body was checking to see if anyone was near her.

Seeing that she was alone, the body moves closer to the table and picked some of the toys and put into her bag...

\' Why would this person want a child\'s toy ?\', Dina thought confused.

This body felt strangely familiar to Dina....yet at the same time something was missing.

After stealing an appropriate amount, the body went back to sit yet again.

Dina continues to observe the room until a poster catches her attention.

The poster showcased a family of three, the father stood on the left side and the mother on the right while their child stood in the middle flashing a toothy grin, above them, [ MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS] was written in bold letters. There was some information written below it but before Dina could read through it, a door opens and a child runs into her lap,

Seeing the child grinning at her, Dina was shocked beyond belief...

It was the boy from her dreams.

" Were you a good boy...[John]...?"

John.....John...the name strangely resonated with Dina.

" Yes mommy !", the boy said nodding his head vigorously.

\'Cute\', Dina thought before shaking her head.

" Miss Sinclair, could you come in for a second ?", a voice came from where the boy had come from, Dina found a man that appeared to be in his mid-fifties wearing a doctor\'s coat standing outside the door.

" Of course, Doctor.."

Dina is forced to get up, she makes the boy sit on a chair,

" Stay here and wait for me, John..."

The boy nods his head and after patting him on the head, Dina moves into the office with the doctor.


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