
Chapter 39 - Predator

Chapter 39 - Predator

"Your heart has someone."

When Lu Chen spoke those words, he couldn’t stop himself from showing an ugly side of his to his female secretary. He saw her face change into one filled with fear, and he almost let out a self-depreciated laugh. It’s been a long while since he had seen her fear him.

He quickly turned away to stop himself from exploding any further. He shifted his sight onto the landscape outside the glass window while he held down his anger.

Xiu Mei felt chill on her back as her mouth stopped uttering any words. Seeing Lu Chen look at her like that, she suddenly felt dread. She haven’t been on the receiving end of those eyes ever since she first met him, and now, he was looking at her with that eyes.

Somehow, she felt confused. What did she do to anger him? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way round? She was the one who was supposed to be angry with his actions yet, she suddenly felt that she had to apologize to him.

The words he uttered dawned on her.

’I have someone in my heart?’ Xiu Mei thought. Who?

Xiu Mei opened her mouth to question him, to ask what he meant by those words. Yet no voice came out and she just stood there without moving. She stared at his back that never turned to her, and even though Lu Chen was just a reach away, she felt that high wall separating him from her.

With the two of them not uttering any word, the room was filled with silence. Only the sounds of their breathing could be heard. A few minutes later, it was Xiu Mei who finally had the courage to break the silence.

She straightened her back as she fiercely gazed at Lu Chen’s back once again. The fear quickly disappearing on her face.

"Were you the one who had tipped off the media?" She interrogated him.


Even with no response, she continued pressing him with questions.

"If not, why did you stop the PR team from taking any actions against the news?"


"Mr.Lu, what kind of game are you trying to play with me?"

"I’m not playing any games with you." Lu Chen sharply answered her, as he finally turned his body to face her. There, he saw that determined gaze that was trying to pick a fight with him. He admired Xiu Mei’s courage, despite feeling scared by his gaze, she stood her ground and faced him.

Really, the girl he chose wasn’t an average girl at all.

Lu Chen paused before speaking again. He directly met her eyes as he walked away from his desk and approached her.

"I, Lu Chen, is not interested in playing games with anyone, especially if it doesn’t benefit me at all." He stopped in front of her. Since Xiu Mei’s height is a head shorter than him, she was forced to look up and meet his towering gaze.

"And the person I chose..."

Before Xiu Mei could move a muscle, Lu Chen was already caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. "...will never be in other people’s arms." He had said those words like a spell, luring her in until she was chained and could not escape from his clutches.

Xiu Mei clearly felt like she was a prey. As she listened to his words, she felt a ripple on her heart. She couldn’t even shift away her gaze from his eyes.

Lu Chen’s hand didn’t stop on Xiu Mei’s cheek. Keeping that hypnotizing stare at her, he memorized every curve and the shape of her face. His eyes then shifted down and stopped at her lips. His hand followed right after and using his thumb, he pressed and traced the bottom of her lips.

Feeling the softness with his hands, Lu Chen felt a tremor building up inside him. He realized his body was getting excited with the contact, and he found the feeling unfamiliar yet addicting.

While Lu Chen was enjoying feeling out Xiu Mei’s lips, the girl woke up from the daze from the sudden intimate contact.

Xiu Mei automatically took a step back, feeling her face flush after realizing that Lu Chen’s thumb almost got onto her mouth. Her heart was beating crazily than ever before, as she took a deep breath and avoided Lu Chen’s gaze.

The courage she had a second ago vanished in an instant and she was too tempted to escape from the room to hide away from Lu Chen’s sight. Somehow, there was a voice whispering in her head that kept saying that if she don’t runaway now, she would never be able to get away from this person’s side anymore.

But before Xiu Mei could even take a move, Lu Chen chased her arm and locked his hold onto her. Startled, she looked at her arm that was being grabbed and before she could even utter any word, she was dragged forward.


She was effortlessly dragged and was forced to sit onto the sofa by the emperor. Lu Chen eventually sat beside her, keeping his hold onto her arm as he kept his predator-like gaze at her.

She gulped.

All of Xiu Mei’s senses was screaming alert and that she should quickly run away from this place. Unfortunately for her, it was all too late.

"Mr.Lu, please let go of m—"

"Lu Chen."

She felt his grip on her arm tighten, she quickly let out a sound of pain. Lu Chen must have realized how tight he was gripping her hence, he quickly loosened his hold and freed her arm.

Finally getting the freedom of her arms, Xiu Mei reflexively held the spot where Lu Chen gripped her hard and rubbed it hoping to relieve the slight pain.

"—my name."


Xiu Mei raised her head when she didn’t hear the first half of Lu Chen’s words as she was completely focused on her arm.

"Call my name." He pressed.

She felt confused. What was he saying?

"Mr.Lu, I won’t—"

"Mrs.Lu." Lu Chen suddenly declared that Xiu Mei almost choked on her spit.

Did she hear him wrong?!

But Lu Chen never removed his gaze on her as he pressed on. He repeated his words as he pulled out a familiar folder and placed it on the table. Pushing it to her direction, he continued.

"Marry me and be my son’s mother."

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