
Chapter 726: Will Li Rui Go To Li Manor?

Chapter 726: Will Li Rui Go To Li Manor?

Only now did Xi Ying understand why General Li was smiling at him in a mysterious way every few seconds.          

His face was completely emotionless as he saw the middle-aged General caressing his son\'s head who was seated in his lap and then he raised his head to look at him with a smile on his lips.     

The smile that irritated Xi Ying a lot.      

"Prime Minister Xi looks too silent."     

General Li raised his eyebrows as he said this seeing that Xi Ying didn\'t say anything even after a long time.      

He had expected the young prime minister to go berserk…and here he was sitting calmly. General Li was disappointed.      

Did the young prime minister not love his daughter?      

He used to feel suffocated to stay in Li Manor whenever Yi Jie would go to Yi Manor to stay for a few days.      

Xi Ying, however, looked too calm.      

It was only a moment later, that General Li came to know why he looked so calm.      

"Rui is not going anywhere."     

Xi Ying said confidently.      

Xi Ling who was looking very excited at hearing his grandfather\'s words looked at his father with a deep frown on his forehead. He was so happy on hearing that he would be going out with his mother.      

Why is his father not allowing it?      

Xi Ying who noticed his son\'s frown thought that he was upset because he didn\'t take his name so he said      

"Xi Ling too won\'t go anywhere."     

However, Xi Ling\'s frown deepened only more making Xi Ying confused.      

The small bun on the other hand suddenly had a smooth forehead as if he seemed to realize something but at the same time, he looked confused.      

With the same confused expression on his face, he asked his father     

"Father, is Xi Ling some kind of beauty that Father wants to hide him?"     

The question made Xi Ying look at his son with a weird expression while Li Rui chuckled though she was confused.      

However, a moment later, Li Rui also realized something and suddenly laughed out loud. Her melodious chuckle was very audible in the silent living room.      

General Li who was amused by his grandson\'s question suddenly looked at his daughter with a dazed expression on his face.      

Li Rui, however, didn\'t seem to notice it.      

She threw her head back and laughed openly till her eyes started to fill with tears. Xi Ying though was confused but smile seeing his wife laughing.      

His eyes never moved away from the beautiful scenery and he couldn\'t help but feel as if he was hearing the most beautiful sound in his life.          

"Is Grandfather crying?"     

Xi Ling\'s voice brought everyone back.      

General Li had red eyes as he was looking at his daughter. He blinked suddenly and lowered his head swiftly before anyone could see his face clearly.      

Li Rui also stopped laughing and looked at her father with worry and concern. Xi Ying was also confused as he looked at General Li\'s lowered head.      

It was a few moments later that General Li raised his head again but he looked completely normal. He smiled when he noticed his grandson\'s big black wide eyes focused on him.      

"Grandfather is fine"     

He said as he stroked his head gently.     

However, his slightly hoarse voice gave him that it was not what he said.      

Li Rui frowned and called out in concern     


General Li gave the same smile to his daughter.      


He whispered and then swallowed before he continued      

"Father saw you laughing after such a long time."     

General Li\'s hand that was not around Xi Ling\'s waist was clenched inside his sleeve. He had to stop himself from letting his emotions overflow.      

He breathed deeply before he looked at Xi Ying. Xi Ying looked calm but he was surprised when he saw General Li\'s eyes.      

He didn\'t know if it was his illusion but he felt as if General Li was trying to thank him. When the middle-aged General nodded his head while looking at him, Xi Ying just did the same without even knowing what that nod meant.      

Soon, they were dragged back when Xi Ling said      

"Father, you didn\'t answer Xi Ling."     

Xi Ying looked at his son with a calm and emotionless face and spat out.     

"Though I don\'t know what silly things you are talking about but no…you are not some heavenly beauty that I want to hide."     

Xi Ying\'s lips twitched even when he answered the question. He couldn\'t believe that he was answering such a question.      

Xi Ling nodded his head and somehow he looked relieved making Li Rui smile more. However, when her son looked at her suddenly and said      

"Then does Father wants to hide Mother because she is a beauty?"     

Li Rui blinked and then looked at Xi Ying. She was suddenly curious to know what Xi Ying would say. Though she was aware of why he had refused, she wanted to know how he will answer their son.         

She had to press her lips tightly to stop the smile from surfacing on her lips when she saw how stiff her husband looked.      

Xi Ying was indeed very stiff. He glared at Xi Ling.      

His stupid question had put him in a difficult situation. What could he say! If he said that Li Rui was not beautiful that would be a lie and if he said she was beautiful then it would mean that he wanted to hide her.      

General Li looked at the young prime minister who perhaps looked at the lack of response for the first time in his life, and he felt very amused.      

It was then Li Rui explained that Li Hua had told some story to Xi Ling yesterday in which a beautiful woman was kept by the Emperor locked in his Palace because he didn\'t want anyone to see her. In the end, the woman died, however, the Emperor didn\'t let anyone see her even when she was dead.      

Xi Ling had been moved by the story. He hated the Emperor in the story and asked Li Hua to tell him the story in which the Emperor will be kept by the beautiful woman as a prisoner and then he will die in the same way.      

Li Rui smiled when she remembered how confused Li Hua had looked when she had heard it.      

On the other hand, Xi Ying finally was ready with his answer and said      

"Your mother can\'t leave Xi Manor, Xi Ling. Your sister will feel restless if she will go to an unfamiliar environment."     

His unreasonable reason could be bought by Xi Ling who blinked and then nodded his head. He remembered how his mother had started to vomit when they had gone to Brother Gu Li\'s valley.      

Xi Ling suddenly looked worried and turned a little to look at his grandfather\'s face and said solemnly.     

"Grandfather, then Xi Ling and Mother can\'t accompany you. Mother\'s health is the first priority of this Manor, right Father?"     


Xi Ying answered with a victorious smile on his lips.      

On the other hand, General Li smiled coldly seeing how Xi Ying was manipulating his grandson. He even looked at Li Rui with raised eyebrows as if asking how can see it silently.      

However, Li Rui just cleared her throat and then looked away from her father.      

General Li tried not to look surprised but he was. He no longer felt grateful to Xi Ying. He instead glared at the man.      

What kind of thing he had given to his daughter! She was never like this. Though he appreciated the good change in her, how could she see her husband making a fool of her son?      

General Li breathed again …this time to contain his anger. He smiled forcefully and then told Xi Ling     

"Your mother will be completely fine, Xi Ling. She had lived in Li Manor for so many years before her marriage. How can she be unfamiliar with the manor and the child feels mother\'s feelings so how can the child feel uncomfortable."     

Xi Ling was listening to his grandfather carefully. He blinked and then looked at his father as he said      

"Father, that also sounds logical."     

General Li smiled victoriously and Xi Ying could feel his happiness because he felt the same amount of irritation.      

Especially when Xi Ling said      

"Father, Xi Ling wants to go with Mother."         

Xi Ying looked at his son who had bright pair of eyes and said coldly     

"No one is going anywhere, Xi Ling."     

Xi Ling frowned and opened his mouth to speak again     

"But Father…."     

However, before he could even finish his words, Xi Ying said coldly     

"Go Inside, Xi Ling."     

Xi Ling pouted in anger as well as despair. However, he knew that he could no longer disobey his father so he had to stand up and leave.      

After he had left, Xi Ying looked at General Li and said calmly     

"Rui is not going anywhere, General Li. This Lord will not put her and our children\'s lives in danger."      

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