
Chapter 24 Talentless

Katherine was panicking.

How was this even possible?

How can more than 4 billion people be killed by the same person?

Unless.... what if he was the demon king?

But even the demon king hasn\'t killed that many people... just who is he?

Goosebumps rise up on her skin as this particular thought passes through her mind.

\' I have to expose him... no, before that I have make sure that he\'s a really a bad person.... I\'ll observe him for now.\'

The \' Kill count\' skill was unique in the sense that, the kill would only be counted if the the killer kills a being of the same species as them. For example, if a human killed an ant, that wouldn\'t be considered as a kill but if he kills a human being then the kill would be counted.

After a lot of deliberation, Katherine decides to observe him for now, she needs evidence before exposing him for what he was... otherwise people would think she was crazy.

She turns around and faces him again but she had a determined expression on her face this time. To her surprise, Adam was still staring at her with a weird smile on his face, he waves his hand at her.

She looks away from him in disgust.

\' What a creep.\'


Katherine kept turning towards me and turning away.

I totally understand why.

She must be surprised at the fact that I had killed a person, I\'ll get closer to her and tell her the reason for the kill when she asks me.

It would be hard to win her trust but if I turn on my irresistible charm then it should be easy enough.

The door to the classroom opens and a muscular man enters the classroom,

The man had a clean shaven face and his brown hair was short, his eyes matched the color of his hair.

Seeing that the man\'s right hand was missing, he was probably the training instructor, Liam Wood.

He\'s a veteran from the war, he lost his hand during the war and was forced to retire. Principle Gordon offered him a job as a training instructor and he accepted.

\'\' I heard there was a new student in this class...\'\', his voice has a hint of animosity in them.

The students in the class all turn and and look at me, Liam follows their eyes and find me in the classroom.

I get up and smile.

\'\' So you\'re the talentless one...\'\', he has a frown on his face while saying this.

Oh... you wanna get fucked up ?

\'\' Yes, I\'m the \' talentless one\' teacher.\'\'

We have a small staring contest, which I let him win.

He clears his throat and tells me,

\'\' I\'m the training instructor, Liam Wood.\'\'

I nod and sit down.

\'\' Today we\'ll be having a sparring lesson, so all of you, change into your training clothes and come to the training hall. I\'ll be waiting for you there.\'\'

Just like that he left as soon as he arrived.


After Liam left, the students also started leaving the lecture hall in groups, I follow a group of boys to the changing room.

Nobody talked to me, it might be because they were confused with how to interact with me, they couldn\'t look down on me as I had connections while I was till very weak. So the entire class was just avoiding me except a single person.


The moment I got out of the classroom, she did too. I could feel her eyes on me the entire time as I was walking towards the changing room. The only reason she stopped was because I had entered the boy\'s changing room.

I mean... I know I killed a person and all...but wasn\'t this a little extreme ?

But other than following me, she didn\'t do anything else so I decided to just ignore it.

I was in the corner of the changing room now, there was a locker with my name on it, I open it to find the training clothes, which was just a blue shirt and loose pant of the same color. I start undressing and wearing the training clothes,

I hear a commotion rising from the other side of the changing room.

After wearing the training clothes, I head to where the commotion was coming from.

A boy was down on the floor naked, while next to him stood a muscular student who was waving around, what I think is his uniform. Another student stood next to him waving around the naked boy\'s training clothes.

Laughter erupts in the changing room as most of the boys laugh at the naked boy.

From the crowd that had formed, a boy says,

\'\' Hahahahahah, Good One, Jeremy.\'\'

Oh.... it\'s Jeremy Dick.

That\'s his actual second name, it also summed up his entire personality.

He was one of the bullies that the MC crushed in the beginning parts of the novel.

I felt pity for him,

He doesn\'t know that he exists just so that the MC can go through some character development.

The boy standing next to him was his underling, I think his name was...…

Stephan something.

Who has the time to remember the names of characters that appear for a single chapter ?

The two boys kept waving the clothes around untill a student gets hit in the face with the clothes as he walking past them.

The student was Max Reynolds.

Stephan doesn\'t notice that it was Max and starts in annoyed voice,

\'\' Which bast-\'\'

He doesn\'t complete his words as he turn around and find the student behind him was Max.

\'\' Oh Max... I\'m sorry I didn\'t see you ther-\'\'

But Max cuts him off and says in condescending tone,

\'\' You\'re a pathetic waste of space, now... move out of my way.\'\'

Stephan was about to say something but before he can even utter a word, he\'s pulled away by Jeremy. Jeremy wasn\'t an idiot, he knew that he wasn\'t a match for Max.. at least for now.

After that the students just changed into their training gear and went to the training hall which was close by.


Stephan Keller was very annoyed.

He\'d just been looked down on by that fucking bozo Max.

But he couldn\'t do anything to him, Max was the first in the rankings.

He wanted to hit someone... anyone.

He want to vent his anger at someone that was weaker than him.

Just as he was thinking this, Liam enters the training hall.

He asks the students to form a vertical line which they do.

\'\' New student, come here!\'\', Liam says

Adam walks over to instructor Liam and says in a cheerful tone,

\'\' My name is Adam, sir.\'\'

\'\' That doesn\'t matter.\'\', saying this Liam addresses the students.

\'\' Today, we\'re gonna see how well the new student fights, can anybody volunteer to be his sparring partner ?\'\'

Before anybody can even think about raising their hands, Stephan\'s hand shoots up into the air.

The way he saw it..... They can\'t blame him for the injuries caused during a spar under the observation of a teacher.

A devious smile forms on his face.


I dislike the new kid.....

From the moment, I heard that the chairwoman\'s adopted child was enrolling into the school and that too a month late... I knew that he would be just another arrogant brat, who thinks that he\'s better than all the others.

It would have been alright if he had some talent but he didn\'t even have the potential to be F rank !

Enrolling him in was like spitting on the faces of all those students who had talent but didn\'t pass the exam this time. I told this to the principal but he ignored me just as usual.

Stephan Keller raised his hand when I asked the children who would like to spar with the new student.

I could understand his intentions from the weird smile on his face, but I decide to ignore him. I know... this isn\'t fair but Adam needs to learn that this isn\'t a joke.

Stephan and Adam face of against each other in the center of the training hall, while the rest of the students watch them with excitement. But before they can begin the spar, I stop them.

\'\' Stop....\'\'


Seems like my opponent was gonna be Dick\'s sidekick, Stephan.

The both of us get in our respective fighting stance, but before we can start Liam says,

\'\' Stop, before you start.. choose a weapon.\'\'

He goes towards the the wall of the training room and presses a switch.

The walls slides up and many weapons come into my view.

Swords, sabers, scimitars and even guns were there.

\'\' Choose one.\'\', Liam says looking at me.

Someone from the crowd comes forward and gives Stephan a sword.

So he was a swordsman.. the same as me.

I had decided to become a swordsman as well because a job change requires a lot of money but now that I had the wealth of the hero association, it was a completely different story.

Ok, I\'ll be direct.

I\'m a little bit of a coward.

Fighting with a sword requires a lot of confidence and shit, which I unfortunately did not have. I also had to be in close proximity with the enemies to fight as well.

I could always use a bow or a gun but I had terrible aim so that was out of the question as well.

I scan the weapons displayed on the wall untill my eyes fall on a weapon that suited me.

A spear.

I tell Liam my choice and Liam takes the spear and gives it to me.

The weapon\'s sharp areas were all covered with a with a soft covering, this was removable and was placed on the weapons to avoid injuries in a spar.

I take the spear in hand and both Stephan and I once again get into our respective fighting stance, the spear feels uncomfortable in my hand but I was sure that after I changed my job it would become more easier to wield.

\'\' Begin.\'\', Liam says

Stephan rushes towards me screaming,\'\' DIE AHHHHH\'\'

Wtf.. why is he so fucking slow and dramatic ?

Ah..., it\'s only been a month since school started for them, while I trained everyday except for the last month.

I was probably the highest ranked student here, other than the main cast, at the start of school year, almost all of them were close to E rank, so apart from the people in Max\'s party I could defeat anyone in my class.


I block Stephan\'s sword with my spear in a single hand and punch him in the face with my free hand.

He instantly falls down, I think his nose is broken.

He doesn\'t get up.

To be defeated with a single punch..... the life of an extra must be hard.


I was stunned.

I thought he would lose for sure...

Seems like I was wrong.

\'Maybe he\'s a talent worth raising after all\', Liam thinks with a grin creeping up on his face.


After our anti-climatic fight, Stephan was taken to the infirmary.

Liam divides everyone in the class except me into two pairs and tells them to spar with each other.

After making sure the rest of the students weren\'t slacking off, he comes near me and says,

\'\' I thought you were talentless.\'\'

There\'s an odd look on his face.

\'\' When I was seven, the machine malfunctioned when my turn came\'\'

Liam raises his eyebrows at my words.

\'\' I\'ve never heard of a mana machine malfunctioning before.... but couldn\'t you easily change it, since you\'re \'her\' son ?\'\'

Well he was right... I could easily change it.

I tell the truth,

\'\' I just couldn\'t be bothered.\'\'

A smile forms on his face as hears my words.

\'\' What\'s your real potential ?\'\'

\'\' A- rank.\'\', I lie.

\'\' I see, you did a good job for your first spar.\' \'saying this he leaves to observe the other students.


After about thirty minutes, that class finished and we went back to class.

The next period was Dungeon and portal study, which was extremely boring. I slept through most of that and after a few more periods, class ends.

Class ends earlier for students in the hero course.

The class begins at 7:00 am and ends at 1:00 pm. This was done so that students could have time to do their personal training.

I head towards the room, I would stay in for three years. All the students had the same living conditions. In a single room, two students would live together as roommates. If the students were given luxurious rooms then living out of the comfort zone had no fucking meaning.

I was told that I would be staying at room 69.


I had to ask for the directions to the dorm house and after reaching the place, I had to look for room 69.

It took me thirty minutes to find the room.

I knock twice on the door of room \'69\'

The door opens after a few seconds and I see the very person I swore to avoid.

Eric Grey.



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