
Chapter 833 - Illusory Tribe Civilization I

Chapter 833: Illusory Tribe Civilization I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Inside the discussion hall, Merlin had used Medrick’s authority to summon Commander Callen from the Third Battalion and controlled him as well.

The Rebellion Army Leader Medrick, First Battalion Commander Keno, Second Battalion Commander Lombass and Third Battalion Commander Callen were all subjected to Merlin’s Mind Control. Hence, Merlin could now commence the second step of his plan.

“Medrick, tell me, do you know about the Army and the Senate’s plans regarding the void-level warships?”

This was the question that Merlin was most concerned about. As the void-level warship was capable of killing an ultimate existence, Merlin’s priority was to destroy either the void-level warship or the place where the void-level warships were constructed. Either way, it would deal a heavy blow to the Atlan civilization.

“Void-level warship? We’ve only heard about such rumors, but whether or not the Army and the Senate actually attempted it, we do not know.”

Medrick was being Mind Controlled, so he would answer any question directed to him.

“All of you don’t know about it?”

Merlin frowned. If even the Rebellion Army did not know whether the void-level warship plan had been attempted, obviously the Army and Senate kept it under tight wraps. Moreover, they had more than attempted the plan. They had already succeeded in building a powerful void-level warship. However, it was destroyed by Roman.

“So, the Federation doesn’t have any weapons more powerful than the dimension-level warships?”

This was another point of concern for Merlin.

“There are some fortress cannons that can blow up a dimension-level warship. Besides that, unless it’s some secret research by the Army, there’s no other weapon.”

Medrick replied in detail.

“Fortress cannons? Looks like I have to be careful. If they can blow up a dimension-level warship, they can definitely pose a threat to a Great Lord. If I’m not careful, it would be dangerous. Nonetheless, I don’t think they are capable of disintegrating natural order or remotely comparable to the ultimate existences.”

Merlin could only speculate because he had never seen such a fortress cannon. Fortress cannons that were capable of blowing up a dimension-level warship were only fitted on very important starships. Ordinary starships would not have this type of fortress cannons.

At most, they would have fortress cannons similar to the Rebellion Army, capable of blowing up an empire-level warship.

“One more thing, you Atlans call yourself the descendants of the Vestigial Tribe. So, which place is the most significant site left behind by the Vestigial Tribe?”

Since this dimension was left behind by the Vestigial Tribe, Merlin erred on the side of caution towards everything relating to the Vestigial Tribe.

“This is common knowledge. The Vestigial Tribe left behind all sorts of knowledge in the dimension. However, the most important knowledge must be on the crystal wall.”

“The crystal wall?”

“That’s right, on the crystal wall. Various knowledge of the Vestigial Tribe is contained in the wall. For example, our civilization’s energy transmutation methods, warships, puppets and so on, most of these techniques consist of knowledge that was extracted from the crystal wall. Furthermore, according to rumors, the crystal wall also contains some important relic from the Vestigial Tribe, but no one has ever seen it.”

Medrick revealed all the information he knew. Naturally, Merlin’s interest was piqued.

“Where is this crystal wall?”

Amidst the relics left behind by the Vestigial Tribe, he might be able to find some clues relating to the void-level warship. After all, there was a huge possibility that the knowledge of void-level warships was also contained inside the crystal wall.

“The crystal wall is situated on the starship where the Senate and the Army Headquarters is located. It is called the hopeship, symbolizing the hope of the entire Atlan civilization. This hopeship is extremely frightening. It is completely decked out in fortress cannons. Various new technologies are installed on the hopeship, as well as all sorts of dimension-level warships and powerful puppets. In other words, this is the most fortified fortress in the entire dimension!”

Merlin shut his eyes briefly. It was understandable that the crystal wall was guarded so securely. It was an important relic that should be well-protected.

The hopeship also contained the Senate and the Army, as well as scores of important department headquarters. It was not only the symbol of the entire Atlan civilization but also an indispensable place.

“Looks like we have to pay a visit to that starship. However, let’s investigate the void-level warship plan first. Once we’ve gotten all the important information, we will decide.”

Merlin dared not assume that the void-level warship building site was also located on that starship. However, it was a distinct possibility. Therefore, he needed the Rebellion Army’s intelligence to carefully investigate news relating to the void-level warship.

Therefore, during this period, Merlin controlled Medrick and the three Battalion Commanders inside the discussion hall. Using these men, Merlin mobilized the Rebellion Army’s intelligence and began to investigate every piece of information relating to the void-level warship.


Under a vast starry sky, in the darkness, almost every household was glued to their television to watch today’s news. This was because on this day, 8 October 3188 of the Illusory Tribe civilization calendar, more than one hundred and eighty countries over the globe finally united as one Illusory Tribe Alliance and formed a united governing body.

This was the day that would change the Illusory Tribe civilization’s history.

On the next day, the newly-formed Illusory Tribe Alliance announced that in three days’ time, it would launch the Hope Spaceship with three of the most outstanding astronauts, to land on the planet nearest to the Illusory Planet, which was the Geta Planet.

This was the first time that the Illusory Tribe civilization was going to land on a planet other than their own. Every Illusory Being was ecstatic and all eyes were focused on the spaceship that was due to launch in three days.

The decision to first establish the Illusory Tribe Alliance, then announce the launch of the spaceship to Geta Planet as its first ‘achievement’ was deliberate. The intention was to further unite the hearts of people under the new Alliance.

The three astronauts did not undergo further training at this point. They had already proven themselves to be a cut above numerous other astronauts and became the most outstanding astronauts who would land on a foreign planet.

They were currently very relaxed. For the next three days, what they needed to do was to calm their hearts and minds, so that they would be in prime condition to embark on the spaceship three days later.

Of course, this Geta Planet landing was not a simple feat. All three of them were also entrusted with a secret mission, which was to establish a stronghold so that the Alliance’s spaceships could land on Geta Planet in the future. In fact, this was their most important mission. If the stronghold was continuously maintained, soon it could be developed into a base, which was the first step for the Illusory Beings to conquer the universe!

The leader of the three astronauts was a thirty-one-year-old astronaut named Freddy. He was an experienced astronaut who had embarked on three spaceship journeys into outer space prior to this mission. He was also the captain of the three of them.

Soon, three days had passed. The highly-anticipated launch event of the Illusory Beings was about to begin. All three astronauts had entered the spaceship.

“Captain, do you think we’ll run into anything when we get to Geta Planet?” Another astronaut asked casually.

“Andar, don’t sprout nonsense. Geta Planet has been photographed countless times and various analyses have been carried out. It’s impossible for any life form to exist on it, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Freddy’s expression was noticeably reserved.

“Hehe, although I know it’s impossible to have any living creatures, I’m still very excited. We’re the first beings to ever land on a foreign planet!”

Truth to be told, despite already completed a few launch missions, Freddy’s heart was also filled with anticipation. He recalled a childhood memory when he looked up into the stars and the pitch-black sky. His sister asked him before, what was beyond the gentle stars.

At that time, Freddy could not answer but from that moment on, his little heart desired to explore the planets in outer space. Thus, he joined the space armada, and was finally chosen as an astronaut.

The previous missions had been in outer space but did not land anywhere. This time, there would be a real landing. Perhaps, when he returned, he would be able to answer the question posed by his sister a long time ago.

“Sister, don’t worry. I will be back and tell you in person, what lies beyond the gentle stars...”

Freddy’s heart was even more determined. The other two astronauts did not know of this, but Freddy’s sister was only twenty years old and was severely ill. Currently, she was lying in the hospital on her deathbed. All Freddy could do right now, was to help fulfil an innocent childhood dream of his sister.

“3, 2, 1, lift-off!”


With the ignition command, the rocket carrying the three astronauts blasted through the air and sped towards the outer space. Their moods quietened and their expressions calmed.

Soon enough, they were in the pitch-black outer space. Everything was proceeding smoothly. They activated the power system of the spaceship. At this point in time, it did not require the three astronauts’ maneuvering.

Outside the spaceship was the pitch-black outer space, On the controlling screen, they could see Geta Planet getting nearer and nearer. Usually, it looked bright and shiny, but from such a close distance, they realized that the planet was actually pitch-black and extremely desolate.

“Beep. Attention, astronauts. We have arrived at the predetermined spot above Geta Planet. Now, you must manually maneuver the spaceship to land safely!”

An order from the command center on earth sent the three astronauts into a slight shiver.

“This is it, the Geta Planet landing. This is the shared dream of billions of Illusory Beings. We desire to understand the universe!” Freddy said softly.

Together with the other astronauts, he began to manually maneuver the spaceship towards the predetermined landing point. Upon descending, history would be created. Their names would be attached to the Illusory Tribe civilization history, forever and ever...


It was almost like a sigh, yet also sounded like a gust of wind. No one noticed that in the vast outer space, there was a figure standing quietly amidst the universe.

If the Illusory Tribe’s Department of Space had spotted it, an unimaginable ruckus would have ensued.

“In just a few thousand years, the Illusory World’s civilization had already stepped out of their planet. This step would mark the beginning of their understanding of the universe, and similarly, the beginning of perfecting my Illusory World!”

An icy voice resounded with a tinge of delight, yet no one could hear it.

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