
219 Chapter 219

"I believe she was discharged last night." She answered calmly, but with a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"No! No way, no how, no how! It can\'t be! " Zavier felt tears welling up in his eyes. "She just can\'t be."

"And what would cause you to think that?" She probed, trying to pinpoint the core of Zavier\'s distress.

Zavier wanted to keep his emotions out of it, to protect his heart from the truth. He was going through the motions of not thinking about what had just happened, as if he wasn\'t already in deep. He now felt like the mess of emotions he tried so hard to conceal was tearing through his stomach.

"Why did she have to be discharged?" Zavier asked himself this simple question because he needed to admit the truth without having to explain or defend it.

"Perhaps you\'ll get an answer from it," Kacie said as she pushed open the sickroom door. She took an envelope out and handed it to Zavier.

Zavier took it awkwardly. "Thank you," he said in a daze, opening the envelope.

"Dear Zavier,

Please forgive my lack of notice. I\'ve left as you read this letter. I realized that in your life, it\'s better for me not to be there. I do love you, but I don\'t need to ruin your life because I\'ve ruined mine. Your life is much more important than mine, and I will only cause you pain if I stay, and that\'s the last thing I want to do. Don\'t try to find me. I\'m sorry that I can\'t be the person that you need. I just hope that you will find someone who can do all the things for you that I couldn\'t do. I wish you the best of luck and hope you will be truly happy. The most important thing I want you to know is that I will always love you and you will always be in my heart.


Shiranui Yamata"

Zavier read the entire letter through and quickly closed it before going back to the door. He sat down and pulled his knees up, resting his forehead on them. His eyes were dry, but his heart was drowned.

Slowly, he reached for the letter once more and began reading it from the beginning over again.

Kacie approached him and gently put her arm around his shoulder.

When a person is hurt emotionally or physically, they often want to feel better, which is usually done through physical touch.

She gently put his arm in her own, then kissed his cheek. She then patted his shoulders and smiled, shaking her head at him. "It was just a prelude. You know, there is nothing that we can really do right now." She made a little grimace as she said.

Zavier shook his head and tried again to read. She continued her gentle persuasion. Finally, after what felt like a very long time of reading, Zavier came up with a smile of his own, only this time it was for himself, not Kacie.


Galen politely declined her invitation to hold a third elimination tournament in which students competed against one another. Mabel\'s answer was to put students in competition with one another. Her suggestion was not picked.

Galen expressed his remorse, but he did not believe that this was the best way to choose a winner.

"But what if it\'s the only way?" Mabel was curious. "I understand that you will not agree with this suggestion, but I feel we should play a third match."

"What is the point of doing anything like that?" Galen inquired.

Mabel indicated that some students had not yet been eliminated from the tournament, "And there are certain individuals who, in my opinion, deserve a second chance."

Galen said, "I agree with your point of view, but I think we should stop talking about this right now."

Galen was under the notion that the outcomes of two contests would have supplied him with adequate knowledge to formulate a conclusion.

He believed that he already had enough information to come to a conclusion after two matches, so he was under the impression that the results of two matches would have provided him with enough information to form an opinion.

Galen believed that two fights would be enough to teach him everything he needed to know because, if a competitor was beating their opponent in both matches, they would have been doing the same thing in each match if they were successful in both matchups. Galen thought that two fights would be enough for him to learn everything he needed to know.

If they were falling behind in the first match, they would have made some improvements to their plan. On the other hand, if they continued to struggle in the second match, it would have been obvious that they had not made any adjustments. Some competitors had never lost a match before, then the fact that the others lost both times suggests that they did something wrong.

Before deciding whether or not to make an early admissions decision, the professors and instructors at Caesar University immediately began analyzing each student\'s characteristics, abilities, and deficiencies over the course of the subsequent few days. This was done before determining whether or not to make an early admissions decision. This step has to be taken first before deciding whether or not to make an early admissions decision. Even if the instructor thought that the student had a high level of talent but that the student was lacking in other areas, the student would not be admitted early to Caesar University. This is true even if the teacher thought the student should start at Caesar University early.

Following several days of debate, the educational establishment came to the conclusion that 1,200 candidates would be granted early entry. It meant that just 300 candidates needed to successfully complete the normal admission test at Caesar University in order to acquire a letter of acceptance from the educational establishment. This was a significant reduction from the previous requirement of 500 applicants last year.

The left 300 children in their first year got less attention than the others, not because they were less smart, but because they weren\'t as spotlighting.

The new approach had several problems, as some students who had previously been admitted early to other universities were not permitted to take Caesar University\'s early entrance test. This was one of the new system\'s flaws. This was because the early entry test was not announced until after all of the other universities had already sent out acceptance letters. Furthermore, the new structure exacerbated conflicts between the children and their parents. Some parents felt that their children were not given the opportunity to shine, while others felt that their children were put at a disadvantage by not being able to take the early entry test.

The new approach was not without its critics, but it did fulfill its goal of lowering the number of candidates to Caesar University while also improving justice.


During this time period, one of Zavier\'s primary goals was to broaden the skill set he now held and make the most of the potential he owned. He also wanted to maximize the potential he possessed.

Zavier\'s goal was also to perform to the best of his abilities. During this time, he also made it a high priority to maximize the potential of the human resources that were at his disposal.

Zavier knew that abilities were no longer a necessary factor and that what mattered in this case was the amount of mana and mental power, since those were the things that affected magic the most.

He was fully aware of the fact that it was no longer necessary for a person\'s skill level to be a criterion for success. In the past, Kyouko had won against him by using black flame that was powered by more powerful and completely aggressive mana.

This strategy had been effective up to this point.

It was possible to use a potion in this world to quickly level up a character, but because of the way the body was constructed, doing so came with a large amount of danger attached to it.

Using a potion to quickly level up a character was feasible in this world. It was risky business for a character to use a potion in order to level up more rapidly. In spite of this, there was still a remote possibility that the sequence of events in this reality might turn out differently than what was planned. It looked as though Zavier wasn\'t really worried by the situation, which may have been explained by the fact that he had access to clones of himself.

Clones of himself allowed Zavier to replicate his actions exactly. Given that Zavier had copied clones of himself, this was a possibility given the circumstances.

In order for himself to advance in levels, Zavier needed authentic data, which required him to first drink the potion and then conduct tests on his own body. This was a necessity for him to be able to go further. This was an essential preliminary stage.

This looked to be a condition that caused a great deal more discomfort than acute insanity did when it came to daily life. When everything was considered, it showed that performing tests on human beings was considered to be cruel. This was the conclusion reached after taking everything into consideration.

If Zavier, on the other hand, wanted to improve his strength, he did not have a lot of leeway in the issue of how he should go about it. Because of the mysterious and dangerous adversaries that loomed over him like the sword of Damocles, he was anxious about what the future held in store for him.

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