
Chapter 70 - The Loyal Commander Xie

Chapter 70 - The Loyal Commander Xie

It took Xi Ying one and a half day to reach the borders. The horses and carriages didn\'t stop that much as Xi Ying wanted to find General Li and his son as soon as possible. The sooner he found them, the sooner he would be able to go back to Xi Manor.

So he and his shadow guards continued their journey without any rest.

Since he doesn\'t not wanted much people to know that he was going to the borders, they avoided the busier and shorter routes.

When Xi Ying passed the camps of soldiers, he climbed off his horse once and stood there for a long time.

He felt that the atmosphere was too depressing. The soldiers when fighting needed to be motivated and filled with energy by their leader.

But how could they feel motivated when their leader was accused of a crime like treason and they could not nothing except sitting there and fight for their country?

He glanced at the flying flag of Xin on the top of the camps.

What was the difference if in a country the army is controlled by a General or an Emperor?

The soldiers in the end fought for Xin but what were they getting back for their selfless sacrifices. So many of them died on the battlefield just because the Emperor wanted to snatch the military power from General Li.

Xi Ying stood there for a few more moments and then climbed on his horse. The horses moved towards the dense jungles of the borders.

The horses stopped again after half an hour but this time they were standing on a wide large grassy ground.

As soon as Xi Ying got off his horse, an eagle came flying towards him and sat on his shoulder. He caught it and stroked its head a few times. Then he left the eagle to fly in the sky.

The eagle howled loudly in the wode sky two or three times.

A few seconds later, the fifty shadow guards in black clothes apppeared in front of Xi Ying.

They bowed their head and greeted him.


At his command, the shadow guard named Huang stepped forward.

"Did you find out anything?"

Huang replied respectfully.

"My Lord, we searched each and every area you have told this servant carefully but didn\'t find anything."

Different from the expected disappointed expression, Xi Ying smirked coldly.

The cunning Emperor didn\'t hide them. He was letting the Crown Prince do everything.

"Stay here for a few days."

The chorus of \'Yes Master\' rang in the wide ground.

After that, Xi Ying got on his horse and rode it towards the camp of soldiers again.

This time he stopped his horse in front of Commander Xie camp.

The Xie clan had been loyal to the Li Clan for the past seven decades.

As much as he remembered, Commander Xie was the most loyal and old commander in General Li\'s army.

Getting off from the horse, Xi Ying walked towards the camp alone.

The soldier who was guarding the camp recognised him and greeted him respectfully.

"Tell your commander that Prime Minister Xi wants to see him."

The soldier was surprised that instead of sending a servant, Minister Xi came by himself to ask for the meeting with Commander Xie.

But he only bowed his head and walked inside the camp to pass the message to his commander.

Inside the camp, Commander Xie was sitting on his chair lost in his own thoughts.

When the soldier stepped inside the camp, he sobered himself and looked at the soldier.

"Command Xie, Minister Xi is outside the camp and is asking to meet you."

Commander Xie\'s face went cold when he heard the soldier\'s words.

Every Minister of the Imperial Court knew that Prime Minister Xi doesn\'t like General Li much. Him being here at this time, the middle-aged commander was afraid that the Emperor might have sent the Young Minister to investigate General Li\'s treason case.

"Let him inside the camp."

The soldier walked out of the camp after hearing the order and soon after he left, Commander Xie saw the young minister inside the camp.

He didn\'t stand up to say any greetings and just glanced at Xi Ying.

Not minding the cold behaviour, Xi Ying greeted him first.

"Xi Ying greets First Uncle."

He didn\'t feel offended when his greetings was not reciprocated. Although Commander Xie was his mother, Xie Man, elder brother, the Xi and Xie Clan didn\'t interact much after his mother\'s death.

And he knew that the commander might be thinking that he was only here to gather evidences against General Li not to save him.

He walked inside further and sat on the chair that was in front of commander Xie.

When the commander didn\'t say anything, Xi Ying started.

"Commander Xie, I need your help"

The words finished and Commander Xie chuckled humorlessly.

"Help. Help in what? To prove General Li Heng and his own clan a traitor? If it is so, then Minister Xi should exit this commander\'s camp as soon as possible because this Commander will not help you to prove a lie."

After this, he didn\'t look at Xi Ying and started to look through the maps that were spreaded on the table.

Xi Ying had already expected all this but he didn\'t have any other way except making Commander Xie agree to help him. So this time he directly said the words that could attract the middle-aged commander\'s attention

"Commander Xie, I suspect that General Yun framed General Li and Commander Li."

Commander Xie abruptly raised his head and looked at him with wary face while Xi Ying continued.

"I have found some evidence that shows that General Li and Commander Li was abducted from the battlefield."

Commander Xie was shocked by the new discovery and it took him a moment to register everything.

"What about soldier Yi Lie?"

" There is no information about him yet."

Commander Xie\'s face sank but then he suddenly looked up at Xi Ying.

"How can this commander help Minister Xi"

Xi Ying felt relieved hearing that the commander was ready to help him. He can\'t expose his shadow guards here to others and that is the only reason he wanted Commander Xie to help him.

After half an hour of discussion with Commander Xie, Xi Ying stood up to walk out of the camp.

Before he exited the camp, he heard Commander Xie\'s words from behind.

"If this Commander found out that you are just feeding me lies then I will not hesitate to kill you. Even if you are my nephew."

Xi Ying just nodded his head and walked out of the camp.

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