
Chapter 14 - Mom rewarding the son

Chapter 14 - Mom rewarding the son

"Marry me."


That was the elevator sound that meant they have arrived on the presidential’s floor.

Without delaying for even just a millisecond, Xiu Mei’s body automatically dashed through the still opening doors barely fitting in between. Her body moved like it had a mind on their own that she ran to the ladies’ comfort room.

She didn’t dare turn her back and immediately closed the door to lock it.

"Hah...." She didn’t know if she was panting because she ran all the way from the elevator to the restroom or because her heart was thumping so hard against her chest that she almost couldn’t breathe.

Her hand still clinging onto the doorknob, her knees finally gave away that she was now kneeling on the floor. Xiu Mei’s thoughts were in a complete chaos, that she couldn’t even create any coherent thoughts.

All she knew was that she had to runaway and be alone. Her heart was thumping like crazy and her legs felt so soft that she couldn’t find the energy to stand.

She was clutching her chest so hard like she was trying to make it calm down.

Marry me.... Marry me....


Completely losing it, her hands unconsciously pulled her hair messing up the bun she had styled that morning. She buried her head between on her knees as she tried her best to straighten up her thoughts.

It was only until five minutes later when she had grasped a quarter of her lost sanity. She stood in front of the mirror by the sink and stared at her messed up appearance--messy hair, and creased clothes.

She blinked. The scene from the elevator flashed in her mind again. Xiu Mei faintly saw her cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

Unconsciously, she touched her cheek. "Stupid Xiu Mei."

Yes, this was stupidity. She was acting like a high school getting fl.u.s.tered because she was confessed for the first time. But now, she was an a.d.u.l.t. Also, she was never one to get fl.u.s.tered when people confesses to her or try to force themselves on her.

Being in this industry, she had met countless people who tried to propose to her or try to sleep with her. That was why she was quite used on handling at those types of situations and are always cautious whenever she was meeting with people like that.

Lu Chen was also aware of the lecherous thoughts of other businessman that was why as much as possible, he would never try to work with them or have Lu Shao face them instead of his female secretary.

Thinking of him, she was reminded of his declaration from awhile ago. Of all the people, she had not expected to hear those words from her boss. Maybe, that was why she had gotten so fl.u.s.tered that she was barely able to calm herself.

Xiu Mei closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her eyes opened, finally showing some regained clarity and calmness.

"The boss must’ve been drunk."

Yes, drunk. It must be. Xiu Mei thought.

The normal emperor CEO would’ve never uttered those kind of words to anyone especially to her. Lu Chen maybe aloof, but he is a decent man. He was never one to abuse his power and force himself into females, heck, she had thrown out countless women who had tried to climb his bed numerous times before.

Before, she even thought that Lu Chen would continue being a bachelor not until she met his son. That was why she was surprised that the emperor CEO do have thoughts and time for romance.

Ah, yes. He... has a lover. Otherwise, would Lu Qiang just pop out from nowhere?

Yes, let’s take his words from awhile ago like a wind. No, should be something like it never happened. Let’s just forget it.

Xiu Mei fixed herself into a more presentable look as she regained more calmness and sanity. Finally finding the courage to return to her work, she unlocked the door and returned to her cubicle.

Trying her best to make it seem like everything was normal just like how it was everyday, she buried herself in her work until she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

"Hello, this is Xiu Mei speaking." She didn’t even bother checking the called ID as her hands continued on typing on the keyboard.


Hearing that disastrous title, her focus completely shifted from her work onto the person on the other line. Of all the people she knew, the only one who had dared to call her mom was no other than the son of her boss.

Even though she had spent hours of explaining why Lu Qiang wasn’t supposed to call her mom, the kid never listened to her and just called her whatever title he liked so Xiu Mei just completely gave up from trying to change her mind anymore.

Really, stubbornness runs in their genes.

"Hi, little Qiang. Have you eaten your dinner?" She greeted.

"Yes, mom. I also finished eating the vegetables on my plate."

"That’s awesome, little Qiang! I’ll give you some reward for being a good boy for this past week. What do you want?"


Lu Qiang is really adorable! Xiu Mei thought to herself as she waited for Lu Qiang to make up his mind. Oh, how she wish she could hug little Qiang right now. Kids are really good recharge pills you know!

While she was smiling like an idiot waiting for the kid’s decision, she heard the door of the CEO office open. Following the source of the sound, she saw Lu Chen stepping out of the office.

Surprised by his appearance, she panicked especially when Lu Chen made eye contact with her. Her hold on her phone loosened as it dropped onto the carpeted floor. She didn’t know how it happened but the next thing she knew was that Lu Qiang’s voice echoed inside the room.

"Then mom, read me a bedtime story tonight again!"



Two pairs of eyes fell onto the phone lying screen side down on the ground.

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