
Chapter 1526 - Mystery Medicine

Chapter 1526: Mystery Medicine

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Double attack!

More than half of Azure’s HP was gone instantly, then a second attack followed suit.

“Use your damage reduction abilities!”

Lu Li’s heart sank. If he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have had the Shaman join the Instance Dungeon run; Windfury Totem was severely problematic. That’s why many teams don’t bring Shamans to kill this Boss. As long as this Totem appeared, the Boss could deal a 2-combo enhanced attack against its victims.

However, what surprised Lu Li was that Azure Sea Breeze didn’t actually die!

“Heal me! Heal! Dancing Grass quickly Heal me!” Azure Sea Breeze’s shouting and wrangling broke Lu Li’s doubts; he was very sure that he wasn’t dead.

Water Fairy used a powerful skill that instantly increased Azure Sea Breeze’s remaining hundred or so HP to full HP.

Lu Li took a look at the battle record, and finally understood what happened.

If there wasn’t March Rain’s Shield, Moonlight’s Intervene, Darkness’ Therapy, and Azure Sea Breeze’s own damage reduction, then there was no way that he could have taken on the two consecutive attacks.

Even then, his HP was almost completely wiped out.

If Lu Li didn’t kill off the Totem in time, then Nefarian would’ve followed up with another double attack. Then that would’ve been the point of no return. Even the Gods wouldn’t be able to help the team’s fate of being destroyed.

“Nice work guys,” Lu Li commended, he suddenly felt confident in killing off Nefarian.

In fact, Lu Li thought of the reason why everyone could react so quickly. He didn’t even realise, but every time he made everyone drink healing potions, it meant a higher chance of survivability which leads to a higher chance of killing off the Boss.

At this time, everyone was focused and energised.

When Lu Li had attacked the Windfury Totem with determination, it showed how serious the situation was. As a result, March Rain subconsciously gave Azure Sea Breeze her shield. Moonlight wasn’t far behind either, being alert and vigilant at all times was a fundamental quality of a veteran player.

Azure Sea Breeze listened to Lu Li’s callouts the quickest. As soon as he heard Lu Li shout “Damage reduction!”, he buffed himself with the most useful damage reduction ability he had instantly.

The second stage was barely passed with a huge clutch team play. Nefarian only had 20% HP left. Going into the third stage, Lu Li had a look at the number of people around and told the Druids to revive themselves.

The two previous stages killed off quite a lot of people.

With just the people remaining, it would be very difficult to kill Nefarian. Healing Potions couldn’t be saved at a time like this. No matter how precious healing potions or equipment are, as long as it was needed, Lu Li asked everyone to use them without hesitation.

The third stage was very messy. Nefarian will revive all the Dragons that the players had previously killed.

They will turn into Bone Dragons and charge towards the players again.

During the whole battle process previously, Lu Li was constantly adjusting players’ positions. He knew earlier what would happen in the third stage. It was not only because he was reborn that he knew, but also because Wandering and Sky Moon both reached stage three beforehand and knew what would happen.

According to Wandering and Sky Moon, the stage had many small monsters.

They would swarm directly towards the Main Tank. During the charge, because of the healing needed for the Main Tank, the healers would also draw the aggro of the swarm. Some of the monsters would attack nearby healers, therefore putting both Healers and Main Tanks in danger where neither can help the other. This messy situation would then lead to the whole team’s destruction.

On top of this challenge, most battles had too many early casualties which meant that there weren’t many people by this stage.

However, not everyone was like Lu Li.

Most of the team were still alive and with the Druids resurrected by the third stage.

According to everyone’s positions, small monsters started to flow towards a couple of directions. All the directions they went towards had other players who could stop them along the way. Especially with Wandering and World’s Best Friend, all they needed to do was stand there and wait for the small monsters to come their way.

This formation also allowed the healers to pull a few of the monsters. It was precisely because of this type of split-flow that Azure Sea Breeze won’t be beaten to death by a group of monsters. For Wandering and Sky Moon, a nightmarish third stage began under the command of Lu Li who looked as if he had everything under control.

This stage mainly tested the rate of damage output.

Because there were so many monsters, if there wasn’t a fast-enough damage output then the three Main Tanks couldn’t hold on for long. That is why Lu Li not only arranged for people to help pull some monsters, but also for people to put traps and drop engineered explosives. Overall, he used all sorts of techniques together in order to clear the monsters as quickly as possible.

Ruling Swords’ number one Apothecarist, Cold Chill, who had stored precious Invulnerability Medicine also came to use.

“Drink!” Lu Li called out.

“I’ll drink if I need to!”

In the moment, Lu Li had completely forgotten about the expensive production fee of the potion. In fact, the whole club didn’t have much in storage. During the First Clear, they had already used nearly half of the potions.

Even if Lu Li and the others passed Black Wing’s Nest, if they don’t have enough Invulnerability Potions for next week, then the team might not defeat the Boss even if they executed the strategy correctly.

“Priests, let me see what’s something interesting that will happen when you guys heal.” Nefarian goaded.

That’s right. The annoying roll call from the second stage still continued during the third stage. This was also why the third stage was the hardest; it was the second stage with added swarms of small monsters which gave people a headache.

“Priests, pay attention. Give the Main Tanks shields and don’t slack on the fear-proof barriers. You guys need to be careful and keep yourselves alive. Do NOT use healing spells. Hachi Chan use Enhanced Tranquillity and Innocent Child heal the Main Tanks. Innocent Child remove the debuff from the players! Looking good team!”

“What about me?” Hachi Chan asked sadly.

She had been healing a lot of HP and her Enhanced Tranquillity was doing such a great job too. That skill just prevented the deaths of three damage dealers and healers.

“Yes, Hachi Chan you did good too. You’re the best!” Lu Li didn’t have any energy to reply. Always praising someone can be tiring. “You’re like the game’s daughter, of course you’re doing great!”

The 30 second roll call time passed. The Priests then joined the healing team and danger was alleviated temporarily.

“Breezy, drink some MP potions,” Lu Li said as he glanced at the Magic Points of the Healers. Lu Li knew that the Healers were basically burning MP. Everyone’s Magic Points were basically gone, and the Magic Resurrection ability was pretty much used up.

Now the only thing that would restrict whether the team could complete the dungeon were the Healers’ MP.

The MP of Healers had always been one of the First clearing team’s obstacle. It was especially discouraging for the Healers in drawn-out battles to watch the Main Tanks run out of HP due to their MP running out.

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