
Chapter 366 - Haunting Silence

"You wanted the truth." Kaden stared her straight in the eyes. He held her gaze for the longest second. Then, he saw her pupils shake, her mouth opening and closing.

Kaden softened his gaze. He took a step forward, but she quickly went backward. She created more distance between them. He remained in his current position. He didn\'t want to further separate them.

"I understand, dove. This pain and hatred you feel, I\'ve experienced it once before. Let me help you—"

"I don\'t want to watch everyone I love die." Lina\'s head began to spin. She was in too much disbelief over what he had done to her. How could he? This… this traitorous man!

When Lina asked to be a Pure-Blood, she knew those she loved would die. But so would she. One day, her time would come. She\'d live her life to the fullest. But with immortality, what happens when all of her life goals and mission is complete? What was there to live for? What was there to do?

"Not everyone," Kaden softly said. "I will be here. I\'ll love you for eternity."

"And our future children?" Lina asked, her voice cracking. "How would it feel like to outlive your own kids?"


"To watch their birth, to hold our babies in our arms, and then, embrace them one last time as we lower them into their graves…" Lina could barely keep a grasp of her emotions. Her shoulders trembled. Suddenly, her knees gave out.

Lina sank to the ground in despair. "We\'d outlive them. We\'d be young forever, whilst they\'ll eventually age."

"We\'ll have more children when our current generation dies."

"You don\'t get it," Lina choked out. "You possibly couldn\'t—"

"We can keep moving around or living away from the limelight. Money will never be an issue. We don\'t even have to change our names if you don\'t want to." Kaden slowly approached her.

"Pure-Bloods live for centuries. If anyone asks, we\'ll simply say we\'re Pure-Bloods." Soon, Kaden was within reach.

"Our kids, I—"

"Dove." Kaden bent the knee, to look her in the eyes. He softly held her shoulders. She was in pain. He saw it reflect so clearly in her hazel pupils. He expected her to cry.

"We\'ll reach that stage when we get there, it will be alright." Kaden slid his hand behind her head. He brought her face onto his shoulders. She laid limp in his embrace, but he bent and lifted her anyway. He carried her bridal style, her expression filled with sorrow.

"They will be human," she weakly said to him.

"They will be Half-Bloods. You forget I am a Pure-Blood."

"And what am I? Some immortal freak?" Lina accused.

"You could be a bit more freakier in bed…" Kaden muttered just to lighten the mood. She angrily shoved at his shoulders, earning a chuckle from him.

"And the people I love? Am I to watch my younger brother die first? Will I even be able to make new friends once Isabelle passes? And Estella? Krystal? All of my peers… How will they ever recover from this? How will I ever—"

"It will be hard," Kaden agreed. "But nothing is ever impossible."

Lina deeply frowned.

"Their souls will leave this planet one day, but their presence will always live within your memories. No one truly dies, not if you keep them in your thoughts."

Lina\'s heart fell. She was going to record any chance she could have with them. But the plan only saddened her. All she\'d have of them would be pictures and videos. She\'d suffer each time she glanced at it. That was what was so painful about death—knowing you\'ll never see them again. A human like them would never walk this earth. The only recollections you possess of them will belong in cold, empty photos.

What was the point of pictures when you can\'t have the real thing? Images of them were nothing, but torments reminding you they were gone—and never going to return.

The last thing Lina thought to herself was… she had to cure their immortality. But that would be impossible.

Once again, Kaden lied to her.

- - - - -

"You have to eat something, at the least, dove."

Lina remained curled up in the bed. She didn\'t know which room she was in, or who\'s bed this belonged to. All she did was bury herself in the fluffy blankets and hard pillows. She hugged herself, her legs bent. Not wanting to even look at him, she\'d close her eyes everytime he was in the room.

"Are you asleep?"

Kaden crossed to the other end of the bed. He squatted and saw her eyes. But she twitched. Narrowing his gaze, he reached for the blanket. Resisting the urge to roughly tug it, he simply patted her shoulders.

"Skipping breakfast and lunch is fine only for today. You\'ll have to eat dinner."

Lina remained mute. She wasn\'t even touched by the sincerity of his tone. All she did was lay there and hope he\'d leave her alone. She heard his soft sigh, then another stroke on her shoulders. After a few seconds, she heard rustling. Lastly, pure silence.

Lina waited a few seconds. Then, she opened her eyes. She nearly screamed. Kaden was right in front of her face. His lips twitched at her maniac reaction. Then, he pecked her on the nose.

"At least have a bite of lunch," he murmured. "You\'ll like it. I\'ve made your favorite clam chowder with the weird circular crackers."

Lina scowled and turned. She scooted to the other end of the bed, not caring about her resemblance to a worm right now.

"Will you eat if I leave?"


Kaden\'s gaze softened. He settled the plate of soup and sandwich onto the nightstand right in front of her. Then, he stroked her hair away from her face. She cringed away from his palms, but he continued to adjust her blanket.

"I\'ll come home from work in five hours."

Kaden didn\'t have to tell her that. He knew she didn\'t care. But he hoped that within the interval, she\'d find it in herself to eat something. With his presence gone, maybe her starvation would finally take over.

"And don\'t do something foolish, dove. It won\'t work. I would know. I\'ve tried every method when you took your own life."

Then, Kaden turned and left.. He shut the doors, leaving her in a haunting silence.

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