
Chapter 171 What Is A God? (Part 2)

Everyone present around the coliseum and witnessed everything that was happening had their eyes pointed at Adam and the unexplainable phenomenon that stopped made Derige stop advancing.

Even though it was raining, not a single raindrop managed to get close to Adam. The ground in his immediate surrounding was completely dry.

Despite that, no one knew what he was thinking, and it was not like they couldn\'t see what Adam was doing. The reason why it made them question their ability to differentiate what was real from illusion, despite the existence of gifts and monsters, was because of their sense perception.

Adam penetrated the space in front of him with his left hand as if penetrating the surface of a vast ocean.

As he did, it looked almost as if his life force, his vitality was sucked out of him, resulting in him losing the color of his hair and his body turning extremely pale.

No one understood what was happening but somehow their instinct told them that they should not move.

It might have been their imagination, but at some point, the raindrops appeared to move in slow motion.

\'What\'s going on?\' Every person there, at that moment, asked the same question in their head.

,m Not even a few minutes ago, Adam appeared to be cornered and lost all hope, all will to resist.

They could never imagine that everything was just a bluff. Even the Emperor who could read people\'s minds couldn\'t see through it. After all, Adam himself didn\'t know about his trick until the time had come.

The time when he finally found the answer to the first question led to the discovery of the first pieces of the puzzle. In other other words, the first step into creating a God.

Nonetheless, few are the entities capable of thinking that could understand Adam\'s actions.

Why did he need to become a God? What was his aim? Why would he need to think about all of those? What\'s the point? Shouldn\'t everything be easier?

Adam had never stopped thinking about these questions. Indeed, it would be easier if he didn\'t know. However, this was \'the curse of knowledge. The more he knew, the more the questions that needed to be answered began to increase. What would happen if the person close to him died? What if he just lived an easy life? Would that last forever? But what exactly is it to live an easy life? What is life? How to live? What is happiness? It couldn\'t be stopped… His thought process couldn\'t be stopped.

The moment that the idea that he could achieve great things with his power took root inside of his mind, he couldn\'t ignore it. A person like him, who had never experienced what exactly to be happy couldn\'t ignore it.

If he could finally experience happiness, he didn\'t hesitate to destroy every obstacle in front of him, and that was what he thought, he genuinely believed that he could do so during his second life.

However, every time he thought about the perfect conclusion, the best answer, there would be always a better alternative, as well as new challenges.

But he had his almost godly power, so why wouldn\'t he want to achieve the most ideal conclusion, so he continued to think… To think… Then he saw what insanity looked like. His strength was his biggest weakness.

However, at that point, he couldn\'t stop anymore. His knowledge wouldn\'t leave him in ignorance.

The scariest fact of all was that all of this happened only in one night. Adam couldn\'t even imagine if he lived like that from there.

Something about his realization induced fear inside Adam\'s heart. After all, whenever he imagined himself walking down the path to search for this perfect happiness, he was alone.

In the end, Adam was just a human. Like any other human, everything he did was for his sake and for those who were important to him.

It should be normal for him to be scared, to fear the unknown, unpredictable future. But, the reason why Adam decided to reject this version of himself was that he began to doubt everything that he believed in.

It was almost as if he had caught a disease that affected his mind. No matter how many times he rethought his plan, he could never be certain where it will lead him. He began to doubt the people around him and questioned himself if it was worth it. What if he lost and everything his struggle was meaningless? What if… What if…

Adam was under the impression that he was being monitored and the whole world was working against him.

But he was strong so he should protect those who love him, and he would in consequence go against the world. However, he felt that his insight on the matter was extremely limited.

Thus, in addition to \'the curse of knowledge, he also agonized for not knowing.

Despite all that, Adam was a peculiar individual, and this is why each human is extremely unique. Just a little detail that couldn\'t be explained, an emotion that wasn\'t logical and led to an illogical train of thought.

\'Does a God feel emotions? And if they do, what makes them different from a human?

Greediness. At that time, Adam thought about a way to become good without giving up what made him a human.

It was such an arrogant way of thinking. A God could have everything, could they not?

However, this idea leads to more complex issues. Mostly to the question, \'What is a God?\'

Under normal circumstances, it was extremely rare, almost impossible for a human to even think about this kind of thing.

However, Adam\'s personality and everything that happened led him to this question.

The person who previously felt irrelevant and worthless was suddenly given the chance to achieve great things. However, the reality wasn\'t as forgiving as it should have been even after Adam received his godly power. That was exactly why he couldn\'t and put his entire being into finding a way to achieve everything he couldn\'t in his previous life.

The only problem was that he couldn\'t determine what exactly the perfect answer was. After all, everything he thought about could be easy to destroy.

As such, he began to thought how to create a world that could never be destroyed. That was one concern, but there was also the fact that his happiness wasn\'t necessarily other people\'s happiness, and this was the root of all evil.

As such, no matter how much he thought about it, in the end, in this world, he was always alone. This was the only perfect solution.

Adam as a human, however, couldn\'t accept that. Selfishness.

He was at loss and became more and more insure. But he continued to think… And think… And think again…

It took a long time for him to notice that his power was the biggest hint. How could a universe exist inside of him? Adam had heard about the theory of the 10 dimensions in his previous life, and from this, he began to wonder.

Theoretically, was said that humans could only imagine and perceive things at a 10 dimension. Everything possible and imaginable was covered.

If things could be perceived in such a way, then how could the universe inside of him be perceived? And what kind of being would be able to perceive it?

A higher being from a higher dimension could manipulate the reality of those living in a lower dimension. As such, they could create and alter things.

As such, gifts were the result of the evolution of humans into a higher dimension, Adam concluded.

As such, if he evolved, he would be able to control his ability. At that moment, Adam realized why he needed to collect the tree fragments. When he absorbed Vert, he could access the universe inside of him, which implied that she was not an existence that was restricted to their dimension.

The tree fragments were truly the key…

Another arrogant thought popped inside Adam\'s mind. However, it was only if it was perceived from a human point of view.

\'I should create the dimension in which the universe I created exists,\' Adam said to himself. No matter how many dimensions, and universes, existed, the only one who can perceive them all was God. A being who didn\'t exist inside someone else\'s creation.

No matter how ridiculous it sounded, this was the only plan that Adam could call his own.

Once Adam reached this conclusion, his way of seeing and considering things changed.

He needed to become a God, else, it would be just the birth of a monster deprived of humanity.

In his eyes, nothing was lost, as long as achieved his goal. Regret wasn\'t necessary nor was there a need to feel sadness.

If he could achieve the 11 dimensions, and ascend into a higher level being, he would be able to perceive the existence of everything that existed, exists, and will exist.

The events that were happening were just part of a complex puzzle that could be put together again even if destroyed.

\'A God doesn\'t exist inside someone else creation because they are nothingness.\'

This was Adam\'s answer, and a certain entity looked at him with an expression that could be described as a smile.

"It\'s not clear yet, but he is getting there. Choosing him wasn\'t a mistake."

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