
Chapter 57 Weird Talk

" So that was our plan to get the both of you out of here.... we didn\'t think that the princess would be so... young."

Victoria remains silent.

" How is the princess so young ?.... Miss Victoria.", I decide to directly ask her since beating around the bush didn\'t seem to be working.

Instead of answering my question, she asks me a question,

" What is your name, if you don\'t mind me asking ?"

" My name is Adam Creed, my lady."

" I see..", saying this she gets up from the bed and slowly walks towards me.

As she walks towards me, she speaks in an monotonous voice,

" When I was first captured by the humans, I was eight months pregnant.... I knew that the humans had some sort of plan for my child... I couldn\'t let them harm my child could I ?.....so I held on.... and on and on. They even started torturing me in hopes to induce my labor, but I still held on....until I couldn\'t."

I try to maintain my composure..... but my heart strangely breaks for her. I can\'t even imagine the pain she must have gone through.... If she was telling the truth that meant that she forced herself to stay in labor for more than a year.

That wasn\'t humanely possible....then again she wasn\'t a human was she ?

She caresses my face with her hand and feels my face,

" Your heart is beating abnormally fast.... are you alright ?", she asked me with an expressionless face.

" You can hear my heartbeat ?!", I ask surprised.

" After they took away my sight, I was in the darkness for awhile and still am in that cold darkness.... but my other senses have been heightened to an unnatural degree....are you alright ?"

This woman was just full of surprises wasn\'t she ?

Another surprising fact was that I felt strangely attracted to her, now it\'s a fact that I made the main cast of the novel exceptionally beautiful... but when I saw them I wasn\'t this \'excited\'....but this woman who I\'ve known for about five minutes is making me feel very....strange.

Everything in my brain felt fuzzy and I felt like I couldn\'t think straight.

It was an uncomfortable feeling.

In the first place, it felt like I was experiencing someone else\'s emotions.

When this thought first entered my mind, I panicked a little because I thought that \'they\' might have returned but this was something else.

" I\'m fine.", I take her hand away from my face and move a little away from her.

I look back to find that the others in the room looked a little weirded out,

I shake my head and say,

" As I was saying, we didn\'t know that the princess hadn\'t gone through her awakening yet but this isn\'t a setback since I know how awaken a person forcefully.... but it\'s going to hurt...a lot."

I smile at Tiana who looked a little nervous and asked her,

" Do you think you can handle it, princess ?"


It took some time to explain the basics of the whole method.

Victoria didn\'t want her daughter to be in pain, but since the said daughter herself wanted to go through with it... there wasn\'t much she could do.

" Are you ready ?", I ask her.

Tian nods and makes herself comfortable on the ground of my training room.


Screams and whimpers slipped out of Adam\'s training room.

Normally this wouldn\'t have happened since the training rooms were soundproofed, but Victoria wasn\'t comfortable with leaving her daughter alone with a stranger.

They had left the door slightly ajar.

Everybody in the room looked uncomfortable and waited silently.

Fifteen minutes later, a very bloodied Tiana came out of the door with Adam beside her.

Angela rushes forward to heal Tiana, after healing her everybody in the room turned towards Adam to hear the next step in their plan, which was of course to make the mother- daughter duo learn the skill \'Gender Swap\'.

They both learn the skill fairly quickly.

" Well, let\'s get you both out of this hellhole.", Adam said in a cheerful voice.


I felt a little guilty for hitting Tiana but there was no choice but too and I\'m sure that she\'s aware of that as well.

But it won\'t hurt to apologize to her, would it ?

I make Victoria and the others go ahead and ask Tiana to stay behind with me for a moment.

She sat on the bed clearly avoiding my gaze,

I sit beside and pat her head surprising both her and me.

I didn\'t plan for that.... my body has been acting a little weird since earlier.

" I\'m sorry for hitting you, princess.", I say in my most sincere voice.

" It\'s alright.", she answers back, casually still avoiding my eyes.

I let out a little sigh and say,

" It was necessary... but that doesn\'t mean that you have to forgive me, princess."

She looks a little surprised to hear this and asks back,

" I don\'t ?"

" Mhmm, you can do whatever you want.... you can be whatever you want.... there are no chains on you..... you are free."

Tiana\'s eyes widen at my proclamation.

Man....that felt embarrassing.

" Then... I choose to forgive you.", Tiana answers back with a smile.

She was looking directly at me now.

" Thank you, Tiana.", I say.

A frown appears on her face when she hears me and she says,

" Call me princess."


Well that was certainly a weird talk.

I had initially planned on roping the princess into my team, but I don\'t want that now.

I have no use of a kid.

" Well, let\'s get going then.... \'princess\' ", I say and the two of us walk side by side towards the door.

She lets out a little giggle at my emphasis on the word \'princess\'.

I open the door and start to move but stop when... I see Katherine on the other side.

She looked at me and then at Tiana [ male form] clearly confused.



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