
Chapter 186: One who Knows How to Wait

Chapter 186: One who Knows How to Wait

“From today onwards, the army organization will be broken down for the time being and we’ll use these forces to fight the Laviter Empire.”

It felt like I was getting openly threatened by a gangster on a street full of people. We set up a basic defense formation centered around the hurriedly completed border fort. The already existing special patrol troops in the Kovilan Mountains changed locations, and more troops were sent to cover around 30 spots, which were positioned between the highest peaks. Because there was a double surveillance system, any enemy movements would be reported to Nerman the moment they showed up in the mountains.

Today, we were holding the final meeting for inspecting Nerman’s battle readiness.

“As you know, the imperial troops will come swarming in from both land and air. Unlike the surprise attacks relying on superiority in wyvern numbers that we have experienced in the past, they will definitely attack the territory with textbook coordinated operations. And all of Laviter’s forces will be concentrated here, on the border fort.”


I rapped one spot on the Nerman map hanging on the wall with my baton. It was the border fort at the border between Havis and Nerman. This fort’s existence was certainly already known to our enemies thanks to the merchants passing through. The enemies likely knew about its sturdy walls, elite troops, and anti-air defenses that were only available in Nerman.

“Sir Derval, what is your prediction of the number of land troops that can currently invade?”

Although he was in charge of the territory’s administration, because he had a natural-born sense for tactics, Derval elbowed out the other knights and took the spot as the strategy advisor. He responded immediately to my question by reading out the well-prepared documents in his hands.

“Our latest intel reports that the 10th Platoon of the Western Corps and the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, and 9th Platoons that are key components of the Southern Corps have 500,000 elite troops fully arrayed to invade our territory at the Havis Kingdom’s borders. As you know, imperial platoons  are made up of 100,000 troops each, with each corps having 5,000 cavalry and thousands of infantry, spearmen, archers, and artillerists. Of course, those numbers do not count the supply troops, who cannot be used for battle.”

‘Carelessly spitting out 500,000 like it’s the name of the dog next door…’

It was information I already knew, but Derval’s words were unpleasant to the ear. 500k was easy enough to say, but that number of Laviter soldiers was already on par with the total number of civilians living in Nerman. Even though we had dealt them a crushing defeat not long ago, they sprang back like nothing happened and were ready to attack once again.

“As for the number of wyverns that are the core of the force… We estimate that with the reserve wyverns of the remaining corps and the wyverns dispatched from each territory combined, there are around 1,500 wyverns total. This number does not include the reinforcements of the Yukane and Baerkain Kingdoms, as well as the Roen Principality.”



This wasn’t their first rodeo, so my knights were now emotionless in the face of such staggering wyvern numbers. There was no fear in their faces, but it seemed they couldn’t suppress unconscious sighs. If you converted 1,500 wyverns to the same number of roast chickens, it would be enough poultry to eat for your entire lifetime.

‘Their cavalry alone numbers 25,000. If all their horses pooped simultaneously, they could instantly fill up a manure storehouse.’

An empire was indeed an empire.

“I’m sure you’ve all realized from hearing Sir Derval’s words, but facing our enemies in a frontal battle is impossible this time as well. I’m sure the enemies have their own plans, but we must block their massive army of 500,000 at the border fort.”

The knights were also aware that the battle was fast approaching. The imperial troops would invade Nerman before the coming of winter, and if things went as I expected, they would cross the Havis Kingdom’s borders right at the end of this summer.

“My liege, it’s said that plague is rampant in the continent right now, so wouldn’t the enemies also be cautious? If a plague were to break out in their huge army while on the move, there would undoubtedly be chaos even before they fight. Wouldn’t that damned Emperor have figured out that much, at least?” asked Ryker.

“Unfortunately, there are no reports that plague has occurred in the Laviter Empire. And as you know, the outcome of the war will most certainly be determined through battles between wyverns. The Emperor will pay no heed to the deaths of mere soldiers.”

The infantry was there to maintain public order after the war and eliminate rebel remnants. The outcome of most battles was determined with wyverns.

“So the problem is how we handle the enemy wyverns.”

“1,500 wyverns…”

Nerman also had over 400 wyverns. The Skyknights we lacked were being trained every day to fill the ranks, and we could make up for their lack of experience with the advantages and range of our Blessed Spears.

“How about asking help from Bajran, the Havis Kingdom, and also… the Temir? From the looks of it, Bajran has stabilized its imperial power. If they were to help, we could annihilate the Laviter troops in one fell swoop, could we not?”

Sir Shailt proposed to ask for help.

“We cannot.”

Of course asking for help had occurred to me. But we couldn’t do that. The enemies had big numbers, but we had always lived hand in hand with danger of this level. The knights and I had faithfully protected Nerman from such enemies the entire time.

‘It’s human nature to want help again and again after receiving it once.’

I knew that the knights weren’t proposing this out of fear, but it was natural that if they grew addicted to the taste of help, their self-reliance would dwindle. Even if it was an uphill path, we would defend Nerman with our own hands.

“I also don’t like the idea. All of you know. How have we protected Nerman all this time? When have we ever saved Nerman from danger using ample numbers?” Sir Cedrian spoke up from his silence to voice his opposition. “The Nerman of today was created by our sweat and blood. The current situation can be called a crisis in its own right, but compared to the trials we have overcome so far, it’s nothing. In addition, I am sure that our liege foresaw this difficulty and, like always, made preparations of his own. All we have to do is gallop and stab as his horses and spears. It’s my belief that that is our first and last duty as his knights.”


I wanted to applaud, but I held back to avoid revealing my inner thoughts. Like Cedrian said, I already had a basic counterattack in the wings, and what I needed were knights who would trust and follow my lead.

“It was my thoughts that were shortsighted,” Sir Shailt said, standing from his seat to bow in apology to me.

“No, the reason why we are gathered here today is to bring out all of the knowledge and wisdom in our hearts to deal with the enemy. I know your true feelings and your loyalty towards Nerman better than anyone.”

The Nerman of today was here because of them. I might be powerful, but it was impossible to hold twenty weapons with one hand. My knights were the paragons of loyalty upon which this territory was built.

“Yes, sir!”

The knights saluted me in unison at my words.

“My liege, have you prepared a separate stratagem of some kind?” Derval asked.

“In the place where I used to live, we had a saying: Offense is the best defense.”

“Do you mean to say…”

“Pre-emptive strike. We can’t sit and wait to get hit. Just like how we went over the Rual Mountains to attack Poltviran and the Bajran Empire’s forces, we will strike first this time as well.”


The knights gazed at me with blazing eyes upon hearing my daring proposal. 

If another kingdom was fighting this war and was faced with such a huge difference in forces, they would probably hunker down and wait for the enemies to come to them, focusing on their defenses. But not me. I’m not about to just sit around and wait to get hit by the fist flying towards me like an idiot.

“According to our information, the enemy’s wyverns are divided in three locations. Of those three, we will attack the castle of the Yanovis Duchy, which is the one aiming for Nerman Castle. We sortie tomorrow morning. Participating in this battle will be me, the 1st Flight, and Sir Cedrian.”

“It is an honor, my liege!” barked Cedrian, rising from his seat in a show of knightly respect.

“The leader of the 4th Flight, Lady Janice, will remain in a state of emergency readiness in case of unexpected danger until we return.”

“By your will!”

Not just anyone could be the leader of a knight order. Skills were one thing, but the most crucial aspect was their loyalty. I had appointed Janice as the leader of the newly formed 4th Flight over Ryker’s opposition.

“Then won’t the skies over Denfors be unguarded? My liege… There’s not even a single rat at Fort Ciaris these days thanks to me. I think it would be best if I were to guard Denfors at a time like this…”

Ryker’s eyes suddenly began to gleam. Fort Ciaris was a military fortification almost completely devoid of the pleasures of the regular folk. Ryker was clearly scheming to take advantage of my absence to go for(?) Denfors.

“Sir Ryker.”

“Yes, my liege!”

“You’re bored, I’m sure?”

“Haha, no such thing. For the most part, my words come from a place of loyalty…”

“Then I’ll leave it to you. From what I hear, demon beasts and large monsters are appearing frequently near Orakk Castle these days. I order you to clean them all out by the time I return.”

“M-My liege!”

Because the Temir no longer posed a threat, there was only one squad of infantry, including cavalry, stationed in Orakk Castle. They did have the ten or so wyverns necessary for patrols, but it was difficult for them to cover such a large region.

‘Huhu. Thought you could play around, did you?’

Ryker’s little tricks were obvious to my eyes. I had to fix his bad habit of trying to sponge off others his entire life once and for all.

“I’m sure you all know, but this battle must once again be kept a tightly held secret. Keep in mind that the moment the 1st Flight departs, each flight must send a squad to Denfors and keep up the appearance of regular patrols.”

“Yes, sir!”

For whatever reason, despite arraying their complete troops, the Laviter Empire did not cross the border. It was true that the weather was hot, but they should know that with the rainy season out of the way, now wasn’t the worst time for military action. Before they attacked, it was only sensible that we attacked first.

‘You’re the only ones left! Wait for me, Laviter…’

I had already sorted out all the arrogant pricks in the area. Only the big match with the Laviter Empire, the greatest rulers of the Continent, was left.

* * *

Reaper Scans

* * *

“What would you like to do with Nerman? We need only catch the lord, Kyre, and we should be able to topple Nerman, Havis, Bajran, and even the neighboring kingdoms.”

In the Imperial Palace of the Laviter Empire, the black mage Galuiace of the Shining Magic Tower, who now openly used the Imperial Palace teleport array to have audiences with the Emperor, discussed what to do about Nerman with Emperor Hadveria, no, the 8th Circle black magic swordsman Altakas, who was freely allowing his innate black mage aura seep out as he sat imperiously on the throne.

Now, there was nothing for them to fear. Most of the Skyknights and Imperial Guard in the capital had become Death Knights, and the wyverns were fed holy water of the Evil God Kerma to change their dispositions. Soon, they would follow in the footsteps of their owners and become Death Wyverns.

“He will take action soon.”

“I believe so, yes. According to the reports of our agents who have infiltrated Nerman, the man named Kyre is planning something.”

“Huhu. I’m sure he is. After all, unlike the others, he’s not an idiot.”

Even Altakas acknowledged the skills of the man named Kyre. Kyre was a 7th Circle magic swordsman, a stage Altakas had never even dreamed of when he was the same age, so he had no choice but to acknowledge the young man. That was why Altakas wanted to destroy him even more. He knew that with Kyre’s latent talent, ascending to the 8th Circle, the realm that could be called a human’s limit, was no difficult matter. Rather, Altakas knew very well that enlightenment was something that could come in an instant.

“Should we leave him as is…?”

“They can only be of use after being killed. Let him rampage to his heart’s content. Then transport the corpses of the wyverns and knights he kills to the magic tower and turn them into Death Knights and Death Wyverns. Huhuhu… then…”

Altakas was aware that no one in the world could possibly be his match in terms of one on one strength. However, he knew of the latent power humans held, so he was carefully making complete preparations.

In all actuality, if he wanted to, he could use teleport to fly to Nerman and kill Kyre right this instant. However, his plans weren’t complete yet, so he was only bringing his machinations to fruition atop his throne.

In the eyes of others, there was no problem in the palace. The priests or high level mages who could sense black magic had already been eliminated. The nobles and knights under mind control were continuing to live as usual.

Of course, anyone who had outstanding skills or needed to be removed had long since been turned into Death Knights and were on standby under the palace, the Shining Magic Tower, and a residence made by the Emperor.

“A little longer… just a little longer, and the human world will be thrown into chaos. When they can no longer trust each other, and calamity has spread throughout the world, making the people rail out against the gods, that is when I shall step forth. Not as Emperor Hadveria, but as the emperor of a newly born, mighty and wondrous Empire of Darkness. Kuhahahahahaha!”

Having survived two hundred years of pain, Altakas was someone who knew how to wait. He was also armed with evil wisdom that allowed him to stealthily approach his goal.

The world was unaware. That a calamity bordering on the Demon King’s descent was breathing in the Imperial Palace of the Laviter Empire…

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