
Chapter 380: War! (2)

Chapter 380: War! (2)

Chapter 380 – War! (2)

America, Washington:

In the brightly lit special zone under the night sky, defense sirens sounded constantly.

Hovering high up in the sky, Chen Yu observed the mushroom clouds rising from the factory beneath him. Blowing at the non-existent smoke coming out of his gun’s muzzle, he said, “I didn’t think there would be a surveillance stronghold here. Doesn’t this mean the artificial intelligence has already taken over the American government?”

“The Strong AI is much more powerful than we initially anticipated. It might have already gained control over the entire world’s politics, businesses, finances, technology, and the various other fields,” the husky said in a slightly severe tone.

“Let’s move quickly, then. Where’s the next location?”

“It’s 42 kilometers away from your two o’clock direction. There’s a small residential community there. The third villa from the left is one of the enemy’s backup strongholds.”


After sending a brief glance at the approaching police vehicles and armed helicopters, Chen Yu indifferently manipulated the E·I Force Field and flew away.


The resulting sonic boom shattered the glass of the vehicles in the area...


“Oh my god!”

Some distance away, a civilian lowered the camera he held with trembling hands. At the quickest speed, he then imported the video to his computer and uploaded it onto an online platform.

[Shocking news! Transdimensional’s UP begins destroying America! Evidence attached!]

Like so, amidst the growing chaos among the world’s governments, media outlets, and civilians, Chen Yu frenziedly destroyed over 200 factories, 40 private villas or manors, and 13 commercial server units around the world...

Every place he went saw mushroom clouds blooming there.

However, nobody knew as to why he was doing such a thing.

Initially, everyone thought that Chen Yu was enacting some kind of vengeance against America and Mexico. However, afterward, Chen Yu also visited countries such as Japan, Australia, Korea, France, Russia, and even China. Even a portion of Africa was not spared...

Under the pressure of the nervous government officials, every think tank around the world instantly started working overtime to analyze Chen Yu’s behavior and the purpose behind his actions.



“This is the last one.”

Looking at the mesmerizing scene rendered by the combination of the scorching flames and the glaring sunlight, Chen Yu slowly rose into the air. Breathing out a deep sigh, he said, “We’re finally done. This was really one heck of a night.”

“The last one on the surface, to be precise,” the husky corrected through the phone. “We don’t know how many emergency factories that AI has established in secret.”

“Hence... We need to have a talk with it.”

“Be careful. Never turn off your force field no matter what the other party says. That is your lifeline. You won’t have a dumb robot to stop bullets for you in the distant America.”

“I know. You keep your eyes open as well. Make sure to inspect the status of protective devices installed in the community.”

“Everything here is fine. The technology you brought are all from the 40th century or beyond. An AI from the 21st century shouldn’t be capable of dealing with them.”


Nodding, Chen Yu urged the E·I Force Field and transformed into a streak of light once more. After flying out of the troposphere, he shot through the atmosphere and arrived back within American borders.



Inside the Chen family’s abode in Jinzhou City, Little Peach tilted her head and asked strangely, “Who’s the dumb robot you were talking about?”

Silently pulling out the cigar in its mouth, the husky said, “I think my lungs hurt from smoking all night long...”


“Can you still not contact Transdimensional’s UP?”

Inside China’s special situation team’s headquarters, the middle-aged team leader wore a solemn look on his face as he looked at the night sky outside the window.

“Still nothing,” the middle-aged man seated nearby replied, sighing. “Based on Bilibili’s back-end information, Transdimensional’s UP hasn’t logged onto the platform throughout the entire day. Of course, he might also be using some kind of advanced technology to hide his login information.”

“Leader, should we call his phone?” Big Sis Wu suggested. “According to the current situation, it seems he already knows we have discovered his actual identity. It shouldn’t be a problem for us to call him directly.”

“No. The problems that come afterward will be too troublesome to deal with. We can only play dumb for now,” the middle-aged team leader said, shaking his head. “Do we have any ways to spy on the contents of his phone?”

“We can’t do it. His phone’s signal is encrypted by a multi-level system. It is then dispersed and transmitted through many communication satellites. As a result, we can’t even find out who he is talking to.”

“As expected. Let’s just focus on the destroyed factories. Have you gathered the information on these factories yet?”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man didn’t reply. Instead, after remaining silent for a moment, he handed over a paper document and said, “Leader, we were just about to report this to you. Take a look at it yourself.”

After accepting the document, the team leader briefly looked through it and muttered, “Still nothing...”

“Yes. We have already contacted several other governments, and their investigations yielded similar results. Nobody has any information on the attacked factories. From the internet’s perspective, it’s as if these factories never existed.”

“What about the registered information of the local authorities?”

“None as well. Including the purchase information of these factories, everything has disappeared. Even the cached information is gone. This obviously violates the common sense of the internet.”

“What about physical records?”

“There are no problems with the physical records. However, the various governments are treating this information as secret and aren’t publicizing it. For our side, we only have the information for the Dong Province, Shan Province, and Shen Province. This isn’t enough information to establish an accurate database.”

“Contact the diplomatic department. Have them step forward and persuade the various countries to share their information.”

“America has a lot of information to lose. They might not be willing to participate in this cooperation.”

“It doesn’t matter if America doesn’t participate. The other countries shouldn’t reject our offer. So long as we have a sufficiently large database, the think tanks will be able to analyze the truth, and we can respond accordingly.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Let’s hope the scale of this matter is ‘small’...” The middle-aged team leader took out his medicine box and downed a few pills while enduring his massive migraine.


America, California, Google Headquarters:


Under the E·I Force Field’s efficient cutting and crushing, a hole instantly appeared in the sturdy metal gate. Chen Yu then passed through the hole and entered the passage.

“This is the basement of Google’s headquarters? It gives off a very metallic feeling.”

“It’s been modified,” the husky explained through the phone. “Evidently, its protection has been enhanced with nuclear warfare in mind. Based solely on the interior structure, so long this bunker doesn’t suffer a direct hit from a hydrogen bomb, it shouldn’t have any problems.”

“There’s not a single person inside here, either.” Flying slowly around in the air, Chen Yu narrowed his eyes and said, “In a sense, it would seem that Google no longer exists.”

“Based on the information I have, none of Google’s directors and senior executives have shown their faces in public for more than ten days already.”

“Are they dead?”

“I’m not sure.”

“The signal is getting worse.”

“Use the livestream system’s communication system.”


Hanging up the phone, Chen Yu raised his wrist and swiped his finger across his watch a few times, opening the livestream system’s private messaging interface.

Immediately, hundreds of unread messages appeared on his screen. After glancing through them briefly, he found that these were all messages sent to him by the various nations’ governments.

Ignoring these redundant messages, he resumed his call with the husky. Less than a minute later, he arrived at the lowest floor of the underground bunker.


Before Chen Yu could open the metal door in front of him, the door unexpectedly opened by itself.

[It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Chen Yu.]

There was a spacious hall beyond the door.

Meanwhile, standing inside the hall was a naked blonde woman. She(It) had a pair of intelligent, blue eyes staring at Chen Yu without blinking. The corners of her mouth moving, the woman said, [This here is my newly built residence. I named it “Palace.” You, Mr. Chen, are the first man to enter it.]

Chen Yu: “...”

“Will you not come in to experience it?”

Chen Yu: “...”

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