
Chapter 284 - Night Attack

Chapter 284 - Night Attack

Xiu Mei returned to the bedroom after putting Lu Qiang to sleep. She dialed her mother’s and brother’s phones again just like what she did yesterday but she only hears that female voice repeatedly telling her that they are unavailable at this moment.

Disappointed, she put down her phone and let out a deep sigh before going to the bathroom to start prepping herself to bed. ​​

Lu Chen wouldn’t be coming home again tonight, which was strangely happening quite often lately but Xiu Mei knew that it was definitely related to what he was investigating right now so she doesn’t ask him about what he’s doing anymore. After all, she was already moved when he kept his word that he will tell her his findings of Albert and Wan Wan.

For other people, it might seem that she’s relying too much on Lu Chen and leaving him to do everything regarding that topic. But in Xiu Mei’s opinion, she thought it will be more helpful for her to stay on the sidelines at the moment rather than facing it head-on like Lu Chen.

She’s not a soldier, nor does she have any physical capability to defend herself if something happens. Who knows when she will suddenly get panic attacks because of her PTSD nor does she feel confident that she will do better in finding answers than her husband and brother.

Rather, if she pushes herself to join them, she’s worried that she’ll just do worse than good. Xiu Mei isn’t a coward, but her decision to stay put and not be a busybody is a result of her long consideration and the best decision she could make.

Since fighting people like Albert and Wan Wan isn’t her ground, then she’ll help Lu Chen in a different way than she’s good at. That is doing a better job as his secretary and making sure that everything in the company is going well even without Lu Chen’s direct presence.

She was just about to lie down on the bed when her phone beeped. She saw it was a message from her husband telling her to sleep early and don’t forget to drink warm milk before sleeping. He even reminded her to say goodnight to the little bean inside her tummy on his behalf since he wasn’t here.

She laughed at his silly message and replied back to him. She went downstairs and warmed a cup of milk just like he said. While she was pouring the warm milk into a cup from the pan, she was surprised to see Lucia appear behind her almost giving her a heart attack.

"My god!" She put a hand on her c.h.e.s.t to calm her racing heart. "What are you doing here?"

She only turned on the small wall light in the kitchen hence the room wasn’t bright. Lucia, the tigress’ presence combined with the dimly lit room made her a bit scarier than usual, and her amber eyes glowed so brightly in the darkness. Her eyes looking at Xiu Mei were a bit intimidating giving off an illusion that Lucia will jump and take a bite off her if she moves as much as a muscle.

The tiger stared at her for a couple of seconds before its eyes moved to look at the cup in her hand. Instantly, she understood.

"Did you smell the milk?"

Lucia roared softly to answer her. She knew that Lucia was trained and understood quite a lot of human words so she continued talking to her as if she was a person.

She stretched out her hand in front of her mouth and asked, "Do you want to have some milk?"

The tiger’s tongue stretched out and licked her hand before she looked at the cup of milk again. Xiu Mei giggled and walked over to the fridge to grab the bottle of milk that they stored for their pets.

She also warmed it in the pan for a bit so that it won’t be too cold and transferred it to Lucia’s food bowl.

One human sat on the sofa and one tiger beside her foot bowed down its head to drink the milk from the bowl. Xiu Mei brushed Lucia’s hair and talked to her while drinking her own cup of milk. King was quietly resting at the corner of the room unbothered by their small noise.

After finishing her cup of milk, she turned her head and saw that Lucia was already done with hers. She stood up and bent her body to pick up her bowl to wash it when Lucia suddenly growled.


She thought that she was angry because she was trying to take away her bowl so she immediately apologized.



She subconsciously took a step back when Lucia continued to growl. When the tiger suddenly lifted her head, their eyes met, and instantly, a shiver ran down her back. She didn’t even get to finish her words. But her fear immediately switched to confusion when Lucia turned her head to look all over the place and her body surrounded Xiu Mei as if she was trying to protect her.


Is there something?

She finally understood Lucia’s body language and knew that she turned like this because something’s wrong around them. It was only when she raised her head that she noticed that King was also in the same stance as Lucia.

The lion ignored the pain on its feet as he did a walk around every corner of the house while looking so fierce.

Seconds passed and Xiu Mei grew even more anxious.

She tried to grab her phone from her pocket but she instantly realized that she was wearing a nightdress. Her nightdress doesn’t have any pockets.

She even left her phone in her room thinking that she would drink the milk in her room before sleeping instead of staying down here with Lucia and waited for her to finish drinking.

Now, how is she gonna call for help?

Then she raised her head and immediately panicked,

Lu Qiang was alone and he’s still sleeping! What if something happens to him?!

She cursed in her mind while worrying. She lowered her voice and spoke to Lucia, "Go to Lu Qiang’s room."

Lucia’s head turned to her. She repeated her words, "Go to Lu Qiang’s room first, and wake him up."

Lucia turned her head away ignoring her words but Xiu Mei immediately patted her head and made the tiger look at her again.

"Go." She mouthed. "King’s going to be here with me. I’ll be fine."

The tiger’s eyes stayed on her for a few more seconds before it moved forward and swiftly disappeared upstairs. She raised her head and saw the tiger ran towards her son’s door then it stood in two feet while her front paws touched the doorknob and turned it with ease before entering the room.

Xiu Mei was stunned momentarily by what she witnessed, "......"

It seems like she discovered the answer to how Lucia slipped inside the mansion in the morning.

King who was roaming around the room sniffing and roaring interchangeably suddenly stopped. In a split second, King ran back towards her and stood in front of her but his eyes stayed still on the door behind the mansion.

He suddenly lowered his body while staring in the direction of the back door. Xiu Mei found his stance quite familiar because she’d seen it in the animal doc.u.mentaries she watched before. It was an attacking stance a predator makes before attacking.

Xiu Mei was on full alert. She was so nervous that her heart was pounding so loud she could almost hear it and her palms started sweating. She grabbed whatever she could reach that she could use as a weapon and like the lion, she closely glued her eyes on the door.


Everything happened so fast.

The door swung open and King’s body suddenly pounced forward with a speed she hadn’t seen before. Everything was dim in front of her but her eyes could make out that it was a silhouette of a person outside the door.

It stood still, unfazed with the big lion speeding towards him. Xiu Mei then watched that person dodge the lion’s attack but King didn’t stop there. It made sure to block the door entrance to stop the person from entering while it kept attacking forward to make the person step away and move backward.

The man chuckled after realizing the lion’s intention. The lion was about to sink its teeth on the person’s skin when it pulled its arm swiftly while the other hand grabbed it by the neck. The lion took the bait and who knows what the person pressed on the lion’s body when King suddenly fell on the ground and became immobilized.

King roared louder as it continued to threaten the person despite its current appearance.

The man glanced at the lion and the woman inside the mansion.

He chuckled and mumbled with a casual tone, "That brat really got married huh. He did not even tell me."

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