
Chapter 570 - Two Shooters

Chapter 570: Two Shooters

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lava River was like an endless source of treasure, full of natural resources. However the liquid metal obtained from it cannot be used directly, since it was a mixture of different metal elements that must isolated out from the mixture. The metal isolator machine would do the trick, but even though there were now three huge blocks worth of metal in the warehouse, Ye Chong was still not done with the machine.

The larger version of the metal isolator was more difficult to build than Ye Chong anticipated. He spent nearly half a month just to build the machine.

The completed machine was about 20 metres tall. Just standing before this huge machine made people realize just how small humans were.

The small metal pieces cut from the large metal block were transported to the isolator machine via a conveyor belt, and would leave the machine in purified forms of different metal elements. These pure metal elements would be delivered to different zones. Each element had its own unique zone and processing procedures. The huge metal isolator worked efficiently, completing the elemental isolation processing work in just half a day.

The weaponsmiths could hardly believe what they had achieved. They never imagined that they would be able to build such a wonderful machine in their lives. While Ye Chong was the one who did the heavy lifting, they were still grateful for having being part of the construction.

By now, they were all convinced of Ye Chong\'s abilities. Such a complicated piece of machinery was unheard of. They did not even think it was possible. Additionally, they never imagined that the gravstones could be used in this way, producing pieces of beautiful and pure metals. The pure metals looked otherworldly. They now realized how underused the gravstones were in their hands.

Having seen first-hand what they could achieve, the weaponsmiths studied the materials in their photon processors with even more fervor. As long they studied hard, they would be able to master this mysterious field of knowledge.

Ye Chong was basically working as the engineer of the army. With heaps of pure metals lying around, he must use them to build something in order to unleash their full potential.

Even in the He Yue Galaxy, such a huge metal isolator machine was challenging to construct. However, Ye Chong had forcefully brought the machine into existence. He was the biggest benefactor of this endeavor. With this experience, it should be easier the next time he wanted to build other large machines.

Now, he must prepare a smelting furnace. Only with the furnace could he be able to produce metal alloys. Alloys were much tougher than pure metals, and could exhibit physical properties not found in normal metals. Ye Chon had many types of alloys in mind to produce. He would be able to produce alloys on a large scale with the smelting furnace.

The advanced equipment at Ye Chong\'s disposal had been very helpful. The laboratory grade advanced smelting furnace allowed him to produce high quality metal alloys. These alloys were abundant, but they were sufficient enough to build mechanical parts for large machinery.

The most important thing now was for the stronghold to be able to produce its own machinery. Ye Chong had to put his personal training sessions on hold to study more about machinery. Fortunately, with his strong foundational knowledge and years of wide experience, he would usually be able to find his way through complicated issues after tinkering with them for some time. Even when he found himself stuck, there were still the three chips left behind by Kui for him. The three chips contained details of all the research work done by the Research Consortium since its formation. Some of the technical skills described inside were not very advanced, but what they lacked in depth was made up with breadth. Ye Chong thought of the chips as his very own encyclopaedia.

Suddenly, Ye Chong\'s comms device rang. Ye Chong did not have many comms devices for all the students. Only a few of the main personnel had one, such as Sha Ya, Xi Yan and Duan Qian. The other students could only watch them with jealousy.

Ye Chong took the call. It was Sha Ya.

"What is it?" Ye Chong did not mince words.

Sha Ya replied with her characteristic hoarse voice, "We have a situation. I spot two shooters nearby." Sha Ya was the only person in the army who did not address Ye Chong as "sir" or "teacher".

"Where?" Ye Chong asked calmly, but he had already set aside his tools and stood up.

He hurried towards Celest, which he stored nearby, and climbed into its pilot cabin. He walked quickly but calmly. He had always left Celest close by in case of emergencies, so that he could leave as soon as required.

"In Grid D9-F4." Sha Ya was familiar with the geopositioning system on the photon processor by now, and responded quickly. She added, "They\'re 20 kilometres away from me, and they have not spotted me yet. I\'m sending over my exact location."

"Keep an eye on them and maintain your distance. I\'m coming over," Ye Chong replied succinctly. Celest lifted off just as he finished.

The advantages offered by the holographic scanning system were apparent in situations like this. Even a simplified version of the holographic scanning system was more powerful than parapsychic sense. This advantage gave them the upper hand to initiate contact, and was especially important in the event of a war.

Celest was fast. Here in Darkniss, Ye Chong piloted the mech without reserve.

Ye Chong had long anticipated this day. There were not many Level 7 or 8 shooters, but most of them would definitely visit Darkniss to challenge themselves. However, these two shooters were in D9-F4, which was not near the entrance of Darkniss. Were they already here before his army?

Ye Chong was not worried about Level 8 shooters, but a Level 9 shooter like Mei Wu would be cause for concern. He still did not know exactly how strong Mei Wu was. It was rare for Ye Chong to not be able to gauge his opponents. That was why Ye Chong did not seek Mei Wu when he arrived in Darkniss.

Ye Chong soon located Sha Ya\'s Spider. Sha Ya\'s daily routine was to patrol the perimeter of their stronghold. Her job was to kill any approaching wild animals and to look out for trouble.

Sha Ya noticed Celest in the air. She could not figure out how the massive thing could fly so high up in the air.

Up in the air, Celest looked as powerful and indifferent as a God.

Celest\'s holographic scanning system was far more powerful than the Spider\'s. Ye Chong\'s holographic feed showed a much clearer image than the one Sha Ya received. Ye Chong transmitted the clearer feed to the Spider below.

On the holographic screen were two shooters, advancing cautiously. They had their laser guns out, and had backpacks. Ye Chong noticed that their outfit was different from the shooters he had seen before.

"They are shooters from Western Frost," Sha Ya reported confidently. Western Frost and Eastern Cloud were enemy countries, but the animosity did not extend to its resident shooters. Level 8 shooters like Sha Ya were not interested in contributing towards their countries. They were more interested in improving their own capabilities, and did not care for materialistic gains. Aside that, high level shooters never had to worry about money. Their visits to Darkniss would always yield enough returns for them to buy high quality weapons from the weaponsmiths and enough to spare for a decent living.

Hence, nationality did not matter much for high level shooters. Sha Ya knew high level shooters from other countries personally, and had a close relationship with many of them.

"How strong are they?" Ye Chong asked.

Sha Ya pondered for a moment. "About Level 7 or 8." Shooters were always keenly aware of their kind.

"Capture them." Ye Chong considered, and then gave the order. If the two shooters were captured, it would be easier for him.


Celest and the Spider moved out together. High up in the air, Celest shot towards the two shooters. On the ground, the Spider moved its eight legs quickly, unhindered by the uneven terrain.

However, Celest was much faster than the Spider. When Celest was about five kilometres away from the shooters, they finally noticed the bio-mech. By then, it was already too late.

Five kilometres was a very short distance for Celest. It was just a short sprint away.

The massive figure in the air came as a shock to the two shooters. Celest was so fast that they could barely react. One of them managed to pull the trigger.

A laser beam shot straight at the massive figure.

The two shooters felt relieved, but quickly realized in disbelief that something was wrong.

How was this possible?

The laser beam that could have shot through all kinds of wild animals left only a charred mark on the giant\'s armor.

Before they could fire the second shot, a huge spear, wider than a pail in diameter, was directed at them. The giant held the weapon in one hand and pointed the cold gleaming tip at the two shooters.

The two shooters froze, looking very pale. They dared not move, for fear of being crushed into mush by the massive weapon.

The giant behaved oddly. It simply held onto the weapon and pointed it at them, but did nothing else. Just when the two shooters were still trying to figure it out, they saw a huge spider, about seven metres tall, running towards them. It was almost twice as fast as a biped tyrasaur.

Heavens! What were these things?

The shooters nearly blacked out from shock and fear. Here was a 10-metre giant and a 7-metre spider right in front of them. Had they arrived in a world of giants?

Both shooters remained absolutely rigid. Even their fingers were frozen in motion.

The shooters stared in horror as the huge spider made its way towards them eagerly.

When Ye Chong and Sha Ya brought the two unconscious shooters back to the stronghold, people barely noticed them. The students were all focused in their studies. They had all the course material with them, and knew exactly what they had to do. However, there was simply too much knowledge to absorb, so the students had to work as hard as they could manage. They did not need further reminder from Ye Chong to study hard. The students understood their situation. No one dared to take shortcuts. As Ye Chong had told them, only the strong will survive.

Besides, the first 100 students who mastered their course material will get their mechs in advance. This was enough motivation for the students. They had seen the huge metal blocks extracted from the Lava River recently. These strange materials looked enticing. They could not wait to try their hands on actual mechs.

Ye Chong and Sha Ya were now getting ready to interrogate the two shooters. Ye Chong had confiscated their weapons. Personal firearms like those laser guns could not harm Celest. Only firearms from fighter aircrafts could pose a threat to Celest.

Shooters without their weapons could not threaten Ye Chong.

Sha Ya looked at the two unconscious shooters, and asked with a grimace, "Should we wait until they wake up?"

"No need." Ye Chong picked up a pail of cold water and splashed them mercilessly.

Sha Ya shuddered inside, feeling sympathetic towards the shooters. With their abilities, they would have been treated with respect no matter where they went. Even if they captured, they would never be treated so harshly. Only Ye Chong would treat high level shooters just like anyone else.

The two shooters woke up slowly, shuddering from the cold.

It was a harsh treatment, especially for shooters. They were very sensitive to their surroundings. Even the cold would be magnified in their senses. The two shooters, now awake, looked very pale. Their lips had turned blue-black as they shivered from the cold.

Sha Ya looked at them sympathetically and asked, "What are your names?"

"Albinia." "Lotesh." The two shooters answered with trembling voices. They were shocked and terrified, and not fully themselves yet. What they saw today was simply too strange to be true, it felt more like a nightmare.

Both shooters laid themselves bare to Sha Ya\'s questioning.

As suspected, they were from Western Frost. They had just reached Level 8, and wanted to try out their skills in Darkniss. However, they came across a terrible accident.

Then, they recalled the giant, and the huge spider …

The shooters exchanged a look of disbelief. Could it be …

"You two … The huge spider … The giant …" Albinia faltered.

Sha Ya noticed Albinia\'s wrist then. She looked into his eyes and asked, "Who is your teacher?"

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