
Chapter 15 Mother Creed (1)

Diane Creed loved children, she always dreamed of becoming a mother one day. But fate had other plans, her husband was sterile. That didn\'t mean that they couldn\'t do anything else. There was adoption and insemination. But by the time they had the money and contacts required for all this, the both of them were too busy to look after a child. Ken had his career as a doctor while Diane had the association. Over time they just gave up trying.

How do I know all this?


I am the maker of their fate.


Damn. Maybe I should do something about my god complex.

Anyways in the novel, they have no children or anything of that sort. That was what was supposed to happen. But Dr. Ken\'s words just now contradicted everything that I wrote.

\'\' We could adopt the both of you.\'\'

Diane was reasonably shocked and jumped out of her cushion at his words. I mean what kind of husband springs this kind of stuff on his wife out of the blue?

A bad husband.

They both go into another room to have a discussion and come back thirty minutes later. Diane has a huge grin on her face, while Dr. Ken just looked tired.

He looks at me and asks,

\'\' You\'re okay with this right ?\'\'

I nod my head.

I don\'t think I\'ve ever mentioned this before but I don\'t exactly care if the novel\'s plot changes, this was a decision that benefitted me and Lecia and that was all that mattered, and also if you knew everything that was going to happen then what exactly was the point of life?

Life is all about the small joys, If we knew everything that was about to happen, life would just be boring and I hate boring things.

\'\' I\'m so excited !!\'\', Diane\'s voice sent vibrations throughout the room, almost knocking over a vase.

Geez, this woman is strong as fuck.

Even my ears hurt, seeing the frown on Dr. Ken\'s face he too must be hurting.

Realizing her mistake, Diane... or should I call her \' mom\' now.

Nah... too soon.

She says, \'\' sorry\'\' in a low voice.

Dr. Ken gets a phone call, after ending the call, he says that he\'s needed at the association\'s infirmary and heads out leaving Diane and me all alone.

Diane\'s just staring at me with a dumb smile on her face.

Ok, it\'s starting to get a little uncomfortable.

Just as I was about to excuse myself, Diane asks me,

\'\' What\'s your favorite color ?\'\'

\'\' Huh ?\'\'

\'\' What\'s your favorite color ?\'\', she asks me again with a strange glint in her eyes.

\'\' Violet.\'\'

\'\' What\'s your favorite food ?\'\'

\'\' Anything with meat on it.\'\'

She chuckles a little at my response which makes me smile a little.

\'\' What\'s your favorite food ?\'\', I ask her.

\'\' Anything with meat on it.\'\'

We laugh together.

We spent the rest of the evening asking each other random questions about ourselves.

Hey.. this might not be that bad.


Three days have passed since the Creeds decided to adopt Lecia and me. Even before the adoption happened, all our stuff was taken to their mansion. The both of us were already living at the Creed\'s mansion now.

These past three days have been a blast for me, not so much for Lecia though. It seems that being in a coma really dampers on your ability to have fun. I stay and talk with her at least for one hour a day. Some studies say that a person in a mana coma can hear and feel everything happening around them, I wasn\'t too sure about the authenticity of these studies but it was worth a try.

Another thing that I learned these past three days is that having a butler was very fun. The butler managing the Creed\'s mansion, Mr. Geoffrey was like my personal lapdog. I would call him for the smallest things and he would do them all with a smile on his face. One day, I called him to ask him to on the fan and he did so without a word of defiance.

Geoffrey was truly an enigma.

I haven\'t seen much of Dr. Ken since coming here, but Diane would come to me every night. We would have dinner together and I have to say... I do enjoy her company. Dinners were great and all but she insisted on tucking me into bed every night as well, even that was ok to a certain extent but giving a goodnight kiss every night was a bit too much in my opinion. Diane also spent time with Lecia as well and I\'m pretty sure she\'s giving her a good night kiss every night as well.

Even if I do complain about all the tucking in and kisses, I like it here.

Right now, I\'m brushing my teeth before going to sleep. I look at myself in the mirror and a smile breaks out on my face. I realized that it\'d been a long time since I relaxed like this. Ever since coming into this world, I\'ve been on guard, it felt nice to relax like this. Now that I\'m relaxed I\'ve realized that I\'ve been too obsessed with getting stronger, if I hadn\'t been so obsessed with getting stronger I might\'ve noticed the things between Mark and Lecia a lot sooner.

This realization paved the way for another realization, I wasn\'t getting stronger just for myself, of course, it was to protect myself as well, but I was getting stronger also because I don\'t want the people close to me to get hurt. Never again.

Thinking about this, I go to bed. The bed is so soft that it almost feels jelly-like.

Truly, It\'s good to be rich.

In the comfort of the bed, I delve into the world of dreams.


\'\' Get up.\'\'

I feel a pair of hands pushing me awake, I open my eyes to find Dr. Ken standing beside my bed with a stack of papers in his hands.

I sit up on the bed groggily and ask Ken, \'\' What is it ?\'\'

The digital clock in my room showed that the time was 1:00 am, so this better is something important.

\'\' Your adoption papers were almost finalized but there\'s a slight problem.\'\'

\'\' What is it ?\'\'

\'\' It\'s your name, the court doesn\'t recognize it. So you have to pick a new name for yourself.\'\'

Yes. Finally,

This was the moment that I was waiting for my entire life [ THIS LIFE!]. The time has finally come for Razorface to rise.

\'\' I know what name I want. Razorface.\'\'

\'\' Denied.\'\'

As soon as I suggested the name I wanted, Ken shot me down,

\'\' You have two more chances before I select a name for you.\'\'

I think hard about a name that would be good.


I remember Lecia talking to me about her family in the playground when we were young, her brother\'s name was Adam, wasn\'t it?



Yes, it would suffice.

I hope Lecia doesn\'t mind.

\'\' What about Adam ?\'\', I ask Ken.

\'\' Hmm, Adam Creed. That sounds pretty good.\'\'

Ken walks over to the door of the room and turns around to face me,

\'\' Alright then, see you tomorrow. Adam.\'\'

I smile at him and say good night.

I lie down on the bed and repeat my new name in my head over and over again.

Adam Creed.


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