
Chapter 98 The Bishop has Fallen

Even when it was summer, because of that incident, it continued to storm for several days in the Academy.

The students and teachers were forced to go to the Temple and continuously pray to Demetri to stop the storm surges.

His statues that once stood in glory were headless. No water came from its fountain spout, those outstretched hands empty.

His temple itself behind the door looked like a tornado had blown inside it. Nothing was left unscathed.

And the perpetrator was kicked out of the Academy the following day that his crimes had been found.

The rule was that destruction of Academy property, whether accidental or on purpose, would be tantamount to expulsion.

Everyone knew that.

Yet why did he still took the risk?

He was in his right mind that day. He was not intoxicated, nor compelled to do it. All the witnesses said he did it all alone.

“The daemon made me do it.”

That was all he could answer to Lady Verita.

The Head Councillor had tried several approaches with him, but that was all he could insist on.

He never mentioned Cermin’s name once, because he fully believed it was a daemon and not him.

She did not want to see another friend of Cermin go, as the boy had already suffered so much.

But as the Head Councillor, she had no choice but to do so. The Council also believed it was the only way to appease the god Demetri too..

As Zeriav was about to go on a carriage, under this booming thunder and dark, heavy clouds…..

He saw Cermin rushing towards him.

“Zeriav! Wait! Don’t go yet!”

His eyes shook as he wanted to stay with him, but he remembered the words again.

Cermin was cursed. Destruction follows him because of the light he brings.

His future…. Perhaps it would be better if Zeriav does not intervene. Because whether how hard he tried, the inevitable would happen.

Cermin would have to face this darkness alone.

The purification may prepare him, but preparation must come to an end eventually.

All he could do now….. was pray for him.

He could not be too attached to him, this force that was bigger than anything he could imagine.

That force being both Cermin and the evil that follows.

“You are not my god.” Zeriav said, more like reminding himself rather than talking to Cermin who was still meters away and running towards him.

“I cannot devote myself to you, or else I’d just end up being washed up in the flood. I must wait for the storm to settle before I open the door again.”

With a heavy heart, he went inside the carriage.

“Let us go.” He told the carriage driver.

He hid his tears, not wanting to let go fo his friend but needing to. He had no choice.

“Zeriav!!!!! Zeriav, don’t!!! No!!!!”

Cermin yelled again and again under the rain.

“Come back!!!!” He choked, falling to his knees.

He only realized now that he was in the garden where he and Marigold once watched orchids, until a storm came.

A storm much like this. It made him lose touch with her….

And now, this new storm had permanently cut him from his last remaining friend.

Sister Marigold watched the crying Cermin from the steps of the Temple, worried about him. She was holding an umbrella, wanting to reach out and cover him from the rain.

But her heart was also unsettled, as she doesn’t know what to say.

She knew she would never understand Cermin’s position, his brotherly ties. She wished she could…..

“May I borrow your umbrella, Sister? I happened to forgot mine.”

A man’s voice came behind her.

It was a junior, it seemed. In his second-year based on that one star on his vest.

He seemed taller than most people his ages, though. He was a Scholar, yet his build seemed to be larger than that of the average Scholar too.

Ronin himself has never really noticed the difference in his build between then and now.

Every level he gained was improving his physique, not to mention he had been doing some exercises in his free time as well.

The priestess looked up to him, and smiled. “Alright. But can you do me a favor?”

“Of course. What is it?” He asked.

“Can you also share this umbrella with that man over there? I worry about him, please take him back to the dormitory safely.”

The tall second-year with dark skin smiled wide, mouth shaped like a crescent moon as he did.

“No problem at all.”

He walked carefree with the umbrella in one hand, walking over the crying Cermin. He leaned down beside him.

“Are you alright?”

Cermin looked up. The person in front of him…. He looked familiar.

He sniffled. “I’m alright… I’m alright. D-Do….. Do I know you?”

“Perhaps.” Ronin grinned. “Though I suppose His Highness would not recall me anymore after all these years.”

His eyes widened from realization, and clicked his tongue. “Ah! Ronin Willowe, isn’t it?”

“I have heard of the news that you have managed to join the Academy somehow. How come we never encountered each other yet?”

Ronin just shrugged. “Maybe fate only decided for us to see each other on this stormy day.”

“Hah, fate.” Cermin stood up, brushing himself. His hair was dripping and his pants were muddy.

“Fate is a very cruel creature. It’s unfair, letting good people suffer more than the bad.”

“I’m inclined to agree.” Ronin placed him under the shade of the umbrella. “I know exactly how cruel fate could be. Especially for people simply born unlucky.”

Cermin nodded and noticed something.

“Yes… Oh, you have a wound on your cheek. Who did this to you?”

“Ah, this.” Ronin nonchalantly touched his cheek. “It’s normal. My cursed fate makes people despise me as well.”

“You should hear about the time someone almost plucked my eyes out with a dart. Or how they called me names all the time… Sigh. If there’s something crueler than fate, it’s humans.”

“Sometimes humans are the real daemons, preying on you the moment they see you knocked down and bleeding. Like sharks.”

Cermin nodded. “Yes….. My friends were all such sharks, I never would have realized without being possessed by a daemon.”

“You were possessed? I did hear gossip like that but never paid attention to them.” Ronin said.

“It’s a long story. I remember that the last time we have seen each other, there were ghosts involved too, right? All because of me….”

“Everything is just my fault in the end. I bring trouble wherever I go.”

Ronin sneered at this, but it came as a soft smile as he patted his back.

“You know what? It’s a long way back to the dormitory, Your Highness. You can tell me all about it, I have nothing else to listen to besides the pitter-patter of rain anyway.”

Cermin blinked. “Really? I thought you had a bad impression of me because of what I did to your masters and the House Zafeiri…..”

“Well, impressions change. Maybe mine will change once your tale is over. The past should be forgotten like a storm that has long passed.”

Cermin could not help but be touched by those words, not to mention this commoner’s kindness to share an umbrella with him.

Not to mention that he could sympathize with him, as he must be suffering as much in the Academy as he does.

Being hated by people for things that were not in your control.

And as he talked more to this boy under the pouring rain…

He felt like he had found a kindred. A soul brother.

And this boy just gave him a knowing a smile, as if he can read his own impression of him..

[ Successfully got rid of all of Cermin’s friends and gained his trust. +5000 V-points]

Ronin’s grin grew wider, even more perverse. His eyes never went away from Cermin’s chest, where that beating heart must be, full of joy from his appearance.

Things could only be more fun from here.

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