
Chapter 484

Di... Di...

Pi Li Dance Hero was about to initiate warp drive when the communicator on the driving panel beeped. He took a look, it was a call from the headquarter. So he swiftly pressed a button and answered, “This is The Curry, I am Pi Li Dance Hero.”

[What the hell is that name...] Feng Bujue mocked internally, [Yes, these two members were ‘brownies’ and even though it is not technically racist but it feels some kind of stereotyping is in play here...] When he was mocking, the man himself did not realize that his inner monologue was already racist to begin with...

“Pi Li Dance Hero, how is the progress of your mission?” The voice on the other line asked.

Pi Li Dance Hero replied, “We found a superhero from Earth, he has the intention of joining the league, we are bringing him back to the headquarters now.”

“Please wait a moment.” The person said, “The league just received a Grade C alert, the coordination is very close to you, do you mind taking a look before coming back?”

“Of course.” Pi Li Dance Hero promised easily, “It is our duty to do so.”

“Even though it is a Grade C event, please take care of your safety, Pi Li Dance Hero.” The person continued.

“Understood.” Pi Li Dance Hero replied. “If there is any accident, we will report immediately.”


“Okay, I have sent you the coordination of the location where the emergency signal came from. Good luck.”

“Thank you.”

After the communication stopped, The Tap Monster laughed, “Ah... these days, the universe sure is busy.” Pi Li Dance Hero swiftly changed the direction of the spaceship after receiving the coordination. After doing all that, he turned to Feng Bujue and said, “The Poker, I’m sorry but it looks like we will have to take a detour for now.”

“Ah... I don’t mind.” Feng Bujue replied. “But can you explain to me in details... what exactly is a Grade C Event?” Even though he had not said a word earlier, he had memorized every single sentence that was exchanged.

The Tap Monster replied, “Oh, that is the league’s delineation of various emergencies based on their danger level....” At this point, he lifted his head to look at his partner, after exchanging a look, he said, “Erm... Based on the rules, we are not supposed to reveal the details within the league to outsiders but... since you are a superhero and have a high chance of joining us... I will make an exception this time.”

“Oh... thank you, I am flattered...” Feng Bujue said.

The Tap Monster continued, “This Grace C Event is equal to ‘a danger that is big enough to destroy a whole planet’.”

[What the fuck...] Feng Bujue thought to himself, [Destroying a whole planet is only Grade C? If this is the case... A situation like a visit from Frieza could barely amount to a Grade A Case...]

“Oh? It is that serious?” On the surface though, Feng bujue asked in a shocked expression.

“Hmm... actually, from the perspective of the whole universe, it is not that serious.” The Tap Monster continued, “Normally, Grade C Event can be handled by the local superheroes. But if the planet’s superheroes need help or request for aid, then the league will spend reinforcement.”

“So... the situation now is...” Feng Bujue prompted.

Pi Li Dance Hero added, and said, “From the coordination, the planet that sent the emergency alert was the planet, ‘Ja ja Ja Ja’, it is not that far from this place...”

“Wait a minute...” Feng Bujue interrupted. “Let me guess... this planet is one of the Shrugging Planet people’s colony?”

“Erm.... Yes.” Pi Li Dance Hero answered. “Several hundred years ago, the place was still an empty planet but then there was an atmospheric shift and it became inhabitable. Based on space law and the galaxy alliance’s general rule, the closest species that was most suitable to inhabit the planet is the people from Shrugging Planet so they took over the planet and named it officially.”

“Okay...” Feng Bujued nodded and made like it just dawned on him and waited for the person to continue.

“The Shrugging Planet has very advanced technology but they are not that good at physical combat. The planet themselves have a few superheroes but their ability...” The Tap Monster tapped on the control panel before him and pulled out a set of data. He looked through them and then told Brother Jue. “hmm... Indeed they won’t be powerful enough to deal with a Grade C emergency.”

“Other than that, in the database of the league... there is no record of any superheroes that resides at Ja Ja Ja Ja.” Pi Li Dance Hero added.

“Understood.” Feng Bujue concluded, “So that’s why they called in you two for help.” He paused and then sharpened his gaze. “I wonder... is there anything that I can help with?”

Few minutes later, the spaceship had completed the short distance warp and entered the orbit of Ja Ja ja Ja. The planet had the same appearance as Shrugging Planet. From space, they looked yellow but Ja Ja Ja Ja was slightly smaller.

[Hmm... The gravitational pull felt when I was on Shrugging Planet was almost similar to Earth.] When they blasted through the ozone layer, Feng Bujue was contemplating these details [Assuming this planet’s density was similar to Shrugging Planet, then the gravity would be relatively smaller... So I’ll have to be careful should there be a battle...]

“The gravity on this planet is slightly weaker than Shrugging Planet, so you have to be mindful of that when you leave the spaceship, the Poker,” The Tap Monster chose this moment to turn around to remind him.

“Oh, understood.” Feng Bujue replied. After this period of interaction, he had basically familiarized himself with these two superheroes’ personalities. Pi Li Dance Hero was a stable and collected person, even though he could not be deemed as reticent, but he rarely wasted his words on unnecessarily nonsense; Tap Monster was chattier, he had a brighter personality and would easily befriend others with his jokes and jabs.

[The heavy Indian Accent and strange name aside... these two are quite normal...] Feng Bujue analyzed in his mind. [Looks like the people in this universe are just relatively more naïve but they are not dumb, at least not any that I have seen so far...]

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