
Chapter 579 - A Brutal Fight

Chapter 579: A Brutal Fight

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"That\'s the seventh." Lotesh whistled and smiled. The number of spies around them had spiked in numbers, and some of them were even trying to force their way in.

Lotesh thought they were idiots. No one would miss what Level of shooters everyone in the group was. They must be suicidal to attempt to break in. Besides, the intruders were all average amateurs; he could deal with all of them himself.

Unlike Lotesh, who was basking in his own ego, the other shooters in the hotel room looked concerned. Ye Chong simply looked calm. Things were progressing rather unexpectedly. Usually, people would hesitate to challenge a group of their caliber. Now, however, they were having close to a dozen spies around them, all of whom were incompetent.

Jin Dongwei and his experienced comrades could tell that was amiss.

Sha Ya abruptly opened her eyes, and spoke up with her hoarse voice, "Soldiers incoming." At the same moment, Ye Chong received a live feed from the mech pilots hovering high above him.

There were about 500 soldiers, looking ready for battle. The people in the streets looked shocked, and stepped aside to give them passage. Northern Lands had been peaceful for a very long time. The people had seen such a large military platoon in recent times.

"We\'re leaving," Ye Chong announced.

The shooters exchanged looks, and followed him.

"Kill the spies." Ye Chong\'s order was delivered in a plain but cold voice.

Jin Dongwei and his men prepared themselves, their laser guns out and ready to fire. Parapsychic waves radiated out from their group.

The parapsychic waves from three Level 7 shooters and seven Level 8 shooters radiated out simultaneously like a deadly tsunami. The parapsychic waves were a warning for anyone who dared to move against them.

Spies who ignored the warning found a laser beam shot straight through their brains.

No one had seen such a rampant group of people before. The strong warning behind their parapsychic waves stopped anyone for stepping up to speak with them. Northern Land shooters had mostly felt complacent. Aside from those were determined to hone themselves, most shooters were not as mentally strong as their Eastern Cloud and Western Frost counterparts.

It was not hard to imagine what would happen when a flock of sheep were to be met with a group of vicious butchers.

Maroon City was an important city in Northern Lands. There were many capable shooters, at Level 7 or 8, in the area, but these capable shooters preferred to be more careful. They stayed in the background and watched, and would not get involved without good reason. To them, Ye Chong\'s group was a mystery, and too strong to casually mess with.

Ye Chong and his group exited from the backdoor of the hotel and ran. The 10 shooters stopped spreading their parapsychic waves, and the group vanished without a trace.

The people around the hotel dared not probe with their parapsychic waves for fear of retaliation from their aggressive opponents. Those were experienced with this kind of situation would realize that the best course of action for now was to do nothing at all.

The group ran along the back alleys. Their physical training back in their stronghold was now put to good use. The shooters would not have managed to run like this before their training.

The back alleys twisted and turned. Soon, even Ye Chong could not figure out where they were heading. He was about to reach for a map of Maroon City when a few strong parapsychic waves encompassed them.

Sha Ya hummed coldly and lifted her laser gun. A single laser beam shot through the walls, and someone inside shouted in pain.

"You\'re good!" A low and solemn male voice commented from the shadows.

A few men walked out of the shadows of a building nearby. They were led by the man with an aquiline nose at the Yu Family\'s Establishment. He was now smiling coldly. Around him were half a dozen shooters, all studying Ye Chong\'s group without fear.

"I was wondering, who in the world could have 10 strong shooters as bodyguards? Never did I imagine that you are Eastern Cloud\'s Chief Weaponsmith, Master Ye." The man spoke slowly, looking pleased with himself.

"No wonder you have gravstones of such high purity. Tsk tsk, the Heavenly Gods have smiled upon our Yu Family! Compared to Master Ye, what\'s 50 thousand gravstones? I just didn\'t expect Master Ye to be so vigilant and decisive. Impressive! My presence would not have been required otherwise." The man with the aquiline nose was all compliments, but his eyes were shining with triumph.

"The soldiers are closing in on us," Jin Dongwei warned Ye Chong quietly.

It was obvious what the man with the aquiline nose was trying to do - he wanted to stall Ye Chong, and he had the right people to accomplish this. The shooters around him were all at least Level 7. When it came to an actual battle, they would not be a match for Ye Chong\'s group, but stalling the group would not be difficult.

As the soldiers came closer and closer, they could now hear the steady rhythmic sound of footsteps from behind them. Time was running out. The soldiers were only another turn away from Ye Chong and his group.

The man with the aquiline nose was pleased with himself. Everyone knew how powerful this Master Ye was. He was known as the best weaponsmith in the world. The man played an important role in emboldening Eastern Cloud to challenge Western Frost in an all-out war. Eastern Cloud encountered little resistance in the war because of their weapons. The country\'s cannon arrays were terrifyingly powerful. This outcome was all because of Master Ye.

If the Yu Family could get its hands on him, the Family would become a power of no equal in Maroon City. The city\'s military was already under the Yu Family\'s control. This man could potentially help the Yu Family overturn the current government and begin its reign over Northern Lands.

The man with the aquiline nose looked at Ye Chong with fervent eyes.

Ye Chong was unmoved by all of it. He slowly activated his comms device. The man with the aquiline nose had never seen the device before. He was curious but remained vigilant. He had enough strength on his side to stall his opponents, but winning was out of the question.

He needed just another half minute, and it would all be over.

"High explosive grenades, wide coverage!" Ye Chong said quietly and without much emotion, but the man with the aquiline nose could sense that something was wrong. He did not have time to consider the implications of Ye Chong\'s words, for a very powerful parapsychic wave had locked onto him in the next moment.

Sha Ya\'s eyes glowed intensely.

The man with the aquiline nose had been wary of his opponents, so he reacted quickly. He released his parapsychic waves as well. Two strong parapsychic waves superposed each other. The air around them turned unstable.

Jin Dongwei and his comrades were surprised. They did not imagine that the man with the aquiline nose was on par with Sha Ya. The other shooters on the enemy\'s side were also surprised by Sha Ya\'s strength.

Sha Ya had been trying to suppress her urge to fight for the past few days, but she could finally unleash herself now. Her opponent was taken aback by her willingness to fight, and immediately upped his game as well with his parapsychic waves.

It was an intense clash of wills between two powerful shooters! The air around them became unstable. Jin Dongwei and his comrades dared not unleash their own parapsychic waves.

These two Level 8 shooters were about to reach Level 9. There was a qualitative difference in their parapsychic waves. This trade of blows was truly magnificent. The particles in the air vibrated, creating a blurry vision for anyone within range.

Creak crack! The walls around them began to crack. The cracks spread out more and more like a spider web. Boom! A loud sound was heard. The walls around them exploded into pieces, spraying debris all over them.

The other shooters were caught in the aftermath. They dared not move, and could only stand still like puppets while tiny brick fragments were sent flying all around them, leaving lines of scars on their face and hands.

Sha Ya and the man with the aquiline nose were deep into battle when the students high above in the air received Ye Chong\'s instructions.

"High explosive grenades! Targets are grids H-36 to H-38. Wide coverage attack."

The order was relayed to everyone in the squad. All the mechs adjusted their laser guns and locked onto their targets.

"On my mark." Appilok no longer sounded like a na?ve young man. He was now calm and steady.

The students placed their hands over the control console and held their breath.

"Open fire!" Appilok howled.

Two hundred pairs of hands moved.

Countless photon grenades rained down from the sky.

When the soldiers realized what was happening, it was already too late. They had nowhere to hide. The high explosive grenades landed right on top of them. The alley ways were narrow, and the soldiers were marching close to each other. The attack was devastating.

None of them survived! No one would have. About 3000 spheric high explosive grenades landed in the five-by-70 meter region within two seconds. The attack was powerful enough to wipe out the place many times over.

All of this happened within two seconds. When the dust finally settled, nothing was left. No building or brick survived, much less a person. There was a massive hole in the ground, where the moist yellow earth was smeared with flesh and blood. It was an eerie and shocking sight.

The powerful explosion happened just nearby; of course the man with the aquiline nose heard it. He knew now what Ye Chong\'s words meant. He did now know where the grenades came from, but one thing was clear - the attack had turned the tables on them.

Jin Weidong and his comrades studied the man with the aquiline nose and his shooters with hostility.

Sha Ya noticed the emotional conflict in her opponent, and attacked without delay.

The man with the aquiline nose felt like he was falling into an abyss. Victory was so close, but he was suddenly condemned to defeat. The abrupt change in his position overwhelmed him, much more than the despair he was feeling right now.

He knew that he would not survive this. There was no chance of that. He could tell from the ruthless methods they had resorted to just now.

If that was the case, let them all die together! His gaze sharpened. He unleashed all the parapsychic strength he had in him without reserve.

Sha Ya paused in surprise, and then made her decision.

Ye Chong\'s eyes narrowed. His vision was filled with dancing blue lines that flashed into and out of existence.

Jin Weidong and the other shooters realized something was wrong. They sensed great danger approaching.

Boom! The man with the aquiline nose exploded!

His parapsychic energy propelled his body parts as they flew outwards like blades. In his final moments, he unleashed power that could only come from a Level 9 shooter! His parapsychic energy was now in solid form. The tiny pieces of flesh were flying faster than any average human could see.

Sha Ya felt the danger coming towards them. Suddenly, she cried out loudly and gathered all her parapsychic energy in front of her.

Everything in Ye Chong\'s vision seemed to slow down. He could see all the tiny pieces of parapsychic energy in front of him despite how fast they were moving. The blue lines in his vision stopped moving so quickly as well.

Ye Chong moved as fast as the wind. He intercepted two pieces of parapsychic energies with his dagger. One of them was flying towards Jin Weidong\'s heart, and the other towards Lotesth\'s throat.

Cling clang! Ye Chong\'s wrist shook a little from the impact.

Sha Ya\'s hair stood up. Her eyes glared terrifyingly.

Wham! Sha Ya was sent flying backwards, three metres away from where she was standing. She received the bulk of the attack, and fell unconscious from the blow.

Stab! Shunk! Shluk! There were sounds of weapons going through flesh. The shooters on the side of the man with the aquiline nose suffered the most. Their bodies were covered with holes. Blood gushed out from various parts of their bodies. The light in their despairing eyes slowly went out.

What a terrible attack!

Ye Chong was the only who was unhurt. If Ye Chong had not blocked a few of the parapsychic energy pieces coming towards them, there would have been at least three deaths on their side. However, every one of them was now suffering from injuries of various degrees.

Sha Ya was unconscious as well. They had suffered a heavy loss.

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