
Chapter 153

Chapter 153

“It’s the Lord!”

Drawing out every ounce of his strength, Bebeto reached Weyn Covert, which caused the soldiers standing guard to shout loudly.

‘They still don’t know.’

Laviter Empire troops had crossed the Kovilan Mountains and were in Denfors’ back yard, but the covert’s guards were on regular guard duty. They had been told that I would be patrolling the territory while staying at Orakk Castle for the time being, so they were pleased to see me back in the covert.

‘This is bad.’

My brows unconsciously furrowed. Thankfully, Laviter’s assault had not started in full-force, but the emergency message hadn’t been properly received. Thinking about what would have happened if I hadn’t come back just in time made me shiver.

‘I told them to maintain a constant watch over the communicator…’

I’d given Derval a special order to never, ever be negligent about the communication channel, since the territory was at risk. But despite my order, the channel wasn’t effective at a truly dangerous moment. Even as Bebeto touched down, the thoughts in my head were incredibly complicated. Right now, the territory was on the razor’s edge, and we didn’t know how far the enemies had come.

As Bebeto flapped and landed on the covert clearing, several knights came running up.

“Salute!” barked the knights.

“Where is Sir Derval?”

I asked for Derval as if nothing was wrong. I didn’t know who the spy was, so I had to maintain a calm facade.

‘Dammit,’ I cursed inwardly, hating that I had to be suspicious of the knights who were sending me gazes full of loyalty.

“He is at the castle construction site. I will call him right away.”

“No, it’s fine. That aside, is there something wrong with the communicator magic? I tried making contact on my way back, but there was no response.”

“Around yesterday evening, the communication magic array broke down and hasn’t been fixed yet.”

“Broke down?”

That was ridiculous. The communication magic array was something I had created with all my heart and soul, and it was engraved on a mithril alloy board. Even if you smashed down on it with a decently-sized stone, it was so sturdy it wouldn’t break.

“The mages have also been unable to find the culprit.”


Since the chief knight in charge of covert security had said so, I could only agree.

“Who was in charge of the communication room’s security yesterday?” I asked nonchalantly while walking to my office. It was important, so the commanding-level knights took shifts to guard the communication room.

“Sir Berketh has been in charge of the communication room’s safety for the last few days.”


He was a Nerman-native Skyknight under Baroness Janice. Because he was one of the first members of my crew to overcome tough times with me, he was quite trusted.

“Call Sir Hasifor and the Skyknights under him to the communication room.”

“Yes, sir!”

I had no choice but to track down the spy with people I could trust.

‘Whoever it is, I will never forgive them!’

I kept my face expressionless, but inside, I was boiling over with rage. The traitor had sold off Nerman for the sake of their own advancement. Whoever it was, I could never forgive them.

* * *

The communication room was located in the Weyn Covert basement. Because the array required maximum protection from external attack, I had taken a room that was previously used as a prison and transformed it into a facility that was now comfortable and secure thanks to various magic arrays. However, the appearance of the communication magic array in front of me made me groan.

‘It was properly gouged using mana.’

This was definitely the handiwork of someone on the level of a knight. A regular soldier’s spear or sword couldn’t make a single scratch on the mithril alloy board. I was able to spot a tiny cut so cleverly placed that other mages wouldn’t be able to find it. There was a gouge in the ancient Runic used to increase the communication range.

‘There’s no time to repair the array.’

Returning the array to its original state would take several hours of my full concentration. However, I didn’t have that time right now. With enemies coming at any time, I couldn’t sit around and peacefully repair a magic array.

Thud thud. Creak.

“Master, did you call?”

I had sent everyone, even the guards, outside. The beastmen came in.

“I have a request to make.”

“Speak, Master.”

I needed to buy time. There were barely 100 wyverns left in the covert right now, and most of them were people trained only in basic flight. I couldn’t face veteran, elite Skyknights with them. I needed to gather all the territory’s Skyknights here, and for that, I needed time.

“If you fly to the place I specify now, you should find a flock of crazed birds flying towards Nerman. Give them a taste of magic every now and then and allow them to sightsee the territory a little, at least until the moon has reached its peak in the sky.”

“Got it.”

My request was casually said, and the response was just as simple. I referred to the Laviter Empire’s wyverns as a flock of 500 crazed birds. That was a fleet of wyverns that could rival the entire force of a kingdom, but the beastmen didn’t even ask for more details. They would probably cast magic and harangue the flock just as I commanded.

As for me? I was going to prepare a nice surprise using that time.

* * *

‘To think the lord has already returned.’

The Lord’s unexpected return was like someone sneezing into your delicious soup. When he returned to the covert’s clearing from a leisurely patrol flight, he saw the Lord’s hybrid wyvern taking a nap as if deeply exhausted.

‘Huhuhu. That’s right, sleep well. You will never have another day of rest anyway.’

Immediately after confirming the Lord’s departure, he sent Count Lukence a lumikar, using a newest breed that was the smallest but fastest among lumikars. Moreover, he sent it from a remote place, so no one knew.

Flap, flap, flap flap flap.

His wyvern flapped vigorously as it landed in the covert. Behind him, the wyverns of the subordinate Skyknights that had gone on patrol with him also landed.


The soldiers waiting on the ground fired off a military salute at him.

“Thanks for your hard work.”

The man who leisurely unclasped the safety ring and jumped down from his wyvern had a long face reminiscent of a horse. His lips were upturned in a big smile.

After tonight, the owner of Nerman would change. He did not doubt that his true master would be here very soon.

* * *

“Fort Ciaris, do you copy?”

“This is Fort Ciaris. Who is on the other end?”

“The Lord.”


‘He sure went all out.’

I had a rough idea of who the spy was. He was someone who could damage the array while evading the watchful eyes of the regular knights stationed in the communicator room. After some investigation, it turned out that the person I suspected had gone into the communicator room alone during the knights’ mealtime. And not long after that, the communicator broke down. Because there wasn’t much need to contact anyone while I was away, the fact that it had become broken was discovered belatedly.

“Relay my order to Sir Ryker at once. Immediately bring all of the wyverns to Gadain Castle, where communications with Denfors are possible. Tell him to be particularly careful to maintain a secure communication line with Denfors at all times on the way there!”

“Yes, sir!”

When the person I suspected as the spy arrived in Denfors, I took Bebeto out with patrolling as an excuse and flew towards Fort Ciaris. It was a natural thing for a lord concerned about his territory to do, so that person didn’t suspect a thing. We flew at max speed and came into communication range with the fort.

‘They’ll hold off on attacking while the sun is up, since they’re most likely aiming for a surprise attack.’

Having tasted wretched defeat once, they wouldn’t attack carelessly. If the enemy had any brains, they would aim to attack at night, when the ballistas would be difficult to use and they could induce chaos to massacre our wyverns at will. I could clearly guess their intentions inside and out from the fact that they hadn’t brought any infantry with them. Additionally, considering that they had come precisely while I was away, there was no doubt they were aiming to paralyze the center of Nerman, Denfors. They were well aware that even I wouldn’t be able to stage a comeback with Denfors in ruins. That was where all our forces were concentrated.

‘I’m sure Hasifor is doing a good job.’

Since I could pick up on the special troop’s message from the sea, that meant the enemies were attacking from the northernmost region of the Kovilan Mountains. A suicide squad of five beastmen had flown off towards such enemies. If they had done as I commanded, a skirmish would be breaking out in midair very soon. 

* * *

BOOOOOOM! Flash. Craaaaaash!



Explosions of magic came crashing down like lightning on a sunny day.

While they were having their final break to prepare for the battle ahead of them, Gold Wyverns from the Imperial Family had flown towards them from the direction of the capital. Since the Gold Wyverns appeared from the direction of the Laviter Empire, a portion of the 50 wyverns patrolling the air went to greet them when magic suddenly exploded in their midst like lightning, sending around ten wyverns to the ground.

The attacks were upper-circle spells of at least the 5th Circle, the level at which wyvern armor was ineffective. And because there weren’t just one or two spells, but a barrage of lightning, wind, and sonic boom spells, the wyverns on the receiving end could not endure the assault.

“E-Enemy appearance!”

“Enemies have appeared!”

“All forces, go aloft!”

The Skyknights who were resting after feeding their wyverns to the brim by attacking an orc village hurriedly jumped onto their wyverns.

‘Those bastards!’

Lukence was just as flustered as they were. The attacking wyverns were only a small party, so he didn’t think they were enemies. But in the end, the gutsy flight of five rained down a reckless attack before starting to flee towards Nerman with their tails tucked in.

‘Could it be that our attack was leaked?’

An ominous thought swept through his head.

Schwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip. BOOOOOOM!


“Catch them! Catch those bastards!”

The alarmed Skyknights had hastily gone aloft before Lukence even gave the order to attack. A knight’s pride could not simply allow the bastards—who had fired off a second round as if to ridicule them—to flee.

Flap flap flap flap flap, flap flap flap flap flap.

With a flurry of wingbeats, 500 Laviter Empire wyverns filled the air. They began to fly in full force, furiously chasing the Gold Wyverns.

‘Nerman is without her lord anyway. It should be fine to give chase.’

He was displeased by the hastiness of the knights in giving chase without his command, but Lukence decided to attack anyway. He went into the air with wyvern and followed the Laviter Skyknights.

His wyvern flapped energetically, completely unaware that Nerman’s master had already returned…

* * *

* * *

Clang clang clang!

“Prepare for battle! Prepare for battle!”

At the sudden emergency battle command, Denfors’ garrisoned troops quickly assumed battle positions. The ballistas on the castle walls defending Denfors were turned to prepare for wyvern attack, and the knights and soldiers ran around busily. The elves had retreated to the Elven Village in my absence, and I had the dwarves moved to a safe place underground. I looked over the covert with satisfaction, watching the knights and soldiers responding rapidly to my command. Their actions were swift, as was natural for men who had already undertaken two large-scale battles.

‘We’ve gathered all the wyverns stationed in Orakk Castle and Fort Ciaris. All that’s left is to wait for them to come.’

I would have liked to fly over and personally give them a fireworks show, but now wasn’t the time. Those bastards had tried to rob the house while the owner was gone. I wanted to beat them up so badly they wouldn’t be able to see the light of day again.

‘But before that, I have to take care of the traitor.’

I was 99% sure of the traitor’s identity. Before I flew off to gather the Skyknights, I had given Derval an order to go to the suspect’s house and look for evidence. 

Derval must have finished collecting the evidence around now. The traitor had revealed himself much more easily than I expected. If I hadn’t found out about him, he would have become a bigger issue later.

* * *

‘W-What’s going on!’

Clang clang clang.

“Prepare for battle! Prepare for battle!”

Berketh jumped out of his wyvern’s hangar at the sound of the clanging bell and the urgent footsteps of the garrisoned troops.

“Until there’s a special order from the top, all wyverns are prohibited from going aloft! We have received news that the Laviter Empire’s wyverns have just crossed the Kovilan Mountains! All Skyknights are to wait in front of their hangars in preparation to go aloft!”

Brisk commands were given from the mana loudspeaker installed in the covert. Berketh, who had been planning on escaping the territory in the evening by using a patrol as an excuse, felt cold sweat run down his back.

Until the sun set, the Empire’s attack had to remain a secret. Despite Lord Kyre’s return, he had gone out on patrol like usual, and with the 100 or so wyverns in Denfors, Nerman would definitely be crushed. However, if all of the forces were alerted and prepared for a battle, the situation would be very different.

‘I-I have to tell them… I have to tell them that Kyre knows!’

Moreover, Nerman had their invincible lord, Kyre, the ruler of the skies. If he was aware of the empire’s raid, Berketh absolutely needed to inform Count Lukence of that.

Skyknights came dashing over, taking up position in front of their wyverns. Berketh could not even run away. In addition, he didn’t know where Lukence was, so he couldn’t send a lumikar.



And that wasn’t all. Before he realized it, dozens of knights had silently gathered around his hangar. In their hands were Blessed Spears. The moment he attempted to get away on his wyvern, he would end up with as many holes as a beehive. That many knights were encircling the hangar of Berketh’s wyvern.


Berketh unconsciously gulped. He realized that something had gone wrong, and very, very wrong, at that.


And then, Kyre’s name appeared in his thoughts. Lord Kyre was still young, but had grasped complete control over Nerman and had taken the continent by storm.

He was more terrifying than expected.

* * *

‘Those bastards!’

The five Gold Wyverns flew just outside firing range, barely out of reach but close enough to catch. The sun was already sinking under the horizon, shining with the last of its strength for the day, and the Laviter Empire’s Skyknights were flying through Nerman’s plains, maintaining flight formation as they had been trained despite being in close pursuit.

‘Something’s wrong.’

Lukence was no fool. He had lost Nerman to a rookie named Kyre, but at one point, he had been a mastermind with Nerman in his grasp. And right now, he was getting a bad feeling. He couldn’t quite put a finger on it, but he felt his head whirling.

‘We can’t go back. If I miss this chance, I won’t have another.’

He had been able to take command because of the Emperor’s unconditional support. If he returned empty-handed, his head would definitely be parted from his body. Whether he lived or died, Lukence had to destroy the nucleus of Nerman, Denfors. He stamped down his ominous thoughts, biting his lips.

‘We’ll be at Denfors soon.’

Before he knew it, the setting sun had disappeared, and the black glimmerings of twilight had started setting in. They had chased the enemy wyverns all this way, but he had no regrets. By the time they reached Denfors, only the moon and stars would shine down upon them.

Once 500 Skyknights hurled their Blessed Spears in the darkness, something as insignificant as Denfors would certainly come to ruin.

* * *

“I-I pay my respects to my liege.”

Upon my arrival, a certain man lowered his head with a tense expression. As expected for a person who could use mana, he had picked up on the dark mood.

“You’ve worked very hard, Sir Berketh.”

“N-Not at all, sir.”

When I praised him with a big grin, Berketh instantly grew flustered. His horse-like face seemed particularly long today.

“No, you did work hard. You used your head night and day for the liege you serve, so I can only imagine your exhaustion.”


The horse-headed knight grew whiter and whiter at my displeased words bristling with big, thorny barbs. Even in the dimming light of sunset, I could clearly see Berketh’s blanching face.

“Has it already been 1 year since I met you?”

When I first arrived in Nerman after a long journey, Janice and the knights under her command had offered me a drink. The memory of them giving the lonely me back then a drink flashed in my head.

“I won’t ask you why you did it.”

There was no time to drag things out. I had received a message from Hasifor through the communicator in my helmet just now. He said that the enemies would soon reach the skies above Denfors.

“Even if I could forgive anything else in the world… I will never associate the word ‘forgiveness’ with betrayal. There’s only one end for a traitor, and that is death.”

I didn’t want to hear his excuses. Because of this person standing in front of me, thousands and thousands of Nerman’s lives were put into danger. I would have liked to destroy his mana core and make him slave away for a lifetime in a mine without ever seeing the light of day again. However, at one point, he had been my knight. I would give him one final mercy.

“W-What are you talking about? Betrayal?! Your humble servant has never betrayed you!”

Of course there was no way he would have anything like a conscience.


And I wasn’t one to believe such unscrupulousness.

“Derval, bring it.”

Knights had gathered around us. They were supposed to prepare for flight, but they knew that the scene unfolding before their eyes was serious.

“Here it is, sir,” Derval said, extending a black box.

“W-What is this!” shouted Berketh in alarm.

“Look carefully. To see in which direction the thing that comes out of here will fly.”

I opened the box.

Flap flap flap flap flap flap.

As soon as I opened the box, a bird immediately flew to one direction, as if it was used to doing so.


“It’s in the direction of the Laviter Empire!”

The knights shouted in surprise.


With that cry, I felt a sharp bloodthirst all over my body.


“M-My liege!!!”

Screams came from every direction.

Schwip. Bam!

And then came a short whistle, along with the dull sound of impact.

A single Blessed Spear had punched through Berketh’s airplate, plunging straight into his heart. Holding his sword, which had lost the brilliance of mana like a deflated balloon, Berketh looked into the direction from which the spear had flown.


As the corrupted man opened his mouth to speak the name of the woman who had hurled a spear into his heart, blood came surging out.

“Why… Why did you do such a thing!”

She was crying. Janice, who had flown urgently to Denfors from Fort Ciaris at my orders, had hurled a spear of death at Berketh, a man who had once been her retainer. Tears were flowing down her cheeks, her sadness as great as her trust.



Unable to utter his apology to the liege he had served before me, Berketh fell to his knees, supported by the spear going through his chest. 


The knights around us had fallen into a state of panic. They weren’t idiots, so they had realized what had just happened.

The betrayal of a commanding-level knight, and his execution.

“Go aloft at once! Laviter’s troops will soon appear!”

Guooooooooo! Kaaaaaaaaa!

As soon as I said the words, a group of wyverns appeared in the darkening skies above Denfors. It was the arrival of the 2nd Flight that had been stationed in Orakk Castle.

“Go aloft!”

This was no time to be sitting still. The crisis was far too near to mourn the death of a traitor.

‘Sons of bitches…’

They really didn’t give me any time to rest. I hadn’t been able to ask the dead Berketh his exact reasoning, but those Laviter bastards had won over one of Nerman’s core knights.

Tonight, I would grant them a beautiful hell.

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