
Chapter 9.3 - Act 9: Whimsically 3

I gave a nod in response to the principal’s words. Yes, unlike A+ which was given to the top 10%, students with full marks were a lot harder to appear.

Perhaps it was natural.

Full marks meant a performance that could not have any marks deducted whatsoever and that for sure was not an easy task. In my previous life, I remember Kim Wuju and Lee Suh-ah being the only ones in the freshmen that got full marks.

Thinking up to that point, I raised my head and stared at the principal. I saw his face and the faint smile hanging on his lips.

“And yet this time, there are a total of 6 students with full marks. One from the piano department and five from the opera department... none other than you guys.”


When we turned to each other with surprise, the principal continued.

“And that was the problem. All the marks were the same so what should we do? As per regulations, we are only allowed to pick two students so if we gave A+ to all of you, how would it be fair with other departments and if we had to drop a few, then who were we supposed to and...”

After pouring words out endlessly, the principal suddenly stopped his words and stared at us. Then, he leaned back onto the chair and opened his mouth.

“But these aren’t things you guys should be worried about right?”

Seeing us blinking our eyes in confusion, the principal broke out into a grin before tapping the table a few times.

“The rules of the prac tests are simple. You sing and we evaluate those songs.”

The sound of the principal’s tapping finger echoed in an orderly manner.

“And from those evaluations, you received full marks. Adding or subtracting those marks because they don’t fit the regulations...”

He halted his finger and tilted his head before raising a corner of his eyebrow.

“That’s weird isn’t it? If it doesn’t satisfy the regulations, we should fix the regulations and you guys shouldn’t be the ones receiving harm right?”


When he saw the dumbfounded looks on us, the principal sneakily made a satisfied expression.

...His words were cool but his attitude sort of degraded it.

I stared at the principal’s sparkling head with a regretful expression as the principal added more words while leaning on the chair.

“Well, that’s the reason you guys got A+s and the reason for calling you today is simple.”

Finally, feeling that the main point was about to be shared, I concentrated when the principal’s declaration fell.

“The Prac High-achievers Concert – it’s to tell you guys to prepare for that.”

Unknowingly, my right hand formed a tight fist.


In Future Arts High, they had a Prac High-achievers Concert at the start of every semester.

Just like what it literally said, it was a concert by students with the greatest results in prac tests; those that got A+s. And quite obviously, the scale of the concert was huge.

Besides, since it overlapped with the opening ceremony of the term, it could be considered one of the most important concerts supported by the Future Arts High.

Whenever the concert was held, the audience seats would be filled with people coming from outside the school.

Am I actually going to perform at a concert like that...? I stood still blankly in a dreamy state as the principal opened his mouth yet again with a smile.

“Originally it’s a concert for two but it has to be for five people now so it was a little troublesome but... there’s no way around it. Since we decided to give all of you A+, we can’t take away the concert from you. That’s why I called you today to urge you to practise hard.”

Five of us performing together... that would be interesting at least.

With a strange sense of expectation, I pointed my ears when the principal smiled.

“During the month of holiday, prepare as much as you want for the performance. It won’t be easy. Because the number of performers suddenly soared up to five people from two, the audience would naturally be having higher expectations. They would be wondering how good these guys are to all receive full marks.”

...Right, since it was a special case, there would be critical eyes observing us. I could feel tension slowly rising up within all five of us. Then, the principal threw a glance and continued.

“You will also be compared amongst each other a lot. Since you’re all students of the opera department, they’ll be watching while trying to see who is the best. I wish you would overcome those problems and give us good performances.”

After giving us his blessing, the principal soon called Director Han Seungjoo, one of the examiners from the side, for us to have a chat.

He thanked us for the great performances and shared the aspects he liked. Then, he talked about everything we did well one by one and although it was helpful, it was somewhat embarrassing.

This was what he said to me.

“Student Yunjae was it? You were very skilled at sharing emotions and especially in that second song. The emotion embedded in that song was at a level that could enter our opera company without an issue.”

...It felt like he was over-complimenting me like there was another hidden objective.

Like that, we spent a few more minutes before the principal allowed us to leave with a gesture after glancing at his watch.

“Study well for your finals as well.”

“Thank you.”

Bidding farewell, I left the principal’s room and contemplated while watching the closing door. Since the performance will be held during the next term’s opening ceremony, I had around a month and a half to practise. Because of the finals and whatnot, the actual practice time I had would probably be around a month of the holiday.

A month huh...

‘I should practise harder.’

I was pondering on what song to sing when my eyes felt the light being blocked. Raising my head up, I found a large body and an expressionless look.

It was Jun Shihyuk.

“...We tied.”


Clueless as to what it was suddenly about, I tilted my head when Jun Shihyuk gazed down at me after a click of his tongue.

“Tch, I thought it would be a decent fight but we tied.”

“Hn? Yeah we did.”

“...Huu, whatever. See you in a month.”

I stared at his distancing back and only then did I realise an aspect that felt off about him. I remembered Jun Shihyuk’s energyless face – the bags under his eyes, slimmer cheeks and his disheveled hair.

...I thought Lee Suh-ah was the only one feeling down but he was the same huh. Were the preparations for the prac test that difficult?

Suddenly, I remembered Jun Shihyuk from my previous life. Back then, I’m sure he received A0 but now, he had reached A+ for some reason. The change that happened to Han Dasom was quite obvious but what happened with Jun Shihyuk?

Did the future change because I stimulated Jun Shihyuk in some way? I don’t remember having any major exchanges with him though...

‘Full marks, huh.’

After thinking for a while, an abrupt desire to listen to Jun Shihyuk’s full-mark song popped up inside my head. Listening to songs never heard before was always a happy occasion after all.

I’m looking forward to the day after the month.

Feeling the slight sense of expectation touching my heart, I smiled.


The Prac High-achievers Concert was something to consider in the future, and for me, there was still a large mountain called final exams that had to be overcome.


As a son, I had to do everything in my capability to reduce the load on my parents right? Besides, it didn’t seem impossible now.

I got the same mark as Lee Suh-ah who I was worried about the most and the other prac-related results were quite decent as well. Since I also had similar marks with Lee Suh-ah during the mid-sems, it should be possible as long as I got good marks at the finals...

Glancing at Lee Suh-ah solving through the questions at a fast pace, I asked.

“Are your studies going well?”

“Can’t you tell?”


There was a change that happened after the prac tests were over – the temperamental Lee Suh-ah turned a level colder.

When I stared at her with a sullen gaze, she pressed on her temples before heaving out a sigh.

“Sorry. I can’t sleep well during the night these days because of others.”

“Ah, they are quite noisy these days.”

Nodding my head, I reflected on the recent happenings.

When the prac test that had been diligently being prepared for was over, the atmosphere within the school completely turned relaxed. Although there were still the final exams to go, the opera department as well as a few other departments did not care about their school marks.

Since the prac test which they solely cared for was over, they were wreaking havoc.

Some got busted while having a party at a practice room, some were chased out of the dorms for leaving the school premises without notice, and some were discovered during their jump over the fence to get food deliveries...

Of course, I also got some food delivered myself.

...In any case, there were kids playing around throughout the night in dorms so it probably wasn’t a great environment for studying.

Then, I opened my mouth because of an abrupt question that popped up.

“By the way, why do you study so hard?”

It was something I had been curious about for a long time.

I glanced at her while waiting for her reaction when a slightly darker light befell her face shortly before quickly changing back to the normal expression.

“Because I can. There’s no reason not to when I can right?”

“...Is that so?”

Carefully, I observed her expression before tilting my head.

Those words definitely did fit her but... it felt like she was hiding something different. Her expression wasn’t very good after the prac test either.

I stared at Lee Suh-ah with a frown before turning my head away with a sigh. Since she didn’t want to talk about it, it would be impossible for me to squeeze it out from her and it was better off to just study.

Even at the cost of cutting off my practice time, I prepared for the finals. I learned maths and science from Han Dasom who was the best at it and studied Korean with Chloe who was the worst at it. For the rest, I studied with Lee Suh-ah while giving each other quizzes.

Like that, I spent my days busily without even the time to rest and the finals were over in a flash.

And unlike the prac test, the results came out early.


“Everyone! Please take your finals marks back~”


Teacher Kang Heewon who, like always, casually ignored the groans of the students started calling out names of the students. The kids started walking forward like they were entering a slaughterhouse.

In the midst of those guys, I received and checked my mark before closing it back up silently.

The marks were similar to the mid-sems results.

I got full marks for most of the humanities subjects and got a few wrong for maths and science. That damn maths. I can’t memorise all of it no matter how much I study. Regretfully I clicked my tongue when Teacher Kang Heewon raised her head up after distributing the marks.

“Ah! By the way, there’s a joyous occasion in our class!”


Confirming the questioning gazes of the students, teacher Kang Heewon clapped with a smile.

“Do you know that our school gives a certificate and scholarship to the highest achiever at the end of each semester~?”


Hearing the apathetic replies of the students, her expression crumpled slightly before returning to the original smile.

“...In any case, the Music, Visual Arts and the Dancing Departments each give scholarship to the student with the highest overall marks and our class has that very student!”

Hearing that, Lee Suh-ah and I glanced at each other for a short instant.


Since the results of the final exams were out, it was time for the owner of the scholarship to be announced. With a fast-beating heart, I stared at Teacher Kang Heewon who glanced and gave a small smile at me.

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