
Chapter 930 - Quantum Transmission Technology

Chapter 930: Quantum Transmission Technology

It was an uphill battle that stretched over a long time.

At its worst, millions of soldiers had their blood stain the creep of the Zerg during a battle.

This number shocked everyone.

Through Ren Baqian’s description, everyone was able to imagine the horrible war.

Countless human warriors rushed wave after wave into the Zerg bases that were guarded by Lurkers.

Countless fighter jets took off to fight the Mutalisks and the Queen, followed by flares and bloodshed in the sky.

By this time, the crowd understood some of the equipment, for instance, firearms. They were like crossbows, but with greater power and longer range while being simpler and faster to handle.

For instance, a tank was like an iron-clad vehicle. The most important thing was the cannon on it.

For instance, an airplane was a tool that could fly, transport people, and also attack at the same time.

If it wasn’t for Ren Baqian’s descriptions, they wouldn’t have been able to imagine such things appearing in this world.

He had also described to them the huge empire of the human race.

With the improvement of medical standards, the birth rate of newborns in that group of the human race was higher and their lifespan was longer.

With the development of technology and the abundance of supplies, the size of families grew larger than those found in Great Xia.

Also, since the ordinary people were mainly responsible for operating these weapons, they could join the battle after undergoing training.

As such, even if it was a bloody war that stretched over time, the human race was still supported by rapid population replenishment and training.

Eventually, with their resilience and the abundance of resources from the unified continent of Valoran, they defeated the Zerg and the Protoss, claimed victory in this War of Hegemony between the three races, and became the monarch.

When Ren Baqian talked about the human race using nuclear warheads to blow up the final base of the Protoss and the last remaining Protoss troops, everyone felt their blood surge. They wanted to shout out loud and applaud the bloodshed and achievements of the human race!

All of them were elderly and looked senile, but they were once young and enthusiastic. Although these people were the strongest members of the Temple of Heaven and were used to seeing all sorts of situations, after hearing about the deeds of the other group of the human race, the unyielding nature within them was reinvigorated.

“Excellent! A toast to you!” someone yelled and praised as he slapped the statue beneath him.

It was a burly man with an unkempt beard. His eyes were turbid, but he was full of excitement and admiration.

Although his beard and his hair were gray and he had many wrinkles on his face, he was tall, had a large build, and was just slightly smaller than an aboriginal. He had a perfectly straight back and a melodious voice like Hong Zhong[1.Hong Zhong’s: an old singer from Hong Kong].

It could be seen that this person was once mighty and formidable.

Of course, after hearing this, Ren Baqian felt that he was doing quite a good job.

Keenly aware of the change in atmosphere inside the hall, he knew that the time had come when he saw looks of admiration in their eyes.

He cast aside the continuation of his story and said, “War, blood and flames, life and death, evolution and elimination. These are the main themes of the human race and of every race.

Everyone is afraid of death. This is an instinct of life.

However, we do not resist death!

As such, we do not resist war! We understand, accept, and enjoy war. We bleed, sacrifice, suffer, win, and cheer!

In this world, only by struggling can we get an opportunity to live. Getting stuck in the old ways and seeking survival by hiding in a corner will eventually lead to destruction.

Look at you—don’t you look like livestock in a pen?

What’s even more ridiculous is that you are the shepherds that keep yourselves in captivity.”

Ren Baqian mercilessly pulled everyone back to reality.

“Those foreign races merely feel that you are no threat and have temporarily ignored you. If they were to remember one day, this place would become their playground. All of you, as well as your descendants, would become their toys! Taken away from you! You won’t have the courage or the ability to resist! You may even become their accomplice!”


Ren Baqian directly interrupted that person and rebuked angrily, “You want to deny it? But isn’t this what you are doing now? Currently, you are using the survival of the human race as a reason to suppress dissidents. In the future, wouldn’t you allow the human race to willingly become puppets of the foreign races for the same reason? You are their accomplices!”

He continued, “However, you are lucky to have met me! You don’t need to lead such self-restrictive and self-degrading lives anymore, unlike the ones that came before you.

This will at least give you a small glimpse of hope in your life.

It will give you a chance to look at the outside world.

It will allow you to muster up the little bit of courage that you have left.

It will let you have the courage to say aloud that you are human!”

“Enough!” the old lady interrupted Ren Baqian with a slight tremble in her voice.

He was surprised to sense another feeling from them. It was fear!

Yes, it was fear.

What was she afraid of?

Afraid of Ren Baqian’s words?

Or afraid of something else?

He thought about it for a while.

Just now, the old woman looked a little strange when everyone else was excited. Although Ren Baqian was seated too far away to see what was contained within her expression, he could see that she looked different from the others.

“How can you prove that everything you said is true and not nonsense? Prove it first and then we’ll talk about the rest!” she exclaimed.

With this remark, the hall fell silent again.

Everyone’s eyes were on Ren Baqian.

Most of them believed him because fabricated words were bound to have various loopholes, but there were none in what he said.

Ren Baqian’s descriptions were too detailed and realistic. They were so authentic that everyone could almost see and feel them. Everyone could feel the entire human race unite with their hearts intertwined while striving for the same goal, forging forward with their lives on the line, and fighting bloody battles.

The only thing on everyone’s mind was: For humankind!

His story was so infectious that they couldn’t imagine that he was lying.

Alternatively, it could be said that they were unwilling to believe that his tale was false.

As Ren Baqian said, this was their chance.

However, at this time, everyone was silent as they waited to see him produce evidence.

Some of them had a flicker in their eyes and had made up their minds to keep him even if he couldn’t provide proof at the moment.

“Evidence… Do you really think that you have captured me?” Ren Baqian suddenly smiled. “I initially wanted to find the culprit behind the scenes. Now, I just want to talk to you and let you understand that you are unknowingly on the wrong path.

I must say that I’m actually very kind-hearted. I’m actually still trying to save you even after seeing how degraded you are as people of the human race.

Now, since you want to see evidence, do you remember the quantum transmission technology that I mentioned before?

This is one of the techniques that we learned from the Protoss.

First, you need to understand what quantum means…

Everything in this world is composed of tiny particles, ranging from mountains to small drops of water. They are all made up of countless minute particles.

Each of us is also composed of these tiny particles.”

Everyone nodded slightly. In fact, they had already understood what Ren Baqian said, but they couldn’t express it as clearly as he did.

“These tiny particles are actually composed of smaller particles known as atoms, electrons, photons, etc. ‘Quantum’ is the collective name for these subatomic particles.

Quantum transmission is the transmission of quantum from one point to another.

Remember what I said just now, that we are also made up of small particles?”

“What do you mean…?” Everyone pondered over what Ren Baqian said. Although they didn’t understand the specifics, they understood what he meant!

Everyone was startled.

“This technology currently has a bit of a flaw. It takes a few hours to recover after one transmission before it can be performed again! Also, don’t come near me. I don’t want to transmit a part of your body elsewhere. I don’t think you would want to try having half of your body suddenly appear at the other end of the world.” Ren Baqian chuckled.

As he spoke, the air around him started to ripple, and the crowd watched him disappear.

“He’s not in the hall,” someone said, looking astonished.

Wen Xiaosheng bowed and rushed out of the hall.

10 minutes later, he returned with a shocked expression on his face and reported, “He isn’t within a five kilometer radius of here.”

He had always thought that Ren Baqian’s life was in his hands. It wasn’t just him—everyone in the hall thought this way.

However, at present, everyone discovered that Ren Baqian actually did what he said he would and simply wanted to talk to them.

The entire hall was silent, and their faces could no longer remain calm.

Over the past 100 years, the moods of these people hadn’t fluctuated as much as they had today.

Ren Baqian truly came from the outside world.

What he said was actually true.

Would he still come back?

“He said that it would take a few hours to recover before he could transmit again. Let’s wait here for a while. We should also discuss what we should do in the future!” said the gentle voice of an old man. The speaker was Zong Shang, one of the deputy temple chiefs.

“What else is there to discuss?” the burly man from before sneered.

“Temple chief, what do you think?” Zong Shang looked at the old lady with a smile and wasn’t bothered by this man.

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